WoW & FFXIV Veteran Tries Guild Wars 2 in 2022…

Quazii reactions from playing Guild Wars 2 for the first time in 2022.

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27 thoughts on “WoW & FFXIV Veteran Tries Guild Wars 2 in 2022…”

  1. Some trivia about Sylvari:
    * They're born fully grown at character creation once you complete the level 1 tutorial area. Your character is literally as old as they are in real life.
    * There are no Sylvari children in the traditional sense; Sylvari are incapable of reproduction.
    * They have human appearances due to certain things that happened over 250 years ago in GW1.
    * Their capital city is their mother. (13:23 That's the Pale Tree)

  2. Quazii, this was a joy to watch. As a long time GW2 player, I can often forget what it is like to just stop and take the world in. Watching you enjoy this game from such a fresh perspective (and on one of the hardest and most confusing professions to play I must add!) put a huge smile on my face.

    Your reactions and attitude remind me of when I got my wife into GW2 last year. We were teamed up, both playing new characters to experience the game together, and she would run in a random direction and just have fun. Her thought process was entirely "ooh, that area looks cool! What's over there?". It was a blast. New players really are a joy to watch, as the love and astonishment they have is refreshing to a vet player.

    I hope you continue to really enjoy your time in Tyria! It's a fantastic game and a wonderful addition to a FFXIV player's routine.

  3. If you are trying Gw2 after playing FFXIV, you'll often see yourself asking "why is this so simple in Gw2 but so over-complicated in FFXIV?".
    "why is this simple thing so convenient to do in Gw2 but so complicated in FFXIV?".
    The way Gw2 is built is for you to have fun, the game respects your time. The systems are CONVENIENT and user-friendly.

  4. I played gw2 a long time ago but stopped because I only had a struggling laptop back in the day. While the story was forgettable IMO, the game's biggest draw for me was definitely everything about the overworld from how it was visually designed to the insane variety of small gameplay moments in it that I sunk most of my time into.

  5. I have played off and on since the game came out. The art is some of the best bar none, and i have had some of my favorite moments in a game in GW2. Anything with Aurene is the best. Being originally and for the vast majority an engineer that just ran around with a flamethrower has been fun. Holosmith was added and i fell in love with hard-light quickswapping weapons. The latest Xpac came out and i can live out my samurai dreams with a gun attached.

  6. Just wanted to say that the mount system is unlike any other game. Every mount has different abilities to unlock and moves differently than the others. There are two flying mounts, one like a helicopter and the other like a hang glider/ fighter jet. Both a huge adventure to unlock. You have much to look forward to!

  7. Sylvari, and Norn have my fav start areas. Human isnt bad. Asura is alright. Not a fan of Charr myself.

    Guild Wars 2 is a very good casual side MMO. It is no sub, lots of content, lots of places to explore, and while not quite as good as FF, the story is very solid.

  8. Been playing Gw2 since it launched 10 years ago, the game honestly is so incredible, and it's always been my favorite MMORPG right in front of FF14. Happy to see more people getting into the game! 🙂

  9. I started as a Mesmer Sylvari too! I’ve started alts for every race except the Asura, and I still think Caledon Forest is my favourite out of the bunch!

    I’m currently halfway through Living World Season 2, but I can say that LW S1 and S2 have been much better than Core Tyria! Core Tyria has an ARR problem. But while ARR got better towards the end, especially Garuda onwards, IMO Core Tyria’s story got more draggy and stuffed with extra stuff towards the end in 70+. But LW S1 and S2 has the small party vibe at times like in HW, and I’m really a fan of that!

    One of my handful of gripes is that story bosses don’t reset upon death. I felt like my learning of how combat and mechanics work, apart from my burst rotation, took a lot longer than it should’ve cos of this. For some 70+ bosses, especially the end boss of LW S1, really felt like I was just cheesing the boss, whittling it down by dying and reviving. It wasn’t until LW S2 that it started to click. I hear that ANet are tight on resources, but they really should do a revamp of the core game’s story bosses similar to 6.1 ARR.

  10. 13 year wow vet,,,, specifically a warlock, now refugee playing GW2 as a necromancer reaper for the last 4 months and loving it,,.. oh man . I was hooked the 1st time I was in open world and stumbled across a river of human players running across my path I decided whatever they are doing i am going with,,, and we killed octovine,, i tried FF but hate the slow drawn out RP MSQ. GW2 is super fun. try it, , try it try it,


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