Why Skill/Spell Speed are Kind of Bad in FFXIV!

I explain why the Skill and Spell Speed stats are weirdly underwhelming, and why most jobs choose to either avoid them entirely, or get extremely specific amounts.

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FFXIV Endwalker – Cradle of Hope

#ffxiv #endwalker

00:00 Introduction
00:35 The properties of Speed
02:36 Valuable effects of Speed
04:14 The Two Minute Burst Meta
05:09 Cooldowns that don’t benefit from Speed
06:54 Cooldowns that DO benefit from Speed
09:07 Weaving Timing Problems with Speed
10:13 How the Different Jobs USE Speed Right Now
12:04 Black Mage
13:17 Summary of the Problems
15:08 Fun Fact


33 thoughts on “Why Skill/Spell Speed are Kind of Bad in FFXIV!”

  1. Correction for the fun fact at the end:
    Afflatus Misery did 900 Potency at Endwalker launch, which made it a massive DPS loss to even consider going through spending 3 lilies.
    In patch 6.1, it was buffed to 1240, making it DPS neutral.
    The mistake is that it was far worse than the fun fact suggests originally!

  2. In fights with a lot of downtime phasing, speed can be good for gunbreaker, but in fights with very little downtime, the job is on rails to run into a wall(overcap). Adding an extra GCD per minute, makes gunbreaker overcap sooner. Thanks 6.2 bloodfest change, I hate it.

  3. With how much Squeenix has been micro-managing each classes timings (aligning all the buffs to a 2 minute cycle across nearly every class, removing the special unique effects that Astro used to grant in favor of just damage, cooldowns being on a 5sec pattern, aligning nicer with a 2.5 sec GCD, etc), I would honestly not be surprised if at some point, they just remove Speed entirely. And honestly, I can't disagree.

    Maybe leave it in as materia if you really want to gem it in, but personally, I say just get rid of it on gear entirely, at least.

  4. BLM benefits more from speed because 90-95% of their dmg comes from "filler rotation". One other aspect most people don't realize is that, while speed increases the DMG of dots, that means it also affects the DMG from the thundercloud proc, as the proc makes the next thunder cast instant, free of no cost, and add the total DMG from its dot effect onto the initial hit, and refreshes the dot itself. This means, a proc'd thunder3 hits for more DMG than fire4. Also BLM 2 min buffs don't rely on specific parts of the rotation so there's not really any prep that needs to happen for them. Lastly, a crit BLM will usually use both triple casts for their openers, but a speed BLM doesn't need to and can save them for movement, which makes a speed BLM more flexible, more mobile, and capable of doing DMG at times where a crit BLM would have to stop casting all together. And while brd wouldn't stack speed over crit, dh, or det(outside of a materia meld or two) they do perform better with speed food because of their dots.

  5. What I like about high skill speed for gunbreaker is that since gnashing fang, double down, and sonic break are all affected by skill speed, you naturally have to push all of them back one gcd every rotation loop. But this also means if you mess something up and have to delay using one of those, it'll come up one gcd earlier in the next loop, or where it "should" be. So long as you keep no mercy on cooldown, your big damage buttons will "autocorrect" if you accidentally delayed them. Since gunbreaker's rotation is so rigid, this is a fantastic feature. Losing this to gain a pretty small bit of damage by not having skill speed isn't worth it for me.

  6. I'm curious. You nerd out these things. Why dont you do savage/ultimate? You sure know and are at the very least more ready to it than anyone that's never done it and is leaping into it to see how it feels.

  7. Fun fact; SMN could get a seventh Impulse during Bahamut phase if they could get their GCD down to 2.14s, but because they don't have a Speed weapon, the best they can achieve for now is 2.17s. Once the Manderville Relic hits the i665 step, they'll be able to hit a comfy 2.13 if they choose to go Speed on it.

  8. When I learned how to raid on GNB back at ShB launch, 2.4 GCD was all the rage. That single tier was enough to lock that muscle memory of mine into stone, and now I go for 2.4 no matter what, even if all the guides recommend 2.47 or even 2.5, haha. Comfort in rotational knowledge is a dps gain, surely! Not to mention the simplicity in gearing up for it. It's easier to slap in some Quickarm materia than it is to only equip gear with no SKS. Then again, that's easy for me to say as – apparently – one of the very few jobs that even entertain SKS as an option. 😅

    Good vid!

  9. fun fact about ninja, it's not only that we already have a lot from huton. but our ninjutsu doesn't even benefit from skill speed (it always has a 1.5 second recast timer) and our other GCDs are extremely low potency with most of our potency condensed into raitons and Hyoshoranryu (for which the cooldown doesn't improve with skillspeed) so even if for some reason they buffed skillspeed to be better than crit we ninjas would still not use it

  10. Black Mage has a couple of unique advantages over every other class when it comes to Spell Speed.

    Because the cast times of their spells are a noticeable amount longer than the base GCD, they benefit disproportionally from the gains Spell Speed provides. Especially since their rotation is almost entirely going through "filler" casts as fast as possible.

    Additionally, unlike other casters, their MP economy is entirely unaffected by Spell Speed. Summoner and Red Mage both have some level of dependency on Lucid Dreaming to keep casting while Black Mage just… Doesn't care unless something catastrophic has happened. I suppose there's a theoretical point where they could have enough Speed to clip their MP regeneration ticks but that'd require such a ludicrous amount of Spell Speed that they just don't have to worry.

    Finally, and most uniquely in my opinion, Polyglot can "overcap" for up to 30 seconds after acquiring two stacks because of the nature of how they accumulate. This means that they can still put their up to three/four (with Amplifier) Xenoglossy casts comfortably into the burst window without ever clipping a GCD. I don't believe there is a single other spell, skill, or ability in the game that does this and it does so much to make holding it feel more comfortable and easy to use. I honestly wish other jobs had the same sort of thing on some of their core abilities.

  11. yeah not watching your channel because you don't know how the fucking game works.
    1. tanks: should not care about this because it really doesn't matter, oh you did 4% dps extra? that great add it to the maybe the 5% damage you did you the boss. no one cares and no one should care about speed on tanks
    2. healers: more speed is always better because adding extra mind or int will maybe buff your heals by maybe 5-10% HOWEVER boosting speed adds alot more healing because in many instances you will be able to cast 2 or 3 heal (or damage) spells in the same time you did one so more healing spells = more healing. if like cure 1 heals for lets say 250 (just a example) and you stack mind it will start healing for 300 every 5 or so second OR you could stack spell speed and heal for 250 every 2 seconds so that effectively DOUBLES your heals.
    3. melee dps: for this who cares about cast times its all about the GCD, more GCD more hits witch can lead to huge boosts in your DPS
    4. black mage: the only real dps caster in the game and something I main and let me tell you: speed very good, speed da best. for real why cast 4 fire 4 for for 100k when you can shove two or three more into there before you cast fire for the first time and ON TOP OF THAT it helps out tripple cast as well letting you get those fire 4s out faster witch does help your polyglot spells because they will have a lower GCD so less time waiting more time casting fire 4, fire 4 is what you should strive to fit the most of in your rotation because it makes up the majority of your DPS
    5. summoner: who cares

  12. I dont know why SE insists on having a 2 minute burst meta on everything when skill/spell speed directly contradicts and messes with it. There has to be a way to make it a more lucrative stat without also making it broken. What if speed increased duration of buffs for example, increasing the 2 minute burst window without messing with cooldowns. If speed increased the duration of Queen and Wildfire (or even tinctures) i might actually consider it on MCH.

  13. 11:50 Whenever I see statements like "Monks really want 1.94 and not 1.95" out of context, it sounds so absurdely specific and arbitrary, that it makes me feel like gearing up correctly is such an impossibly complicated art, that I can never hope to do properly.

    Aside from that, when you say at least 1.94 (greater or equal to), don't you mean at most 1.94 (smaller or equal to) ? Otherwise that sounds contradictory.

  14. i dont see skill speed as beneficial towards my damage although it has boosted my overall dps as a war/drk main, i personally just find my 892 sks or a 2.41 gcd comfortable especially in savage. it helps me be in the dps' 15 second buff windows while also being in my own pot window and getting more out it. take it as you will but ive been enjoying my sks builds for the last two tiers. sometimes its not all about "get more damage out of your melds". i did enjoy the video and take the advice into account with other jobs that may or may not require the sks

  15. I've talked about this before (like this exact topic), but having "too much" SkS/SpS on jobs that don't like speed can become noticeable very, very quickly.

    As an example with a job I have more knowledge on: Dragoon starts to feel really uncomfortable the faster you go because things stop lining up the way they're supposed to. I don't remember when exactly I first noticed, but I remember that the reason I noticed was because I was starting to clip Jump pretty badly if I tried to press it where it was supposed to fall, and it's because my GCD was too fast, and sometimes I had to let it drift to prevent clipping. Not pleasant when I knew how nicely things lined up at 2.5.

    This problem is significantly alleviated at higher levels, but for some reason ARR, HW, and I think StB (if I'm remembering from when I got maiming gear when I was leveling RPR on my main) are OBSESSED with giving you skill speed on maiming gear. I will never let go of full Shire maiming gear pushing you to 2.39. >_> I think the Cryptlurker gear was the first time I ever felt comfy in Poetics gear lol.

    So if you ever find that a job's skills start feeling…weird and kinda uncomfy to use, it could be that it's just in an awkward spot, but it could also be too much SkS/SpS. But honestly, as long as you can get through the game, it really doesn't matter until materia melding starts mattering to you, which usually won't be until endgame.

    (This fact does not make me feel better about the Shire shenanigans though. Like seriously what IS that.)

    Edit: For anyone who reads this: Still go for high item level as you're leveling, notwithstanding "bad" skill speed. Seriously, until endgame, that's your best bet.

  16. The other thing you are missing about black mage is all the non standard lines give more damage but often require resources to enable that don't scale with speed (for example using a instant gcd or shorter mp recovery). But I do love that speed is at least nuanced on BLM since crit stacking on every job is super boring.

  17. Something that probably doesn't get thought about a ton is how, at the current top end, basically every Spell and Skill Speed gear piece do not have a combination with Crit. Due in part to how Speed scales, where its scaling is set, we really haven't been able to get much more speed than what we had with the release Asphodelos (Savage) but we have gained a lot more Crit, Determination, and Direct Hit since then. As a result, the trade off of running Speed earlier in the raid series was not nearly as steep as it is currently at the end of the series. Black Mage and Astrologian are still the only outliers in all of this, but it's mostly due to the nature of those jobs' primary damage spells where BLM's spells are hilariously powerful individually and AST's being hilariously weak individually.

    Of the other jobs that intentionally run more speed; GNB runs it to smooth out their rotation and gives wiggle room, WAR to manage drift and for feel, MNK and SAM run it for looping purposes but only gives extra filler gcd and they have buttons that "auto fix" their rotation and puts it back on track, and SMN can't run it right now because it does nothing beneficial and is all downsides from not gaining extra Bahamut/Phoenix attacks to slowly drifting Bahamut out of burst without extra filler.
    Also as another aside. Before 6.2, Speed were very viable builds for both WAR and SAM (after they killed Kaiten) as it allowed them to use their auto Crit/DH skills much more often. They were also worse than other offerings because they had so little, zero in the case of WAR, benefit to the top end comps at the time which were all Crit buff comps.

  18. They griefed those of us who are playing tanks this savage raid tier, cuz they gave us skill speed on the tome/augmented weapon. It’s not a good stat rn, but we got it anyway 😭

  19. I'm not sure if this is true, but apparently some Black Mage purists who optimize way too much its rotation(to the point it doesn't look anything like what you usually see) for parses or otherwise found out that maximizing SpS(spell speed) can seemingly make its rotation align with all the buffs with no problems and is somewhat equivalent with regular crit builds.
    I wonder how that holds up, but I don't have the necessary currency to get the right gear for tests -_-.(especially want to try this with MNK for funsies, I liked fast MNK when it was still a thing :/)

  20. 1:53

    Let me just stop you right here.

    Speed only decreases the casting and recast timers of certain GCD. The more GCD does not mean more damage because most jobs only have one ability that increases damage dealt. Most GCD are defensive abilities.

    For instances with tanks, you have Fight or Flight, which increases damage dealt. The rest of the GCD are defensive and increase physical defense and magic defense.

    The problem you're having is with understanding how speed contributes to the overall job relating to the actions.

    The speed affects damage over time that allows for damage to persist as you utilize other weaponskills. Which in turn increases the amount of damage dealt and percentage of attacks to increase the other factors of damage in direct hit and critical hit.

    Think about this the higher the speed, the more damage is being dealt, and the more direct hits and critical hits would occur. Which would increase damage output.

    So they keep it at a specific number. That's why they decrease the value of the attribute speed.

    If the weaponsjills were to decrease to one second, you would have an increase in damage over time and the number of times you can use a weaponskill. You would literally be in berserker mode.

    Especially with the Dark Knight and the Warrior. If you could get their recast timers down to one second, you could solo with both of those jobs.

    I've decreased the speeds of the Dark Knight, and the actions happen very frequently. The only problem is that the Dark Knights actions leave it dependent on the healer. The other jobs aren't as dependent on the healer as much as the Dark Knight. "Abysmal Drain" is not efficient. It's only good for mobs. One enemy will not recover much damage.


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