Wow vs FFXIV: THE END! Accolonn Reacts to Asmongold

Which is the bigger game? World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy 14?

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21 thoughts on “Wow vs FFXIV: THE END! Accolonn Reacts to Asmongold”

  1. Honestly, when i see raiders in retail…alright, i can somewhat understand why you'd still play the game for one reason or another. But when i see people who only do content like Korthia and those item upgrades and farming rares for a chance of a mount, a toy and what not – they are truly inhaling so much copium i feel dangerously intoxicated just from seeing it. Those people are literally running in a hamsterwheel for like what…3 expansions straight now? ;p Worse still, i used to be one of those people. After going back to classic/TBC, i have realized just how bad Retail is…the classic game has opened my eyes….even though i played it already 18 years ago.

  2. So funny that Asmon has got everyone reacting to this.
    I think that was the yellow line you were asking about that was very high was using "FFXIV – search term" rather than "FFXIV – online game". But the reality is most of us just search FFXIV.
    Also, not everything in FFXIV is in the game, but there aren't as many sites dedicated to explaining the game, gear, class rotation, etc and most of that is actually contained in Discord communities. Icy Veins is trying to fill this niche, but there are major gaps and they are basically just going to the Balance Discord community for this anyway.
    The search term FFXIV will not be just anything and is much more likely to be related to the game, but the search term WoW is more likely to just be anything. This is because "WoW" is actually a word in the english language while FFXIV is not a word! haha I have played both games and searched for info on both games. If search for "WoW" I get a lot of random crap, but not FFXIV – I get sites related specifically to the game on my first page and nothing else.

  3. You can do a Trends comparison between "ffxiv" and "Final Fantasy XIV (online game)" and basing the search around "ffxiv" the rating doubles. Whatever logic they are using to tie related searches together is failing for this. Unlike an acronym like "wow" which is nearly impossible to split apart (world of warships, "wow" the word itself, etc.), "ffxiv" is so unique a spelling that anybody searching that term is talking about the game specifically.

    For steamcharts, I worked out a couple months ago that Steam is roughly ~5-10% of the userbase. EW launch week made the game hit server capacity across all data centers. Peak users on Steam was 95k during this time. There are 68 servers with 9k+ server capacity, plus there were hundreds of thousands stuck in queues. So that's at least 612k users logged in, around 250-300k queued at peak. So if you've at least 950k people playing when steam has 95k, that's pretty simple math.

    I'm most likely lowballing the actual server capacity for FFXIV here. Back at HW launch they said server caps were ~7800, and they've improved/upgraded since then with SB launch, ShB launch, and again at EW launch. My guess is that actual modern server caps are well over 10k. Yoshi P's focus has generally been on growing communities on worlds and DCs, so they've tended to expand existing servers rather than put up a bunch of new ones. That's why in the eight years since HW, despite the growth of the game, they're only gone from 53 servers to 68 and yet are handling a lot more players.

  4. For comparison on player searching google between FF14 and WoW. In case of FF14 there are less stuff to search for since most of information are provided in-game.
    from my experience and of what I asked many of players in my FC and some random out there,
    Most search :
    – Raid guide/Boss mechanic… this might be the most search category for overall FF14 player including casual player because they do normal raids.

    – Skill Rotation… another most search for FF14 player for any jobs including crafter/gatherer.
    – Glamour… believe it or not. for this to be the highest search rate on par with skill rotation and boss guide.
    Average search :
    – Quest guide.. some might look for what or where to unlock something but mostly they just look for blue quest icon in game. category for most search if including Relic weapon guide.
    – Build guide… there is no build. unless you're high-end raider that you might look into BiS and materia overmelding. but that's very low amount of search compare to WoW class builds.
    – Dungeon guide… unless you really can't figure it out what that boss in that dungeon really do on mechanic. but most of people can stream roll them casually.
    Least search :
    – Lore explain… most of FF14 player wouldn't search for this unless they're skipper. or else they're looking for clarify for some specific topic.
    – Drama… there are less drama on FF14 also that people don't have those kind of stuff to search for…

    and one thing that excluded from google search but imo, should have godly damn high search rate on youtube… is "FF14 <insert expansion name here/patch number> ending reaction" along side with "<insert raid tier/place name> BGM/theme"

  5. He talked about the break out terms before, but he didn't get into them much. If you look at the breakout terms for FFXIV, you get final fantasy stuff, so that should be combined with the other Final Fantasy XIV online game search term. In all, this is a garbage way to measure anything because of all the variables that can be at play. If they would just release their numbers of players, we would know. But this method is totally unreliable to show us much of anything lol

  6. world of warcraft is being searched for more because blizzard is in the news a lot right now… also that's just people just googling things, not the popularity of the game…

  7. bruh u gotto google FF 20 times only to make an account and figure out how to download this chinaman creepfest. Miss me with this creeepy weeb shit sone, the game is shit, even for a single player game its just stories, might as well be watching one of those creepy manga movies.
    You gotto curb your love for FF, i know you make money and content off of it, but it is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from being a good MMO or good RPG or impactful for the genre in general.

  8. There is also video evidence contrary to this as well. Captain Grim, recorded in lulu youtube channel, shows him having issues getting into Gridania. The reason for this was that Gridania got quickly congested once the game was available for sale again.

  9. More than what gets shown by the trends I tend to judge the hype and success around games by feel. You can sort of just naturally feel when there's a game that's popping off. I hadn't played an mmo in years but ended up starting 14 because of Asmon and Accolon and Belular and Preach and… etc. The hype was massive. (I'm just barely past ARR like Accolon because I got addicted to crafting lol.)

  10. 1:42:50 Case in point to strengthen your argument: Pretty much everyone that played Overwatch agree that things started going downhill when Blizzard started aiming patch notes to make Overwatch League more interesting to watch than making Overwatch itself more fun to play. The players will disagree on what exactly is the patch note that cater to which group, but basically everyone will say something on the lines of "I hate this change, because it only affect OWL players, and now ladder is a mess because of it".

    Once the "dumb mid-rank players" stopped playing Overwatch because it no longer was fun, guess what happened to OWL viewership numbers?


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