Why you should Craft and Gather in FFXIV. Even if you hate it

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Gamerescape: like wowhead. To check item sources & uses ffxiv.gamerescape.com/
IcyVeins Crafting Leveling text Guide wi/ ishgard macros https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/crafting-leveling-guide-for-ffxiv
IcyVeins Beast Tribe Unlock text Guides https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/moogle-beast-tribe-guide-and-rewards
Ashe10 custom delivery macro https://ashe10.home.blog/ameliance-custom-delivery-macros/
Late to the party finder: how to unlock every custom delivery https://latetothepartyfinder.com/ffxiv-custom-deliveries/

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39 thoughts on “Why you should Craft and Gather in FFXIV. Even if you hate it”

  1. I did the dwarf crafting quests just so I could get the Lali Hop, since that's one of my favorite dances. I don't really enjoy crafting/gathering that much, but sometimes it's really nice as a way to chill out in-game.

  2. I got in to ff14, 1.5 years ago and i did some crafting on my 2nd day only to run out of GIL and inventory space!!, since back then we even had belts, but basically i got my armorer to lvl 14 and miner to lvl 11 and after that i just gave up and started doing the MSQ and pve & pvp content but in this video you mentioned some very good tips for fast xp so i think that im going to sort out my inventory and start crafting so that one day i might get the damn MOOGLE TRIBE DANCE!!!

  3. I recently hit 90 on WVR because it was so fun and I genuinely enjoy the process. Once upon a time lil sprout me window shopped on the market board for glams thinking I wouldn't be able to have any of those things for a while…but now I can make them myself! Very satisfying 💕

    My knowledge and discoveries are now passed onto the rest of my leveling journey. Each craft is a fun puzzle to make the perfect HQ item. When I need a break from MSQ and need to turn my brain off for anything else, crafting and gathering are my go-to. I understand now why people love it so much.

  4. I was nervous to start crafting but once I started the firmament I actually had a lot of fun. I used the firmament to power level all the crafters to 70 and my gatherers to 90. I used the job quests and daily GC turn ins to level from 70-90. While doing the GC turn ins make an extra for the market and you'll make good money in the process too! My fav rewards are definitely the Ehll Tou, Ufiti, and Hybodus mounts. The "Dragon's Best Friend" title and of course Major General!!

  5. You also missed that level 90 Leve quests are great for making Gil. Having just Cooking, Mining, and Botany maxed out you can craft HQ Tsai tou Vounou and make about 1 million gil per month, not including all of the free fire and water crystals. It's literally free money

  6. I became an Omnicrafter/gatherer to try to make Gil but ended up enjoying most of the job quest stories and rewards. Well worth it but it’ll certainly take time and Gil. Also, don’t skip out on Fishing! It has a wonderful job quest story and very chill. Just do Ocean Fishing which I thought was fun.

  7. I seriously overlooked Crafting and Gathering because I came from WOW and other MMO's where crafters were mostly glorified menu systems. I am now an omni crafter and I seriously love it!

  8. Once I started fishing, there was no going back. Either sit back and relax at some nice spots or go full mental hunting down fish that can be reeled in only once per week for a whole 5 minutes. It's incredible how in depth it can be. Also, Catch & Release is not an ecological concern!

  9. I miss the days i used to sell the goddamn HQ pufferfish u need for the fisher job quest for hundreds of thousands of gil. After u catch 1 u can get your fisher retainer to gather the mfuckers and they'll have a better chance of getting a hq one than u .

    Shame they removed HQ fish now tho.

  10. Love crafting and gathering! To the point that I neglected the MSQ for a long time. (And leveling a gathering skill IS useful in case there's somewhere you really need to sneak into.)

  11. I really love the crafting and gathering in FFXIV. I was actually late to the Endwalker release (didn't finish the Shadowbringers patches before release) because I took a HUGE detour to level up all my Hand and Land disciplines 😅

    I'm now a max-level omni-crafter and even made my own full set of Rinascita gear for my main combat job 😎

  12. Thanks for the vid Zepla, inspires me to pick up some lazy options I have neglected after reaching 90.

    I loved the leveling quests. Hated the mind numbing firmament power crafting. But so fast leveling. The ShB and EW quest were a welcome distraction. Also Leves at 80+ work wonders to reach 90 fast. And I liked the buy bulk method, craft what you need and more. And then sell the rest for profit so leveling doesn't cost you anything.
    Gathering was alright to. Tho diadem was mind numbing as well. Didn't do that as much. Did like the collectable runs over all the zones.
    Fisher didn't touch yet, cause I hated the randomness when I picked it up. But didn't understand you could do ocean fish or just buy quest items at the MB. Gonna pick it up soon now.

    When I reached max lvl I got overwhelmed with high end crafting. I wanted to make all my own gear, but the tediousness and grind of all the HQ components quickly made me hate high end crafting. So now I just do lazy crafting, make money where I can and just buy the armor that I need from MB. I want to use 80 and lower crafts to make money, cause of that immensely powerfull HQ in one press skill: "Facepalm beard guy"

    Now I'm doing tribals for mounts. Didn't want to de weekly scrip runs, cause I had everything I wanted. But didn't get the glams. And forgot you can materia farm for money. So I think I'll pick up weekly scrips again.

  13. I'm probably in the minority but I'd much rather spend hours crafting random items then spend even a few minutes running most dungeons/trials/raids. Combat is indeed good but for me it's the task that needs to be done so that I can do what I actually want to be doing.

  14. welp… meanwhile i got all crafting job to lvl 90 in like… 2 months and a half.. safe to say it cost me like 2-3 million gil but now im making around 1 million gil per day.. so the pay off is almost insane if you know what things you are selling. and sometime you can make pog stuff like Animated weapons from EX trials

  15. World Class Troller is the easiest and most enjoyable grind I've ever done in an MMO, maybe because it's only 24min (not 15) on an Ocean Fishing Voyage every 2 hours, so hard to get burned out. I did it over about 6-7 months.
    When doing tribal quests and custom deliveries as a FSH, you can save a ton of inventory space by just using the Versatile Lure. It catches everything you need, often on the 1st cast, even when cloud-, dune- and star-fishing.

  16. Materia still has the road to 80 buff which applies to crafting and gathering as well as combat XP, so if you want 300% XP minimum bonus to craft, well, come visit a land down under. 😉

  17. Let me add one more reason. Overworld interaction.
    As someone who usually go out there and get materials myself instead of using the market board. I help sprout leveling, I help people doing fate, I found some friends because we happened to go after the same rare fish.

  18. ALC quests from 50 up made me cry >.> But also. HAVE YOU SEEN THE SHINEY? Hello? Relic tools? No? 😀 Also do your quests until level 57 at least. That is where you get your last useful skill that will help a lot with crafting. Unfortunately for each new crafter you will need to get this skill, which is a pain.

  19. Game isn't quality game, if it does not contain fishing 🙂. Crafting is like chemistry. You need to remember 100 different items and how to combine them, to get the final result. I remember that one of the high-level quest for crafting was specially challenging, you needed to be in the right place in the right real earth time. So in summer time I needed to set clock alarm to wake me at certain local time so that I was able to locate correct tree 🙂.

  20. I'm constantly wandering off to level crafting instead of the next msq quest, I just love the progression, and I'm looking forward to getting all crafters and gatherers to 90 (I'm not sure I'll do that any time soon for all Disciple of War/Magic jobs xD ) Gathering is easy, it just needs you to travel, and all the crafting jobs work the same with similar buttons. I like the crafting systems, even on console without any knowledge of what a macro is. Thanks for a grate video, this was fun!


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