Why People Quit Final Fantasy XIV | MrKrojak Reacts

Why People Quit Final Fantasy XIV | MrKrojak Reacts

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18 thoughts on “Why People Quit Final Fantasy XIV | MrKrojak Reacts”

  1. For me the biggest difference between WoW and FFXIV is the way my character is viewed. WoW calls me a hero but I'm nowhere to be seen in any important cutscene. I'm incidental to what plot there is. FFXIV also regards me as a hero, but I'm there in every important cutscene and decision. That is far more immersive in my opinion. I stopped playing WoW during Shadowlands as I got bored playing the same mythic + dungeons over and over again for very little reward. I got tired of the grind to earn flying just before the next expansion dropped and I had to start all over again.
    I have yet to get bored in FFXIV as there is so much varied stuff to do. Just my take.

  2. las time i check my time i was over 1500+ hours and that was like 2016 .. i quit on endwalker not because it was bad mostly its your fault krojak .. i was watching your videos and like 20 more streamers so i lost the desire to keep going when i already saw all the great moments on youtube 20 + times .. now its 2 year later so im thinking of coming back finishing the story and prepare for 7.0
    went to check i have 3194 h … in game time

  3. I think the #1 reason I have seen people "Quit 14" unhappy is the inability or unwillingness to manage their own expectations. Whether it comes to MSQ, combat, leveling, side-content, endgame content, or the community, if someone can't "read the room" and adjust their expectations to make the most of what they are engaging with they will simply not fit in and quit.

  4. Behold a video of a face talking into a camera as "content" reading exactly what you the viewer are seeing on stream, talking about "content" that another person made. Truly the power of our entertainers know no limits. It's not like you couldnt go watch that video of your own free will. No you need this content creators commentary to tell you what is going on and what their professional opinion is on the subject. The quality they produce is unequaled. Youtube is a cesspool of trends, buzzwords, and parasocial relations at this point.

  5. I sooooo get his reaction about the skipping, had a friend trying out the game and i told him "hey, listen to me you can skip most of A realm reborn just watch that that and that" he didn't listen, he didn't skip, thought boring and well a month later he finished endwalker (obviously he skipped) didn't help that we had this one "veteran" (didn't even knew the nightmare pony existed and wasn't all that great as white mage 👀 just to give few examples) with us that was constantly "oh you can skip the story, i did too, the story isn't so great" like b** what? You can't say a book is bad without reading it! (and then they complain that they ran out of fresh content….after only pushing the necessary stuff for story) sometimes I wish i could choose violence

  6. Oh~! Korjak! 5:50 That content is the "Island Sanctuary" side content you can now unlock if you've cleared Endwalker's main story. It was introduced sometime back in October, I believe, 2022. They've also JUST expanded that content, too. So, you go log in right now and get your very own private island, Mr.! (Look for a quest by the name of "Seeking Sanctuary" in Old Sharlayan to get started on it. The only downside to this content is that you really can't rush it. You're not meant to. But, if you were to try, you'll hit some time gates. But, it is really interesting stuff. Be patient with it if you do check it out.)


    I've "quit" FFXIV multiple times. But, I always find myself coming back to it. My friends no longer play, tho. So I'm a solo player now. I just explore different datacenters and different servers and play through the whole game again and again, giving myself new personal challenges each time. It may be the same old content, but I can always find new ways to enjoy it. I've replayed the game as a whole close to 30 times now in 10 years.

  7. i think you would want to stop playing when you think you're not happy about paying sub fees for how much you enjoy the game basically… even when i stopped playing the year i couldn't play at all, i still paid because i thought the game was worth the money ! xD

  8. I believe the author in reality quit because they couldn't reconcile that they actually needed to continue past the free trial rather than quitting, and that's not based on being a fan of the game itself. Yes, you have a breadth of gameplay available to you on the free trial, but in context you are basically stuck at just below half of a complete game. The author has to get in the mindset that he did not play the game, he just played the first two chapters… in effect, a very very very generous demo. I'm at current content myself and I can't even imagine only stopping at the free trial. He can do all that he was doing before, but continuing the game past Heavensward (at least completing 4.0) would open up a lot of his issues with quitting.

  9. People quit Final Fantasy XIV because they know that they can come back whenever they want and pick up where they left off, unlike World of Warcraft and other games that punish you with FOMO mechanics. That's literally how Final Fantasy XIV was designed. So streamers making big declarations about how they're leaving the game…who cares. They're supposed to. Come back when you're ready to play again. It's that simple. 😄

  10. MrKrojak as wow main player i agree , problem with wow classes all feel same , then they make every spec its own class and actually make them play much different , except balance became nightmare , with next month patch game will have 39 spec and each spec play as its own class , they different enough but not that unique since everyone have stun , cc , heal , damage , aoe , same problem and even worst nightmare is balance too , meanwhile ff14 got only 19 spec , less customization = better balance , best example i can give you is team fortress 2 , while you get 1-3 weapon per class since launch and thats it , no new weapons mean better balance and game still stand strong now since its using rock paper scissor system

  11. I 'quit' FF14 every now and then since 2.4. Mostly because I've been lonely. All my friends stopped playing way back when, can't find a good FC anymore. So I get on every now and then, enthrall myself in the current patch and get my jobs updated the best I can then take a break again for a few months and rinse and repeat. Game is still one of my absolute top favorite games. But only so much can hold me when I am solo most of the time.

  12. HW starts slow too.. , when many are told "HW is great,it finally gets gud", and finally finished the ARR MSQ grind, but HWs beginning is a slow with fetch quests & boresome "unlock flying" aethers (following expansions are paced much better than HW, HW is still better paced than ARR, but still early tedious and not as well as later expansions)
    … so many feels as if HW was all hype and the game didn't change much from ARR..
    … recommended telling players, reach at least "Ravana" in HW, than decide if its not for you

  13. classes have been extremely power crept too, making of pre Shadowbringer (or pre Endwalker) content very easy.., especially ARR & HW (aside of some higher raid tiers, but even those are power crept)


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