WoW veteran of 16 years tries Final Fantasy 14 [part 3]

I have played WoW for 16 years and as of late i just had enough of the game for many reasons, so here we are trying out FF14 .
Again ty so much peeps for all the feedback and love, is there any other games you would like to see? pr any other content for that mater please tell me in the comments 😀
I have heard your voices guys and will make an effort to read the quest text going forward, i want the most genuine experiance possible 😀

If you wish to support me please give that like button a smash and maby even sub 😀

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I stream Sunday, Wednesday and Friday (21:00 PM- 00:00PM GMT+1), also most weekends 🙂


22 thoughts on “WoW veteran of 16 years tries Final Fantasy 14 [part 3]”

  1. youre in the Hero in Training Part of the Game. 🙂 Later on the World will respond different to you. But no Fear the Game let you always feel that you are a human beeing.

  2. More voice acting in the expansions. Voice cast changes in Heavensward

    Text in MSQ and Job Quests probably should not be skipped.

    Please focus on MSQ, Job Quests, and Blue Plus unlock quests as it is possible to burn out on regular side quests.

    Also MSQ gives the most exp in general. Job Quests will give gear for level, and from 15 onwards you will get skills from them so complete asap

    When you finish lvl 10 job quest, you can unlock other classes and professions.

    Melee classes have positional attacks that do more damage from flank and rear. Bootshine crits from the rear, for example. This is more relevant in group content where the Tank will draw aggro/emnity and position the enemy.

  3. Yeah no you missed a bit. The gear tutorial for example was explaining to you how saved gear sets and Recommended (Or BIS) gear selection works so you dont have to open & manually equip your gear every time like you've been doing. It happens when you skip stuff. Will be glad when you dont anymore 😛 lol

    Also If you Like Side quests, by all means do them. But because so much is locked behind Main story Most ppl focus on Main Quests, Class/Job quests & Unlock quests in that order. Class quests and Unlock quests are the Blue quests markers with the big Plus signs

  4. Glad you're enjoying the game – and noticing a lot of the Quality of Life things the FFXIV Devs put in for the players. 🙂
    And I know this is the last with dialogue skips, so looking forwards to your future content and how that affects your view of the story (that said… slight spoilers of what was skipped below) Although since you're playing on, you may have gotten some of it already.


    An example is the girl you met was the Sultana of Uldah, which you gathered from the fight vs. the voidsent with the "handsome stranger" – the moustached lalafell that gave you the quest Papashan – was the former knight captain of her guard, and is semi-retired – when she sneaks out he watches out for her. You'll see him around in that role from time to time, mostly in the background.

    The researcher who gave you the cookies is a kind hearted archeologist studying the ruins – the artifacts are from the people who originally built Uldah – and the mystery about their line. Not exactly important – The main thing is the starving kids are because of the massive refugee situation outside Uldah – the tents and such you find – After the cataclysm where the red moon fell – there are still lots of displaced across the world – Uldah's area was hit pretty hard and many are still starving.
    Its just a little world building, that they'll touch on more as you do more in Uldah as well. The Handsome Stranger's flashbacks are his doubts, from before – if he could have done more back then – since Uldah is "his" area to watch. He see's the sadness around more profoundly. (and yes he was a lady's man in ver 1.0)

    Again most of this you probably already got the gist of because you've gone on, but just in case – hopefully I've been vague enough as well that whats still to come in that city is still a bit of a mystery.

    Hope you're still enjoying the game (or enjoying it more) – Have Fun!

  5. Here for moral support on your journey. There are more cutscenes and they will increase as you get past your teens and with voice acting. So it’s a slow ramp up. Fear not, just relax and enjoy the story, as leveling up is playing thru it. Less combat and war as compared to WoW. I just today completed Heavensward at lvl 65 and it was a doozy of a story completion. So there is great story on your journey to enjoy in ARR – A Realm Reborn. Take your time. At about lvl 15, make sure you absolutely visit “The Smith” for Novice training.

  6. Particularly in ARR, the game is very MMO tutorial. It was designed in such a way for first time MMO players, not 16 year veterans 🙂

    That said, it is worth reading those tooltips as there will be things you aren't familar with or are implemented different here.

    Better to be told what you know again than miss something because you assumed it would be the same.

  7. As a pugilist that directional arrow is going to be insanely important. Your rotation is the most complex in the game where each ability will do max damage from different positions. Some from the rear and some from the flank(side, you'd be surprised how often people get that confused with "flanking").

  8. "Pear shaped baloon" — Wow, thats a new one o.o

    "I dont know who you are!" — Yes… yes, you dont… aaaaand you know why, I hope? XD Thing is, you can (!) enjoy the game without story, there are enough players who barely give it a cursurey look. But (!) its much more fun if you do. I think a game should pull you in into this new world, you're not sitting in a chair staring at a screen. No, you are an adventurer, a stranger exploring unknown lands, making friends, gets betrayed, get helped, becomes famous. This game makes you feel like you are part of something else other than the real world. And it does an amazing job in doing so. I think this is why so many people in FF14 (lets say about 99% of the playerbase) put so much emphasis on the story – as opposed to WoW where only 30% bother with reading, and only half of them really bother with lore and read the books. Not so FF14: "It seems to be very story driven", it is. Very much so. Everything has a story, everything is explained lorewise: your ability to teleport to those crystals, the mail delivery, glamour aka transmog… everything has a backstory. Which is why is feels so alive imo at least… As for other FF games, well, I havent played any of them, either ^^°

    FATEs are very useful for an extra level, but those single target ones can be very challending sometimes if you are alone. And yes, they are a sort of Worldquest if you want. Just more frequent and there is no limit to them. If you want to do FATEs the whole day you can do FATEs the whole day. They usually award XP and gil aka gold, and when you join a Grand Company around lvl20 (dont worry, its mandatory and part of the MSQ so you wont miss it – and its also how you get your first mount, so keep your eyes peeled) you also get Company Seals, a special currency with which you can buy armor, weapons, crafting ingredients and all sorts of useful stuff. So, doing FATEs is quite useful; but remember, the XP you get from the MSQ is insanly high, the same amount you wont get from anything else. Also on FATEs: even if you do not succeed, doesnt matter, you get a token amount of XP, gil and later seals for trying anyway. Sometimes its not your performance but the timer running out because you started late.

    And you take fall-dmg but you wont die from it as long as you are out of combat. If you are… well… pray to the Twelfe that you survive then 😉

    I wonder what you will do when you unlock the aethetician in Limsa… with one free-of-charge re-styling XD

  9. when you see a monster in the wild, if it has a blue icon, it is peaceful. Wont attack if you don't hit it. Also all mobs will ignore you if you are over 10 levels higher. 🙂

  10. Now that you have access to a stun skill. Try to use it when boss do the big aoe attack to intterupt or cancel it. It won't work on all boss but most of them are not immune to stun in ARR. In future expansion however it's no longer the case

  11. Great vid! I'm happy you are showing your journey through Eorzia!

    FFXIV didn't reinvent the wheel for a lot of their systems, but WHERE they are located in the sub menus can be difficult to locate. There are a LOT of these sub menus and finding where your feature is can be frustrating. They do tell you once, but only once.

    You seem to be focused on the XP / Level part of the game, which is important, but EVERYTHING is gated by the progression on your main story quest and your class quests (every 5 levels). It is a FF game after all.

    Good news though, at 15 you will be able to unlock the training area, the hall of the novice. While it's ridiculously easy for a MMO vet, it does give great gear and an XP boost ring (to level 30) that's BIS.

  12. if you look at the top left where the MSQ box is, right under it is going to be any job quests you may need to do or any required side content (getting a chocobo being one of them) make sure you keep that tab below your msq empty, class/job quests give you abilities all throughout the game, so if you don't do job quests you'll just be missing half your kit, they also have very good storylines themselves, dark knight being one of the most popular storylines in this game, so pay attention to them as well

  13. Just a hint. at the left upper corner of the screen is your mainstory and beneath it is a hint that you have a job quest availible.
    Also your skills. when you hit the hotkey 1 look at your number 2 there will be a circeling frame around it. this means like a combo to your first skill after hitting key 2 mostly your 3rd button ciceling so combo number 3

  14. Hello, thanks for sharing your journey! It's always fun to see how other players try things.

    I heard you mention you read comments and planned on reading more of the game dialogue going forward, but if you decide that's not your cup of tea, you can always skip cutscenes by hitting the escape key and confirming, which is much quicker than clicking through all the text/ waiting for the animations. There are also configuration settings to skip previously viewed cutscenes automatically (mostly good for dungeons).

    Also wanted to reiterate what others were saying about your actions and positional bonuses, reading your actions will tell you more. FATE bosses are generally giant hp sponges, so if you ever have a friendly tank turn up like the one earlier, it's a great opportunity to practice positionals. Holding off on your global cooldown to land a positional tends to be a damage loss in the long run though.

    In this game they don't obfuscate the values of your actions like WoW. "Potency" translates directly to damage and healing, with your stats increasing your output linearly, so all of your abilities will always be useful, even at max level. Some are more niche of course, like Leg Sweep, but even now you can use it to stun an enemy and land a rear bootshine crit while playing solo.

  15. Later in the game, some NPCs comment on how you, the god-slaying hero, spends so much time running trivial errands. Some praise you for your willingness to help anyone in need instead of being an arrogant prick, others mock you and send you on errands just to see if you'll take them. 🙂

  16. BTW, if you see a world mob with that sort of "three nested crescent" icon, that means it's a hunting log target — kill a few and you get plenty of XP. (Then they lose the icon.) Otherwise, don't kill world mobs outside of a quest/fate or if you're hunting crafting mats. XP wise, they're not worth it, and they don't drop gear.

  17. Inn Room is free after unlock, allows access to new features. Is a form of simple instanced housing, but just 1 room. New features can be unlocked for inn room as you progress.
    Every 5lvls check back with the guild for your Job/Class unlocks new skills/actions, highly important. If you see an enemy with a little orange icon above name, you need to kill it for hunt log, easier to just kill the needed number while you are out n about. Main story quests gives enough exp to earn max level if you just keep doing them. Side quests truly are optional, only if your interested in the side stories. Blue Unlock Quest are highly useful, unlock all kinds of new features, zones, dungeons, activities, ect.


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