Why FFXIV players HATE boosting – Final Fantasy XIV

My reasons for why players don’t want you to boost in Final Fantasy XIV. It’s not gatekeeping, nor “gaming tribalism”, but it’s simply the desire to keep you in the game. Watch for more thoughts!

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34 thoughts on “Why FFXIV players HATE boosting – Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. I first started playing in storm blood where I boosted, I quit once I figured out I still had to go through the MSQ. Finally returned a few weeks ago to retry without a boost and it’s a much better experience.

  2. I needed someone to make this video. I do believe some people use boosting as an excuse to harass or troll, but I do believe we just want new players to stay and have fun. Reason I say harass is because mentor/plot watchers are entering streams and do tell new players to play other MMOs if they skip dialogue boxes or cutscenes. This type of watcher I do not approve of.

  3. Boosts are ment for Alt-Chars on other Servers, to not have to do all the story again. They are reasonably affordable and i think its okay to use them on such Charakter.

    But using them for your main Charakter is a big NO NO!

  4. Yeah I say only boost if you are already familiar with the game and you are making a new alt for whatever reasons, but never do it if you are fresh off the boat.

  5. Boosting brings way more problems than it solves.

    I hate when people say "boosting doesn't teach you how to play because you don't learn your rotation through the story" because there's a lot more to learning the game than learning rotations.
    Playing the story teaches you how to interact with the world. This is not a sandbox or a menu based game, its a story driven MMORPG and everything in the game is gated by stories and all the stories are located throughout the world or Eorzea.

    A booster wont know where to go, what to do or even how to figure those things out because they lack context. And if a booster finishes Shadowbringers, they'll be sent back to the source and they'll be presented with a whole new world of places and people that they'll have to familiarize themselves with.

    If someone only wants to play for the raids, don't play this game. This is not the best raiding game and it will never be the best raiding game because there are games that are entirely dedicated to raiding and they'll always do it better, same goes for PvP. If you skip the story, you're not just skipping the vast majority of the game but you're also skipping the best part of the game. That's not gatekeeping because its not malicious, its timesaving advice.

  6. I agree with a lot you said here being a player of GW2 for over 6 years i have seen the same thing over multiple times as a player who went out of his way to help many of new players i have seen it time and time again they boost to endgame and play for like 2 week maybe a month if your lucky and quit for many of the same reason you mentioned but I would add another which I would call immediate burn out they boost the character in question do the "end game content"/ percieved late game stuff then immediate dip never to be heard from again it is very vexxing to do deal with especially if they spend even more money aka cash shop items it does not help the community

  7. Problem is "A Realm Reborn" is a 160 Plus msq quests of garbage. I recently completed a realm reborn and it's shit, i hated it. The only reason i haven't quit the game is because everyone says Heavensward and Shadowbringers is good

  8. I agree that the boosts cause more problems than they solve, but they have a serious problem in the long term if they keep going. At this point, even WoW Classic is faster to reach level cap than FFXIV, and they're stacking one more expansion of mandatory MSQ in November. Eventually, new players will stop coming because it will be too daunting.

    Personally, I think the best solution would be to add an alternative origin story that starts at a much higher level and short-circuit a large part of the MSQ, while still teaching what you're supposed to know before merging into the main MSQ. There is New Game+ if people want to see 2.x to 5.x. Then once you have that, stop selling story skips to people who don't have a capped character on their account.

  9. I think boosting on your first character will make you miss on a lot of things.
    In my opinion 14's strength isn't on the endgame (as some friends have told me is true about WoW), but in that the whole process to reaching the endgame is generally fun. That's why I believe 14 is best when not focusing solely on one thing like raiding or story (or pvp if it existed), but when you're mix and matching.
    I'm not saying that's the way you must play, but how it has been as an experience for me.
    I believe that if you rush the game, with the intention of going straight to the "good stuff" in endgame, you'll actually miss all the good stuff in it.

  10. personally, i skipped stormbringer and heavensward story, i couldnt force myself to go thru all the fetch quests, i just paid for the story skip and leveled thru potd/hoh/roulettes then did ShB once i got to 70. this was a few years ago when SHB first came out and i hadn't played since ARR. I tried to do heavensward but by the mid 50's doing msq i just had enough and paid for the skips. I just wanted to get to ShB and start progressing the current story. with friends who were already 70+. you can definitely do the skips and jump into the game/have fun… but you still need to give it time to learn.

  11. Personally, the way I've looked at boosting is "If your gonna do it – then spend as much time that those that didn't through the story in researching the jobs, rotations, the world, the community and the systems because things come back from the past – you're gonna be seeing stuff for the first time that others have seen since level 50 (I mean – we're still going to ARR areas in 5.5 after all) or even earlier so if your not willing to put in as much effort learning as everyone else did in the story then boosting isn't for you" – I have no problem with people doing it, just as long as they actually then put AS MUCH time (if not more) in as someone who has been doing it slowly over time in learning those things. I didn't boost myself (and glad I didn't because those that did will have a different experience in ShB – understandable? Yes. But you would have no idea who certain characters are, and why those connections are there for example).

  12. I would say the story is a very big part of the FF 14 experience. Though it does have it's weaker points, mostly in the parts added in patches after the initial release of ARR and all the expansions…
    Parts that worked a lot better when they were new, because you had months between the story bits but doing them back to back they can feel tedious.

  13. I dont really care what people think. Though i found tge video interesting. I boosted to 70nand bought a story skip. Im currently proging e12s already and the othe raifs are on farm. I only play for harder content. And my goal is to parse 85+ on every fight and do all 3 ultimates. I dont care forvthe casual shit in the game. WoW is trash and i need a game thats challenging. I could care less about why im fighting a boss.

  14. What's this about a short amount of time? You boost, review skills, practice in squadron or on practice dummies or with helpful FC mates ask NN or FC for any pointers. Use Youtube for rotation help. Boosting is not as hard as people make it seem. People have a bias and its unfair and its morale dampening and therein game killing. The game is designed to be a friendly and helpful environment. Instead of making anti boosting videos, you'd probably do better to make content to help people who may have boosted to better acclimate to the overwhelming amount of content they may have to learn. I do realize you have made helpful tutor style content as I have watched and learned.

    I've been playing since 7/19. I play alone and I boosted my first toon, a black mage, from 50-70 then made 80. Since then I've leveled Scholar/summoner/Arcanist, Red mage, and gunbreaker to level 80. The game ABSOLUTELY isn't hard, though its frustrating that some content is locked behind other content. Still, its not that difficult. And I have wanted to quit for reasons. lol There's a lot of work needed on the game and a lot of locked content that's more annoying than anything. I should be complete with Shadow bringers right now. But.. keep being forced to stop or go do something else. I also play ESO, now secondary to FFXIV but it helps me keep my sanity with the absurd aspects of FF14.

    Still, I write this because I've been in many conversations concerning boosts in my facebook groups and people don't realize how friendly and non-toxic this game is and they make it difficult for no reason. Just spread the love man. People are going to boost. Help them. Not hurt them.

  15. I don't think I'd have as much of a problem with first-time players boosting if more of those players were willing to ask questions & learn, which it seems many of them don't (because obviously they know everything, having come from Some Other MMO).

    I don't mind answering "simple" questions about 1-70 quirks, mechanics, UI settings, stack markers in 8-man – any of it. I'll impart knowledge all day, if they're just willing to ask & learn. But if you're gonna Billy Badass your way through and get your party killed 15 times on content that should otherwise be trivial (stay awake, perform the minimum expectation of your class/job, win) then I'm gonna take exception with you buying a boost and skipping out on learning how to play "this" particular MMORPG.

  16. Don't watch the latest Naguura Video, because you might get a little mad. I am a wow veteran and i can understand that her approach can be offensive or even demeaning towards FF14 players. In short She boosted. Learned her rotations on target dummies and now she wants to do Savage raids blind without knowing the tactics. Personnaly i am a Wow refugee within FF14 and i love the game, i didn't skip anything. It feels so liberating and fun to play this game. The main issue is that there is boosting. For what purpose was it added? It is hard to complain about something that the game itself allows even if it is misused.

  17. I've bought a couple boosts myself, but only for my alt character. my main has everything at 80 and I just wanted to play a new character (I don't know why but lol)
    I feel this is the only reason you should ever boost, alts.

  18. I played my main job all the way to 80 enjoying the storyline. I figure can go back get everything I miss like tweaking the UI later. I wanted a second job so when my hands could not move as fast at the higher level stuff to do certain duties and instances & my daughter would do it for me. I added dark knight as a boost where i can quest it to 80 will be ready for Endwalker for her. With a new grand baby just arrived today game time will be limited. Both if us are experienced players from WOW & she has played all FF as tanks. For someone like me will not be leaving for sure.

  19. They need to make all classes available from the start. Being told you have to level a class you dont want to play to get to one you do will turn people off. Took me a few years of trying and quiting until I forced myself to suffer long enough to unlock the class I wanted from day 1.

  20. DISCLAIMER: Everyone should play the game how they want to as long as they are not actively hurting the experience of others. With that out of the way my opinion is this:
    I think something that is understated often is that because we non-boosted players all go through the MSQ we all share the same or similiar experiences. These shared experiences give a sense of connection in the community. When you interact with a fellow ff14 community member you can talk about our favorite storybeats, characters, plotlines, speculations, awesome and sad moments and they might screamed out, felt anger, joy, anxiety and shed tears at the same times as we did. This grows the community closer and builds in my opinion more empathy and positivity for your fellow players. Someone who boosted is potentially one less community member one less potential fc member, one less static raider, one less friend we could make in the game. So one should not forget that some of the anti-boost sentiment isnt out of hate, gatekeeping or elitism but out of love for the game and its community.

  21. People who boost may not have the connection to the game that people who actually level on their own. This means that when they hit a roadblock they are less likely to care enough to stay. And I don't mean a sunken cost type of connection, I mean the connection to the characters, storyline, their grand company, and other items which while from older expansions still don't feel outdated.

  22. I mean… How would you feel if a level 70 character was failing mechanics taught to EVERYONE back when we were level 30/40?

    Its like a 3 strike rule, especially in NA PF. First time you wipe us ok no problem. 2nd time, wtf. 3rd time just disband, this is really not a farm party.

  23. Thanks Bwana. This explanation of "why not to boost" helps a lot and answers the email I sent you a while back. I recon you should have a whole bunch of WoW casual, role play and collectors coming the way of FFXIV when End Walker launches now at least they would have an idea of why not to boost.


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