WoW Versus FFXIV! Uncovering lore is rewarded by Square Enix!
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As for the graphics, I found out that the ARR areas are the most poorly optimized areas. We had given my mom an upgrade for her computer and she gets more fps in the newest expansion’s hub than in ANY ARR area.
FFXIV has a ton of engine struggles since it's built on the corpse of 1.0. Look at any interview with Yoshida and he will talk about engine limitations and tech struggles every time.
The scaling issues are in fact due to the game being tied to console. IF and when XIV decides to cut consoles out the game's graphics could in effect just be on par with any AAA title on the market. PS5 even though its compared to a PC, its tech is equivalent to PC's back in 2015 not 2021.
How long as the FF franchise been around? 1987. WoW cannot hold a candle to that. With luck they'll retire with Shadowlands and stop beating a dead horse. (Any decent lore died with Metzen, Ghostcrawler, etc when they moved on from the corporation)
I know I'm late to the comments, but I've heard yall say the glamour dresser is a problem due to having limited slots. This is actually not a problem at all. If they had the glamour system like wow has, then that would lower the quality of all Craftmade/tradeable items to not be worth as much. Since there is a limit, if you fill up your glamour dresser, you then have to take something out to place something else in, so in a way, unless you're still storing the item you took out in you inventory or on a retainer etc, them you would be getting rid of that item and then later possibly buying it again. Glamour system just much better in general in FFXIV in thought for crafters.
ummm hate to be the downer but ff did that way back when potd droped and there are already a large amount of dungeon lore in the runs as low as shastasha with freeing the captures wemen
belts were just stupid to begin with since they don't have any appearance, even rings and earrings have an appearance on your character and are really cool, belts are just invisible.
The final cutscene for Ysera in Legion actually got to me (not as much as the main stuff in FFXIV does) but the Night elves, druids and dragons lore are my favorite parts of WoW.
The biggest difference in the lore and storytelling is FFXIV's lore and story are, mostly, all in-game, WoW's is not. FFXIV has a couple stories on the lodestone, but you don't have to go spend even more money on books to know what's actually going on.
there is also minion and mount lore if you read the descriptions in the mount and minion menus and the site seeing logs lot of addition lore details about the world
server's can only do so much, and it requires a lot of work to expand them as the community grows, and more and more items are added. removing belts, which btw have no appearance at all whereas every other slot does, is not a bad thing and is good. It makes gearing up easier, it means more slots, etc. You are not losing out on anything by them being removed besides maybe scaling issues for old content but even then that's something we won't know until we test it.
I wish I could run FFXIV on my Macbook Air M1 RELIABLY and HIGHER SETTINGS!
Dark souls lore is solely all in the items descriptions that you pick up through the game, have a friend that got me into dark souls and I wouldn’t have realized if he didn’t tell me to read all the descriptions
FF14 runs a lot of tessellation as a default, which is why it seems to make my gpu run a lot harder than normal for a MMO…
If you pay attention to the ground, notice a lot of bump mapping or even tessellated soil and ground??
Design philosophy of WoW is that the main character is the world, whereas in FFXIV YOU are the main character
For me, FF14 runs way smoother, i get fixed 144fps in raids, while in wow, i get 40-60 fps
The experience everyone goes through learning this overwhelming world makes it so that the vets appreciate the sprouts n help em along…fucj the mentors who quit on sprouts n tell ppl use party finder.
Just my opinion :
WoW = 8/10 gameplay , Lore = 5/10
FFXIV = 4/10 gameplay , Lore=8/10
Stop defending FFXIV or any other company with a game this big by saying they do not have the money to solve issues or even if they make a brand new engine would be a fraction of the huge profits it gained. It has one of the worst net-code /servers, waay behind many MMORPGs that creates a huge number of issues. This and the locked animations sliding towards a target that I am not facing anymore ruined it for me eventually. Here are some examples before you go all ham on me.. +
honestly would be cool that you already get to lv 80 en FF and you can start speaking for yourself knowing the content and the activities there is to do in the game.
So far everything is a speculation or whatever Matt thinks. Duty roulette and bozja are not the funniest thing to do during your day.
No MMO rules forever, my son.
you've made this video already.,
Bell, you can't really be comparing gameplay on a Macbook… do you want to lose all credibility?
WoW used to have something that was special and important and until I played Final Fantasy Online, I couldn't put my finger on precisely what felt wrong about current WoW. Final Fantasy Online is fun as in the game really seems to not take itself too seriously, there is a campy fun side to balance all the heavy subjects the game handles. WoW used to have this big time, and its missing. In early WoW you had a ton of hilarious and campy things embedded into the game. Like peeps who were actually original players know what I am talking about, at least the Horde side ones. William Shatner is likely the secret king of all Trolls. I mean that when he was playing and promoting the game with his adds the running joke in game was that he was a Holy Cow and it was a Troll on Hindu religion tropes about them worshipping cows lol (they obviously don't). I know from trying the Alliance side they also Trolled the heck out of the Rambo movies for like the entire Red Ridge Zone lol. They had heavy stuff but it was always done with a bit of humor underneath. You could find all kinds of crazy stuff that players were doing that had nothing to do with the core game, from hookers to griefers it was a bit of a wild west, all that campy crazy stuff is mostly dead in retail last I was there. FF on the other hand is brimming to over flowing with serious content and absurd content at the same time and it works together so well. I had a great time in WoW and just count myself as lucky to have been there early and enjoyed it for more than a decade. But when the last of the Old Developers left I did too. Its like being a fan of a band then they change all them members of the band, sure you can still like the Current one but it will always be in the shadow of the first.
The glamour dresser thing in FF it’s a huge problem because with all the jobs it’s impossible to save enough items. I like to have several different glamour option for each class but I find it increasingly hard to do that over eight or nine classes
Lmao, I'm like Bellular when I'm thinking of saying something important and when I actually say it I sound like Matt.
Dabog really was a big eye opener for me.
Doing all the fates, finding the notes and reading them while waiting for other ones to spawn, learning his story. Then experiencing the fates. The last one really had me physically go "NO". And it was just a simple Fate. The power that 14 has with that is insane to me
Just moved to FFXIV from WoW and I'm in mid Heavensward (first FFXIV expansion)
Lore: FFXIV >>>>> WoW (current WoW), it is not even an opinion, it's a fact. That's like 2+2=4. WoW is not even close. Early ARR and patches 2.1/2.2 were boring asf for me but 2.4/2.5+ and especially Heavensward is getting better and better. Music, characters, cutscenes, story – everything is better. WoW is basically go kill 8 murlocs, bring 3 murloc shit.
Gameplay: FFXIV have more interesting rotations, even some really unique ones like Ninja (very fun, satisfying to master). WoW on the other hand has only braindead rotations (and I was maining unholy which some people consider 'hard' xD), very easy but noticeable faster APM.
FFXIV > WoW here for me
I must be one of the few people who was bored to tears of FF14's lore. It felt unimmerisve to me. WoW's lore is a trash fire right now, but it's had some fantastic world building over the years and several things FF14 does not; playable undead and orcs to name some of my favorite.
Love the content! I'm an old ex-XIV 1.0 thru 3.0 player and enjoyed vanilla, Classic WoW. Cool to see a bunch of new players take on XIV. I've always said XIV is a more polished & perfected theme park MMO compared to WoW. I also prefer the cleaner "anime" look of FF games. Also, get a mouse to use with your tablet, Bel. =P
The thing with FFXIV is, at its core its still a hacked-together version of 1.0 Spaghetti code from the days of the PS3 They have done an awesome job updating it and making it do what they want. But eventually, they WILL have to re-do it. It is the reason why so many things are impossible due to "technical difficulties"
Oh and the Nier content in FFXIV is cannon. Yoko said so himself.
I think blizzard should just update the wow engine
Ya distracted me with "sand of amber" oh man…… this is what seals the deal for me….. the music.
Blizzard just need to make WoW 2 already so we can have a modern engine, and let then people port over characters from WoW, but sadly most likely Activision-Blizzard just want to keep milking current engine for years to come so they can have bigger CEO and shareholder paydays.
imagine when he finds out that ff14 has no set bonuses and gear is just an item with stats and thats it, no flavour at all.
How long can we milk this FFXIV vs. WoW fad?
Is Bellular is playing FFXIV? I haven't heard him give an update as to where he is in the game in awhile now.
Lol they’re listening to sands of amber from Shadowbringers expansion in the background. They already know the good stuff.
part of the invo problem is that more information is stored on gear. spiritbond, slotted materia, dye's. also you cant store relic with custom stats.