Winter's Veil VS Starlight Celebration | A WoW and FFXIV Holiday season comparison

I’ve been playing WoW for 14 years, FFXIV for 3 and MMOs ever since 2002. The way holiday events make me feel in FFXIV in uncomparable to literally any other mmo out there that I’ve tried. The guys are geniuses, led by people we appreciate, people we love.

Happy Holidays guys, even if late! I was sick and I missed my favourite season of the year but you know what? Sometimes you get them, sometimes you get got! As for my voice in this video… yea, I am still recovering! Happy New year to y’all and – as always – stay safe, stay healthy and stay hydrated.

As I was doing Elpis, a realisation struck me that both WoD and EW have Time-travel. Yet, one was a terrible failure whereas the other a massive success. My comparison can be found here:

Do you want to know what a 14yo WoW Veteran thinks of FFXIV? Check out this video:–F6zwh4Lw

Do you wanna know about THE BEST FFXIV EXPANSION? Click the jebait:

Check out my VERY FIRST IMPRESSION of Endwalker:
(Oh yes, much has changed since then!)

BTW, YOU! Hey you! I am currently ENDWALKING on my twitch! Come and be part of the journey!

Intro: 0:00
Comparing the Game Philosophies: 0:17
What I want to focus at: 1:51
Improving your mood: 2:32
Two quests, an entire story: 3:21
Making the World feel ALIVE: 3:52
Inclusivity (Perhaps a stretch): 5:01
14y of Winter’s Veil VS 1 time of Starlight Celebration: 7:21
Outro: 8:03


2 thoughts on “Winter's Veil VS Starlight Celebration | A WoW and FFXIV Holiday season comparison”

  1. The tomestone event always drops a few weeks before the next patch launches so that players have something to do. It just so happend to overlap with the starlight celebration. You can do it if you fancy any of the rewards, for me it was the mounts and orchestrion rolls this time because they would otherwise be super expensive or tedious to farm =)

  2. Something fun about the FFXIV seasonal events is they don't just repeat the same thing every year. Every year it's a continuation and NPCs from previous years will recognize you and comment about previous events you've had with them. Meanwhile I'd heard the WoW seasonal events don't really change much if at all from year to year? is that true?


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