Why Piety is a TERRIBLE stat in FFXIV!

I explain why Piety is considered a really bad stat investment, which does include comparison to other stats, but mainly just looking at what Piety can and cannot do!

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Music Used:
FFXIV Endwalker – Cradle of Hope

#ffxiv #endwalker

00:00 Introduction
00:34 What does Piety do?
01:24 How much MP do Healers use?
02:04 How much MP do Healers Recover Naturally?
04:05 Spell Speed increases MP Spending
04:39 An Average Length Proper Boss Fight
06:39 Only the LAST point of MP Matters!
08:48 When is Stacking Piety Actually Good?
10:05 Piety as Training Wheels
10:39 How could Piety be made to be more helpful?
11:46 Fun Fact


22 thoughts on “Why Piety is a TERRIBLE stat in FFXIV!”

  1. The true disappointment with Piety is you can't get enough to spam Medica 2 all day without running out of MP. But a White Mage can Lucid Dream that one day we can…

  2. Just wanted to say that as a new player, your guides have been extremely helpful in getting my footing and feeling like I really know what I’m doing! Thanks for doing what you do!

  3. Its also good to mention that extra piety can be helpful in recovering from death, especially if MP recovery tools are on cooldown from just before death and you need to raise people. In fights where mechanics going wrong can take out multiple people (like 2-person stacks and such) if one person makes a mistake, having it for that ability to recover can rescue runs that would fail otherwise by allowing raising and other actions that little bit faster and helping things back on track.
    If you as a healer die, and need to immediately raise after death, at minimum piety it can be difficult to get back to a point where you have enough for attack spells and healing, especially since death will remove other resources like Aetherflow stacks that could make up for GCD heals.
    That's why while in an ideal scenario, its good to have as little as possible, its definitely something you want enough for, if and when the situation calls for it.

    (also the description has a small error in the first line, mentioning Tenacity instead of Piety)

  4. I tend to start a new savage tier with one extra piety item till we get comfy with fights, as at the point where i skip a few gcd heals it becomes a dead stat ^^
    at start of tier its "great" or fine for extra raises and aoe heals though to be able to prog further
    i also always go for det melds over DH, the damage loss is negligible while gaining extra heal
    aka exactly what you are saying ^^

  5. Not that you could meld piety in this case even if you wanted to but Super-Ethers are actually really nice for high-end prog on RDM. Usually you'll run out of MP after one or maybe two consecutive raises and/or not have enough MP to do it right after you yourself are raised, but it fixes both issues. Only obstacle is when other players choose to just wall when 3-4 people die lol

  6. I think piety is very useful when your static is practising a savage raid or are undergeared, especially when you yourself are dying to mechanics, it's a huge struggle trying to keep everyone alive & continuing to dps just after you've been raised and you don't have lucid dreaming to rely on.

    I find myself using Medica II a lot for this current tier that has a lot of AoE+Bleed mechanics, people at ilvl640 can die really quickly to those if there's not enough mitigation available. Recovering from Harrowing Hell in p10s can be a bit of a struggle if you're needing to spam Cure III to keep people alive.

    I don't think healers should expect to need to only focus on dps stats, ensuring nobody dies is more important than adding a tiny bit to your healer dps. Only ever encountered enrage in current tier when there have been too many deaths.

    It would really be nice if tenacity & piety had some kind of dps benefit to them (equal in value to one of the current offensive stats) specifically for tanks/healers so that it's not heavily stigmatised to gear for them.

  7. I know this isn't related to piety in any way, but you might appreciate that with stuff like 3:48 when you're on a caster, you can stand far enough inside the boss's hitbox and do the wiggle trick from in there exactly like how you would with instant casts. Being far enough in still lets you face out and not have the cast fail.

  8. Plot twist: Be a paladin main that casts Clemency 5 times in a row on any capped out non-MT player without using Requiescat. Afterwards, use Requiescat, Confiteor, and attempt your level 90 1-2-3 combo only to figure out you don't have enough MP, so you use your normal 1-2-3 combo and do pathetic DPS instead and blame not having enough piety in chat. See you in r/TalesfromDF, I want to see that post by tomorrow morning.

    I have 390 piety on my paladin for some reason. It's not on my gear, so there's probably some innate piety or something from leveling.

    But thanks for the guide, will keep it in mind once I start leveling healers.

  9. Hearing "to extend it, just because it was funny" at the very end gave me PTSD flashbacks of ASTs giving me extended Arrows as a MNK and running out of TP…

  10. I think the only way to make piety worth it without major change to the way savage work would be to add a damage/healer enhancer like determination. But, it would break other stats.

    It shows how in ff 14 only damage really matter.

  11. I view piety as a party finder stat. You never know what you're gonna get in party finder. Is the other healer going to pull their weight? Is everyone gonna use their mitigation and self-healing? How many accidental deaths are there gonna be? Will there be a red mage or summoner to help out with raising? Do you trust yourself enough to always make the most optimal decisions when there's a lot of deaths? Lots of unknowns in any given party finder group, and an excess of piety provides a good safety net.

    Personally, I feel like piety SHOULD increase your healing. Maybe even reduces damage taken a bit so that healers are marginally less squishy than casters. Would still be a low priority stat in an optimized setting, but a newer healer could opt to go for piety for better healing to make up for them not being able to use their kit optimally

  12. Tbh it's the same for us Tank mains, Tenacity is utterly worthless, I only meld Crit & DH. The damage reduction that you get from Tenacity is so negligible.
    For all I care they could remove Tenacity & Piety in 7.0, and put Direct Hit as a base for both Tanks & Healers.

  13. this sounds like author has never played a healer. you never meld piety, only get it from gear as there is enough on gear for you to be good (so there really is no need for a video like this). for melds you want crit/spell speed(if you're a little short on speed) then direct hit (in order to help your dps).


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