WoW Leveling vs. FFXIV Leveling – THE DIFFERENCE IS ABSOLUTELY CRAZY – Cobrak Final Fantasy 14


WoW leveling versus Final Fantasy 14 leveling – why does one feel like a RACE while the other feels like… just the GAME!?

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45 thoughts on “WoW Leveling vs. FFXIV Leveling – THE DIFFERENCE IS ABSOLUTELY CRAZY – Cobrak Final Fantasy 14”

  1. Maybe my take on WoW leveling was a bit extreme 😁 But hey, for both FF and WoW, all I got to go on with any depth are my own experiences in each, What do YOU think separates the two games into such different camps?

  2. Just wanted to comment about Grand companies mattering! It used to matter for PvP! Because it would be your team, and you had the option to manually turn on "free agent". Now, everyone is a free agent by default, which means randomly assigned to a grand company in PvP. PvP in FFXIV doesn't get much love from the PvE community but I find it to be really fun and the PvP community to be absolutely fantastic.

  3. ffxiv mmo part is all about cooperation, so there’s not really a reason to compete with each other we all get the same gears in the end. and there are so many things to do in the end game that won’t get old through time. like my end game is just afk in the city and i’m happy XD.
    and the fact that msqs are required to unlock almost everything in the game made the story inevitable, and it gives the most exp too so no grinding needed. made it feels more chill imo.

  4. yeah i really would like wow to be less endgame centric and have more "side" content to do. put more story delivered while leveling, more immersion and more stuff to do after and before max level. not only bg, dun, raid… they are not using the "world" in world of wacraft to its potential. very linear exp… in contrast to ffxiv that really do feels like a living virtual world. you can go to the casino, do dungeons, raids, work on your house, go and hunt bosses just cuz it is fun, etc. i like both games for what they have. i just wish wow team understand the they cannot reinvent the wheel and learn from ffxiv about what it is doing right.

    great vid btw.

  5. I still find myself struggling with the wow mindset. I push myself through content so fast, and skip some cuts cutscenes. (Mainly because some if the characters annoy the p8ss outta me) but I also wanna see level 80. I know that I'm not racing anyone. But my 1st character I always seem to rush to max level. Then when I know what's waiting for me I can level alts slower. Or in this case new jobs since I won't have to go through all the main scenario quest chain again. It's just job specific quests or side quests etc.

    You may be right about the 300 hour mark.
    I say that cause I've put in just over 3 weeks. I'm 75 now and my sprout icon is gone. Which apparently requires you to be both lvl 70+ and have put in 167 hours or something if I recall.

    But I agree, there's sooo much content. Too much sometimes it feels like. Especially in the 50+ range with hunting down aether currents so you can fly in a zone. That's more that a little bit of a pain in the arse.

    But I like the flavour in the raids and dungeons. They're silly and fun. Super flashy, the music is great. Kinda overwhelming at first with so much going on though. But you also get to a point where you can run dungeons with npcs instead of other players in case you're looking for more of a personal challenge.

    Oh, and they have torghast. But they introduced theirs in 2016 😉

    Look for "Palace of the Dead" and "Heaven on High".
    You can do them solo or with a party like lfg. You can also use those to fill in gaps in xp to the next level if you run out of quests (cause you did then already on another class/job) and you don't wanna grind out fates.

    Glad to see you're still enjoying it though man 🙂 that's awesome

  6. Yea totaly a FF14 player now who plays as your described your WoW experience being. When I cutscene pops I can't hit that ESC key fast enough haha. That being said finally getting PvP content que pops and it is a blast. But hectic since abilities and even Job play is different, but hey if you want more content there is a ton to check out there as well. Still consider my self a PvP or GTFO player, so one thing I wish FF14 had would be World PvP that is more PK style based then faction based, and possibly has level restrictions. Or some crazy thing that scales the players in combat to the highest level players stats/abilities. However, like I said total different play style for jobs in pvp so would definitely take some work for world PvP.

  7. FFXIV strongly encourages all players to enjoy the story each time an expansion base pack launches. All the raids are locked for two weeks to allow people to experience the MSQ, level up an alt job or two (or the new ones), gear out ahead of time, do some gathering and crafting, and just enjoy the game. Then, two weeks later, the Normal Mode of the raid launches and people enjoy it while continuing their leveling and catchup. Then a full month after expansion launch, the ACTUAL Savage Raid launches. Setting up the raid release this way incentivizes players to just enjoy the product and the story in its entirety without feeling the need to skip everything.

  8. If you haven't heard of it you should try Palace of the Dead for lvling Alt DPS jobs. Its a Roguelike dungeon system with separate leveling and gear progression and theres no 1 tank 1 healer and 2 dps restriction so queue times are fast for everyone.

    Its the best way to get Alts to 60 since you dont need to worry about gear and queue times.

  9. what killed it for me trying to play FF … when i was shooting a arrow at a mob and saw if you are not even facing the enemy … your arrow still hit the target … i thought that was kinda ridiculous

  10. Leveling WoW vs Final-Fantasy.
    WoW: takes me 6hours to reach max-level in cataclysm. (tank leveling till 10with quests after that dungeons till Max)
    FF14 : Literally took me 2weeks of Main-story-quest grinding.

  11. Wow > FF14
    FF14 you must follow the MSQ, after doing it 2 times to level 80,
    I hate the MSQ with a passion, its boring and tedious.
    WOW gives you more freedom on how to get xp. End of ARR should be deleted, idk how many quests you get that only grant 4800 xp and you cant skip them. Some of the quests at the end of ARR are dungeon quests. So you have to suffer waiting for dungeons ques to pop. You cant skip of course. Mandatory bs. If you miss a que , you get a penalty. Dps ques are not the fastest like every other mmo. WOW far from best mmo and so is FF14. WoW community is toxic and immature. FF14 community is passive aggressive which is worse.

  12. In XIV, there's some of this "gotta get there ASAP" as well, but from my experience, that only really maters if you're puging content. When a new Extreme trial releases, you don't want to be left behind on the first clear… Why? This may sound bad but it's what I observed. All the good players are getting their clears fast, so if yo utake your time, by the time you get to it, you'll be stuck in Party Finder for much longer, trying to get the first clear, because all the badasses are already farming the fight.
    This matters very little when you have a static and you all go there together whenever as you already know what yo ucan expect from the people.
    And of course there are hardcore raiders competing for world first, but here's the thing. They only release the new raid content with new expansion ~14 days after launch so that nobody feels rushed to get there, which is awesome, because even the hardcore raiders can still care about the story and take their time, especially when a new expansion drops.

  13. Whenever a new expansion hits FFXIV, they don't even release the endgame content until at least a couple of weeks after launch. This is to give players the chance to enjoy the story before getting down to the grind.

  14. The comment about the grand company isn't quite accurate or at least it used to not be that way. Each grand company supports certain jobs in FFXIV. Back in ARR, the gear that came from the grand companies was decent to level in or gear with. Today; however, that isn't the case because the gear is out leveled so quickly that it's mostly glamor now. I know during ARR I changed my grand company at least once because of the classes I was playing and the gear available at the time.

  15. 80%+ of WoW's community didn't play it so competitively. Wow was just as much about the journey, you just fucked your own experience just like the new devs fucked the game. The zones were gorgeous, had many memorable quest chains and stories going on, the world felt so connected. Final Fantasy has a direct, linear story to follow. WoW has many storylines going on at the same time in many different areas in the world that you have to go around to and learn.

  16. I think one of my biggest issues with really getting completely absorbed into my character is the same reason I lost it for modern WoW. I really dislike the trope crap of being this ultimate warrior god. FFXIV it's literally the story and WoW slowly evolved into your character just being known as the savior, it's just really weak and doesn't work in MMO's, theres millions of "warriors of light" then, we aren't that special but we are constantly told that. Just let me be the little guy, joining together with all the other little guys to make real impact.

    "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future”" – J.R.R. Tolkien

  17. As a ff14 only player, i have to ask a question? As much as you loved the gotta get it done asap lets brute force it mentality of wow, do you feel like a bit of burden is lifted playing ff14? Do you miss the intensity of wow more, or enjoy the play at your pace aspect of ff14 more?

  18. As someone that's played FFXIV since the very beginning I can confirm one of the most, if not THE most, important thing to keep in mind if you are thinking about playing is the story.

    Unlike other MMOs (and I've tried out a bunch of them), where the story seems to act more like a MacGuffin to keep you moving forward, story is central to the FFXIV experience – because SE's approach is to not only make it a good MMO, but to also make it a good Final Fantasy game, in general – where story and character development are king. In fact – and I'm not the only one that thinks this – the story in FFXIV is arguably the best story of ANY Final Fantasy game…full stop.

    There's A LOT of lvl 70 sprouts these days – where it's clear the players immediately boosted their first job to try to get to end-game – and they are truly doing themselves a disservice. Not only are they setting themselves up for one hell of a steep learning curve (the quests are genuinely paced to help you learn – because each job has a lot to know by the time you get to end-game) but they are also missing some banging story/world/character building

    Think about it like this: if you were to pick up any other Final Fantasy game and just jump in at the end, you're gonna have a bad time

  19. You're absolutely spot on in that ffxiv players, especially on patch release, all run blind and all want to experience the cutscenes and the story fully! I just wanted to share how ridiculous but pure that sentiment is in one of my runs for a new trial. As a new trial, wipes and players dropping out was inevitable. A new player joined to fill the missing role, and we all just immediately asked: "Did you do this trial from the beginning before? If not, just leave. You're missing out on some amazing cutscenes and mechanics."

    tl;dr: story/cutscene > clear

    It was just really incredible how much ffxiv players overall value the player experience of each other, especially on patch release! So, I hope you get to experience that magic when the new expansion launches 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  20. I might be wrong here but in FF14, IMHO the endgame start at LvL 1 & the rest will unlock naturally along the way.. The glamour, dye, ocean fishing, gold saucer, trasure hunting, hunt train already there for you to dive and enjoy.

  21. Your conclusion hits the point. I was a WoW player quite similar to what you described but the problem for me was, I was not enjoying most of endgame either. I enjoyed my guild for more than 5 years. That was the only reason why I was playing a lot. I didn't want to fall behind and drag them down in Mythic progression. After 8.3 I tried FF when we went on a break before Shadowlands. I loved every second of it and took my time. Shadowlands came out. I was not hyped at all. I played it for around 2-3 months. I tried to be hyped, but I couldn't. I kept comparing the two games. I ended up playing both for a bit before I finaly quit WoW. I did not come back for 9.1. I do not plan to come back in future patches either. I will make my own static for Endwalker and I will have fun.

    Overall, WoW is just not a game for me (Which took me like 10 years to fully realize. Good job me…) and FF is what I needed. I needed a game that has some grinds and stuff to do, but does not need you to log in every day to walk around the Maw and farm stygia, or any other AP shit. I think WoW is for people without job or for kids in range 13-19 years old. When you get to irl problems and you don't have as much time for games anymore, FF fits perfectly. That is a game that will probably stay with me for the rest of my life.

  22. I was mostly only playing classic (haven't even gotten shadowlands) and one day I logged onto retail to play some MoP content because I missed a lot of it and I kid you not, someone in a dungeon group started harassing me for being 49 in a MoP dungeon. "why are you here, you should be in the shadowlands" "Shadowlands starts a 48 my dude, you should leave now" "are you to poor to buy shadowlands?" yeah I unsubbed completely lol, blizzard finally has the community that's just like them.

  23. One of the best things about ff14 is getting all jobs and stuff on one chr crafting and stuffs. All you do is switch your gear and you can do that easily. You don’t need alts. If you only want one chr.

  24. In wow, whenever you want to raid. It'll take a while because you'll be tested by the guild and if you suck at it.. well too bad for you. Gban. In ff14, you learn the fight/dance with your group and advances through each phase until you're successful which is way more player friendly. And.tbh, its easier to recruit 8 players group than a 24 ou 40man raid group.

  25. One of the biggest reasons why I couldn't stick with WoW was the gogogogogo attitude the game encourages like you mentioned here and how it makes other players act sometimes, I don't have the energy to keep up with that honestly lol


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