Why THIS is one of the BEST games ever… FFXIV

Hello everyone I am Jmulls of Jmulls Gaming and welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Walkthroughs, First Impressions, Critique and Reviews for all things video games, by someone who loves video games!

In today’s video, I talk about why I love Final Fantasy XIV and why it comes in at number 3 for my favorite games of all time!

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4 thoughts on “Why THIS is one of the BEST games ever… FFXIV”

  1. The story told in this game is I think my favorite story of all time, of all media forms. It does take hours and hours to get the full impact of the culmination of it, but I'm so glad I took that time.
    I agree ARR and StB were weaker but still fun in their own right, and the payoff for all that world building is just phenomenal.

  2. oh hey, I'm glad to find a fellow ARR enjoyer :). I always feel weird trying to pitch this game to people because I have to say 'well I love ARR but a lot of people don't, so manage your expectations I guess?'

    But seriously, the setup of ARR is very important to get the most out of the impact of the later stories.

  3. Shadowbringers and Endwalker were so amazing that it actually made me re-think how I'd respond to things as my character. Before Shadowbringers I had this running joke where my WoL was basically being dragged on these adventures and didn't have a say in it, so they'd always try and back out when people asked you to do something (which you never can) or just not take things seriously. After Shadowbringers though I really cared about the world, and while I'd still try to deny the lower-tier quests I genuinely anticipated future stories.

    Then after Endwalker, Zenos' speech when he challenged us at the end actually made me realize that I'd been playing my toon in much the same way that Zenos seemed to view life, unconcerned with the frivolous problems of other people, always looking for the next big fight to test our mettle. They had been trying to present Zenos as a mirror to our character for a while but I just wasn't feeling it until then, at which point it all clicked. After that fight I've completely changed the way I'd respond to things, caring about both the big and little stories, all while eagerly awaiting the next big challenge.

    The funny thing is, I don't think I'm alone there. I think a good number of people felt the same way, and that the writers knew EXACTLY what they were doing there. I didn't care much for Zenos before, but if he showed up at the end of every expansion now and challenged us to a fight I'd happily take him on!


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