From playing both XIV and WoW I think I like the way XIV does the dungeon stuff more, bosses are like a dance with mechanics and a death feels like you’re ruining the entire choreography.
From playing both to max content I believe ffxiv does the initial feel to the dungeons better, whereas for replayability wow does it much better.
Also the way ffxiv takes your abilities away and sync's your item level at max content feels very bad, whereas wow has no restrictions.
Overall, wow embraces the power increase feel and accessibility to play with your friends whereas ffxiv doesn't. They have a huge impact on the initial feel to the dungeon but after that it falls very short. In my opinion wow does dungeons a lot better with their accessibility and replayability. Also I forgot to mention at launch wow has a lot more dungeon content to play. My winner is wow.
I’ve played both. Wow does dungeons better. Spec swapping. The extra dps slims down the que times. Being able to swap healer to a dps spec if your tank is very good is an awesome thing. Though FF14 has the option to do some dungeons with NPCs
if I may offer a suggestion: Sastasha versus whatisname -in-wow seem really good but as a short time planning, maybe skip tam-tara & copperhell and go to a significant iteration like toto-rak ("new" mechs) or brayflox (first job dungeon). Or see what's the next significant low level dungeon in wow and find a equivalent in xiv
Overall, yeah elements from WoW's dungeons are better – but FFXIV does dungeon bosses WAAAAY better. Some FFXIV dungeon bosses have more mechanics than WoW raid bosses lol
Just need FFXIV to introduce like a rift/mythic system for their dungeons to give the replayability
What we need in FF14 is a dungeon difficulty slider. Many of us don't feel the need to be deeply challenged by dungeons that we have to complete for progression in the story, so we should be able to select whether we want to wipe a few times or get shamed by others or we just want to experience the mechanics at a manageable level so we can complete. I don't even care if lowering the slider means the gear won't drop–I just want to be able to experience the story without undue pressure to perform at an elite level.
Was wondering why you looked familiar. I watch Work to Game channel too. I play both games and main a Tank in both as well being new to FF. I’m only at lvl 40 so far 2 weeks as new player in to FF14. I’m enjoying the game and story. I did sync for a lower dungeon 1 time so far. It screwed up my mental rotation that I didn’t quite know this one button I was hitting wasn’t even working till halfway through dungeon. That’s not really cool. Dungeons are short in FF coming from WoW.
just to add up that when doing duty finder or party finder in FF14 the game will tend to match you up with people with same preferred language (which can be changed in settings. your profile also shown main language of your game client). this also avoid problem of language barrier you might encounter even if you play in foreign data center.
I understand that level synced in FF14 felt pretty bad for veteran lv80 player but it's there to prevent sprout players from too-fast-big-pull dungeon run that could ruins their initial game experience. also even it's not god mode, as tank you can still big pull from start to end of Satasha even after item level got synced anyway.
Obviously wow wins this. Ff14 has awesome dungeon bosses and amazing art/music but every dungeon goes as follows-> I pull to door/boss and pop cds. As war i dont need healing, other tanks I kinda need healing. Everyone aoe cleaves the mobs down.
I'm wow I have mythics…so I have to pay attention to weekly affix. Pay attention to what needs kicking and it's a methodical process.
Well I'm kinda interested in where this is going, so I finally decided to subscribe. To me personally what I like a lot about FF dungeons aren't really the dungeons themselves, but the attitude the game has for them. All of them have an unlock quest to make sure you know why you are there and care about what's going on. Plus while in WoW all the different difficulties for PvE content do is push the numbers up and add a few abilities. At most a new boss. While in Final Fantasy XIV hard mode dungeons continue the story of the normal mode and have a completely new layout with totally different bosses. Of course this doesn't really affect you when you are running older dungeons, but you can still get tomestones, orchestrion roles, triple triad cards, pets and mounts out of them. Or fill up your challenge log. or your Wondrous Tails journal.
One of my favorite dungeons is Halatali because of their boss design. The first boss is a giant fire sprite that doesn't do much but Simmons lines of smaller sprites that match toward a fire in the Center of the arena and cause AoE blasts on the party so you kind of have to split your DPS by taking care of adds or just focus on the boss and hope the healer can keep up.
Then the second boss will periodically become invincible and electrify the water in the middle of the arena until you defeat the electric sprites.
Finally the third boss is a combination of the 2 where they will become invincible and ignite the ground around them while you defeat medium fire sprites and lines of small sprites that will explode after reaching the boss.
While they're not super amazing mechanics it's still great to be able to see progression and consistency throughout the dungeon.
6 healers 😛 , Holy priest,Disco priest,Holy Paladin,Restoration Shaman,Resto Druid,Mistweaver monk. + you overstimate heirloom gear comapared to greens it is same 😛
Watching with premium! GL! My feedback is: continue to educate those who are CLUELESS about these games. I am into FFXIV but just hit 80 with 0 reading, just relying on a friend ultimate/savage player. Half of what you talk about FFXIV I understand, the other half I just try to memorize it to try and recognize in game lol and learning about WoW is great! I have friends over there too, and playing it could be a thing in the future.
ffxiv dungeons were fun the first time for the aesthetic/music. low level wow dungeons are pretty boring since you can just roll through them. if we want to talk about max level dungeons, wow takes it for me. i really believe the mythic+ system is great and ff could really learn from it (although the fans have a weird hatred for everything wow). personally I really like being able to check the party finder, find a mythic+ group and just play. ive never liked the structured nature of being in a raid group and m+ avoids that problem completely
So basically in WoW, you're bringing in a Blue Mage to a party for FF14. Having them in a party is the most broken thing I've saw and hilarious things to watch.
I think FF14 kinda dug itself into a hole by having only one healer available at low level/having such little care put into learning your class early on. There are missions for that of course, but the low level dungeons, even though it changes for each one until level 50 of course, are made absurdly easy via ilvl and stats > probably < because people manage to wipe a lot early on as they have no experience/idea/care about what's happening. And it's not that bad that they made it that easy, but the problem is it doesn't teach healers to dps early on (very limited options), and the bosses. Some, like Sastasha, are absurdly easy I realized while leveling other classes than tanks. We just skip entire mechanics so easily and are never in any sort of danger. In high level dungeon we can still do that but bosses have so much built into them that skipping one aoe cast doesn't matter, the boss still has an actual tank buster, a tail swipe, a cleave, etc
Would be nice if you put a link Somewhere
From playing both XIV and WoW I think I like the way XIV does the dungeon stuff more, bosses are like a dance with mechanics and a death feels like you’re ruining the entire choreography.
From playing both to max content I believe ffxiv does the initial feel to the dungeons better, whereas for replayability wow does it much better.
Also the way ffxiv takes your abilities away and sync's your item level at max content feels very bad, whereas wow has no restrictions.
Overall, wow embraces the power increase feel and accessibility to play with your friends whereas ffxiv doesn't. They have a huge impact on the initial feel to the dungeon but after that it falls very short. In my opinion wow does dungeons a lot better with their accessibility and replayability. Also I forgot to mention at launch wow has a lot more dungeon content to play. My winner is wow.
7:50 bless you
I’ve played both. Wow does dungeons better. Spec swapping. The extra dps slims down the que times. Being able to swap healer to a dps spec if your tank is very good is an awesome thing. Though FF14 has the option to do some dungeons with NPCs
Going on FIRE with these titles xD.
if I may offer a suggestion:
Sastasha versus whatisname -in-wow seem really good but as a short time planning, maybe skip tam-tara & copperhell and go to a significant iteration like toto-rak ("new" mechs) or brayflox (first job dungeon). Or see what's the next significant low level dungeon in wow and find a equivalent in xiv
Did I miss it somewhere, or is there a link to this stream? (Can you put it in the vid description? )
Overall, yeah elements from WoW's dungeons are better – but FFXIV does dungeon bosses WAAAAY better. Some FFXIV dungeon bosses have more mechanics than WoW raid bosses lol
Just need FFXIV to introduce like a rift/mythic system for their dungeons to give the replayability
What we need in FF14 is a dungeon difficulty slider. Many of us don't feel the need to be deeply challenged by dungeons that we have to complete for progression in the story, so we should be able to select whether we want to wipe a few times or get shamed by others or we just want to experience the mechanics at a manageable level so we can complete. I don't even care if lowering the slider means the gear won't drop–I just want to be able to experience the story without undue pressure to perform at an elite level.
Was wondering why you looked familiar. I watch Work to Game channel too. I play both games and main a Tank in both as well being new to FF. I’m only at lvl 40 so far 2 weeks as new player in to FF14. I’m enjoying the game and story. I did sync for a lower dungeon 1 time so far. It screwed up my mental rotation that I didn’t quite know this one button I was hitting wasn’t even working till halfway through dungeon. That’s not really cool. Dungeons are short in FF coming from WoW.
just to add up that when doing duty finder or party finder in FF14
the game will tend to match you up with people with same preferred language (which can be changed in settings. your profile also shown main language of your game client). this also avoid problem of language barrier you might encounter even if you play in foreign data center.
I understand that level synced in FF14 felt pretty bad for veteran lv80 player but it's there to prevent sprout players from too-fast-big-pull dungeon run that could ruins their initial game experience.
also even it's not god mode, as tank you can still big pull from start to end of Satasha even after item level got synced anyway.
Also wanted to say this is a cool and unique channel play idea.
Obviously wow wins this. Ff14 has awesome dungeon bosses and amazing art/music but every dungeon goes as follows-> I pull to door/boss and pop cds. As war i dont need healing, other tanks I kinda need healing. Everyone aoe cleaves the mobs down.
I'm wow I have mythics…so I have to pay attention to weekly affix. Pay attention to what needs kicking and it's a methodical process.
Well I'm kinda interested in where this is going, so I finally decided to subscribe. To me personally what I like a lot about FF dungeons aren't really the dungeons themselves, but the attitude the game has for them. All of them have an unlock quest to make sure you know why you are there and care about what's going on. Plus while in WoW all the different difficulties for PvE content do is push the numbers up and add a few abilities. At most a new boss. While in Final Fantasy XIV hard mode dungeons continue the story of the normal mode and have a completely new layout with totally different bosses.
Of course this doesn't really affect you when you are running older dungeons, but you can still get tomestones, orchestrion roles, triple triad cards, pets and mounts out of them. Or fill up your challenge log. or your Wondrous Tails journal.
Kind of as a Spoiler I guess for an FF14 dungeon.
One of my favorite dungeons is Halatali because of their boss design. The first boss is a giant fire sprite that doesn't do much but Simmons lines of smaller sprites that match toward a fire in the Center of the arena and cause AoE blasts on the party so you kind of have to split your DPS by taking care of adds or just focus on the boss and hope the healer can keep up.
Then the second boss will periodically become invincible and electrify the water in the middle of the arena until you defeat the electric sprites.
Finally the third boss is a combination of the 2 where they will become invincible and ignite the ground around them while you defeat medium fire sprites and lines of small sprites that will explode after reaching the boss.
While they're not super amazing mechanics it's still great to be able to see progression and consistency throughout the dungeon.
You should do a free trial ff14 vs Wow free trial. Might not be a big vid though
6 healers 😛 , Holy priest,Disco priest,Holy Paladin,Restoration Shaman,Resto Druid,Mistweaver monk.
+ you overstimate heirloom gear comapared to greens it is same 😛
The GCD in FFXIV isn't bad if you play as a caster class because you're casting during the GCD most of the time.
Watching with premium! GL!
My feedback is: continue to educate those who are CLUELESS about these games. I am into FFXIV but just hit 80 with 0 reading, just relying on a friend ultimate/savage player. Half of what you talk about FFXIV I understand, the other half I just try to memorize it to try and recognize in game lol and learning about WoW is great! I have friends over there too, and playing it could be a thing in the future.
ffxiv dungeons were fun the first time for the aesthetic/music. low level wow dungeons are pretty boring since you can just roll through them. if we want to talk about max level dungeons, wow takes it for me. i really believe the mythic+ system is great and ff could really learn from it (although the fans have a weird hatred for everything wow). personally I really like being able to check the party finder, find a mythic+ group and just play. ive never liked the structured nature of being in a raid group and m+ avoids that problem completely
Fyi a few 1.0 dungeons were reworked for 2.0 cutters cry and aurum vale were open world dungeons in 1.0
So basically in WoW, you're bringing in a Blue Mage to a party for FF14. Having them in a party is the most broken thing I've saw and hilarious things to watch.
Cris 7 ads in 21 minutes video? Sorry had to skip this one too.
I think FF14 kinda dug itself into a hole by having only one healer available at low level/having such little care put into learning your class early on. There are missions for that of course, but the low level dungeons, even though it changes for each one until level 50 of course, are made absurdly easy via ilvl and stats > probably < because people manage to wipe a lot early on as they have no experience/idea/care about what's happening. And it's not that bad that they made it that easy, but the problem is it doesn't teach healers to dps early on (very limited options), and the bosses. Some, like Sastasha, are absurdly easy I realized while leveling other classes than tanks. We just skip entire mechanics so easily and are never in any sort of danger. In high level dungeon we can still do that but bosses have so much built into them that skipping one aoe cast doesn't matter, the boss still has an actual tank buster, a tail swipe, a cleave, etc