World of Warcraft is in a bad place, Final Fantasy XIV is in a great place, so Asmongold invites Zepla to Allcraft, and Rurikhan watches the highlights while providing some insight on his experience of WoW and FFXIV.
Check out Zepla:
Check out Asmongold:
LOL Rurik! YOu still doing streams?:D Nice that you have about 20k views now. I remember when you had about 200 🙂
Btw you should recognize my name 😉
I miss having books inside new game cases.
caught a glimpse of this toxic gate keeping turdnugget in your chat,
ZethisVA: I really hope Asmon doesn't like FF14 and stays in WoW
Ok… Primals Band… that's a discovery….
there is NO mass exodus to the game. People DO NOT HAVE A MIND OF THEIR OWN and they all want to do it because ASMONGOLD left and took over 200k people with him. People are leaving because streamers are leaving wow because ASMONGOLD left and they all think it will get them more subs, more followers etc. I'm glad people are going to FF14 and enjoying it but get a damned brain of your own and make your own choices NOT JUST because a popular streamer or a couple is doing it.
one of the best Allcraft episodes. Zepla fits in perfectly with them. <3
Just recently got into FFXIV coming from wow. I was hesitant, but if you give it a fair shake it's actually a really good game. It's got me feeling excited for a MMO again. There is just so much stuff to do in the game.
I love how Asmon called the panderans like a gateway drug to prepare Zepla for the "FF14 'furry party.""
There is literally ONE actual "furry race" in FF14 and there are, let's see from oldest to newest… Tauren (cows), Draenai (maybe a goat like person?), worgen (dogs), PANDERANS… even without the Draenai, there are three times the furries in WoW. But you know what I don't knock that, WoW has always had a HUGE variety of races.
I'll be honest in FF14 I'm torn. I don't want to have multiple characters, but main main is a cat girl, because, I'll be real, they hot. But I want a character to represent ME. So I have two. But the cat girl is so much further along it's tough.
wow classic is the epitome of a shit sandwich grind.
'I cant stand Asmon at all and I dont want him to bring his cesspool of a chat into a game I love' ZethisVa seems like the kind of player that can point toxicity on others but cant reconize in himself, guess Asmon showed everyone who really is the toxic asswipe !
Asmon: " I would like to see WoW have, like, an apocalypse event and just wipe the slate clean and remove all of that stuff." Me: They did, it was classic. Now look at it.
To be fair. I tried FF14 before and did not convince me. But It was thanks to Ruri that I gave it a second try. Now I'm in love with it.
The time she talks about wow reminds me of the forst time I got ragnarok online, I bought a magazine that had the installer for episode3 war of empirium hehehe I was reading the magazine and manual while eating and the whole way home hahha
He's probably just hyping it so that people would watch and anticipate his "first" time playing FFIV.
You don’t need to know about any final fantasy stuff but the fan service if you do is wild
When people talk about WoW now it almost always sounds like they are talking about an abusive relationship with a drug addicted ex, get over it people, the WoW you loved is no longer there, it's gone.
Everyone claiming they think the cat girls are some kind of fetish… Don't get me started on the Night Elf obsession RP stuff.
Ahh the manuals!
I got a Commodore 64 from relatives and I was to dumb to try to use anything else than the joystick. Man trying to figure out ftom the manual why a game doesn't run properly and meanwhile I did not speak in english.. man figuring this out based on only pictures… those good old times when I had 6 hours to learn how even start a game and I felt at the end I was happy.
Today if I'm not entertained after 5 minutes I refund the game.
Holy shit dude, when you started talking about reading the game manual be street light, I was laughing so hard.
Me too, Me too.
7:30 I just want to point out if people have this question in the back of their head that's causing them to hesitate on trying FFXIV. No, you don't. The only FFs as far as I know that expand past one game, or are in other forms of media(Movie, TV show, etc), or have more than one game in relation are 7(Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, Advent Children, Before Crisis), 10(FF10-2), 13(FF13-2, Lightning Returns), and 15(Kingsglaive, Brotherhood). A lot of FFs are set in their own universes, with their own start, middle, and end, and that being the game itself, for example, 7 has no relation to 8, 14 has no relation to 15. You are perfectly fine going into FFXIV with no prior FF knowledge at all.
She even wiggles her eyebrows like him.
Half the point of getting amazing, rare and difficult to get gear is to show it to others.
People tend to say that's vain or petty, but it's part of how humans tick. That desire to be seen as worthy, productive and capable.
One of the problems in WoW is that they started giving in to the participation trophy syndrome. They want every player to feel special so they give out trophies to everyone without realizing that, if everybody is super, nobody will be.