Hello everyone I am Jmulls of Jmulls Gaming and welcome to my little corner of the internet!
Walkthroughs, First Impressions, Critique and Reviews for all things video games, by someone who loves video games!
This is my short talking about why you should play as a Red Mage in FFXIV!
Link to my twitter: https://twitter.com/JmullsG
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I’m not even going to finish this video red mage sucks ass…. They’re healing factor is not high enough good you got rez but your still only secondary to a healer, that has to spend MP on your dumb ass cuz you can’t take a hit and you can’t heal yourself officially…. Bunch of glass jaw nobody’s, I would rock a blue mage before I picked up read Mage….
Rdm in ffxiv is sad. I miss actually being a redmage like in ffxi, I want mah buffs. Like enfire, barpoison rdm in ffxiv just feels like a gimped BLM.
Healing and Ressing isn't utility lol.. Embolden is tho. Just a heads up.
What sword is that? Reminds me so much of genesis sword in FFVII:CC
Red Mage is my ride or die Job. When in doubt, I choose Red Mage. I love their magic, their animations, I love how they use their sword like a casting rod. not to mention all the glamour potential.
forgot the main bullet point for playing red mage, to use the groups limit break
What map is this? I dont recognize it…
BLM is better. Fight me!
What action is that to twirl the rapier?
Aoe is mid until lvl 68 then just becomes phenomenal.
People just ignore that SMN can rez too and not only in high level content but before lvl 30 even
Wtf… you're not supposed to "evenly generate your magicka bars" In fact you want to keep one lower than the other. Is this a newer concept or something?
Top 5 reasons to play Red mage:
1. The drip
2. ???
3. Yes.
Red Mage kicks a$$
It is my favourite job so far and I have been playing since 2013
I'm playing BLM but I'll probably change to Red Mage
Red Mage is good, but I am staying on Samurai
What sucks as a rdm as well is, weirdly rdm is the slowest caster dps when it's supposedly designed as a instant caster 😅
rather play summoner for ranged, or samurai for melee
black mage supreme
Just remember: Displacement is of the Seventh Devil when used at the wrong time and place. I have mine set to a keybind that I will never ever ever hit by accident except when I'm fighting Sephirot and banging too hard to the music.
There is no better feeling than verraising an entire party, preventing a wipe
All I saw was Vergil wearing Dante's coat.
Blud sounds like seven from scissor seven (i say this as a compliment, i love the way you talk)
you sound like swaggersouls with downs.
Their heal is trash late game or am I just using it wrong
Red mage was even bad a$$ in Final Fantasy 11 with refresh and ninja sub for soloing. The mix off melee and spell casting is awesome!
Red mage is what good job design looks like every part of the kit has a purpose and function. And you know exactly what you're working towards with your rotation. And instant res will always be good.
Sword and sorcery 🗡️ 🪄 will always be a dope combo.
One of the most fun jobs to play.