Why FFXIV has become Mainstream

Why FF14 has become Mainstream | Work To Game
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Thanks to UbaNess for the title to this video.

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0:00 Introduction
1:00 Awesome Video


38 thoughts on “Why FFXIV has become Mainstream”

  1. I only briefly played wow, I got to 120 and did the tentacle guy raid but quit shortly after starting raids because of how toxic the community was. If I even fell of the top parse as a fire mage I was getting toxic af comments for hours. As a player new to mmo’s I didn’t feel like it was worth it to play anymore.

    I started ffxiv last week and so far have only ment nice people who are at the very least willing to explain mechanics I don’t understand and don’t actively flame for dps parses of a brand new player

  2. another great quality video from you two on this subject. Let WoW takes its fall so that it can get back up stronger, FFXIV will march forward from now on to keep MMOs top quality

  3. The thing about FFXIV – they don't believe that have to force you to do chores to feed their shareholders BS engagement numbers. It's made WoW a complete and total joke that only has people in it because we're so painfully sad to let go of our 16 year old avatars.

    Let it go – play a game that is actually fun. And if FFXIV has a slow period I DON'T CARE I'll keep sending them sub money because I know whatever they're working on will be built WITH THE PLAYER IN MIND and not shareholders as the first consideration. Smart companies know that happy customers leads to happy shareholders – WoW has an upside down and designed to fail business model. For Blizzard/EA WoW is just a pot of money to finance mobile dev until WoW dies.

  4. gear falloff, jealous. I wanted to level a lot of classes sorta at he same time, but even with the inventory increases its sooooo painful hahah. (My glam gear, my regular gear, and etc…………. =/. ) Took a break to play classic, trying to play some TBC and FF14. Been playing SCH off and off since 1.0. For me, SCH felt best in Heavensward, I really enjoyed the stance stance mechanic of it. I felt that my damage was great. I don't even really feel like casting damage spells on SCH in shadow bringers =/. Also think it's kinda lame how they changed Selene and Eos, the new fairy healing mechanics are pretty cool though.

  5. It's very irksome to me that Asmongold gets so much hate. I've watched him a lot and I find him to be very agreeable and honestly, from my perspective very wholesome. I've never seen him be nasty to people, his criticisms of the game are openly biased and still mostly fair, and at all times he seems aware he has an audience and he owes them some kind of entertainment. This manifests sometimes in potentially offensive takes, but more often than that, as humorous self deprecation. Asmon may offend you, but no one cares about offending him. And both of those things are fine objectively. A lesson lost in 2021.

  6. I just started a couple of days ago from watching Asmongold, after seeing him reacting to the trailers. So far I love it and I'm only level 20, I don't mind the leveling, I feel like those who say it is bad never played a JRPG

  7. I've played a hella lot of MMOs and watched Bellular videos for a long time. Just started playing FF14 a week ago, had always intended to give it a shot but those vids finally prompted me to actually play. Loving it so far, I doubt I'll be re-subscribing for 9.1 in WoW.

  8. 9.1 never came, so I'm just playing something that has new content for me. 9.1 doesn't even fix or add anything I care about anyways so that's just even less appealing to wait for… since I'd have to pray 9.2 actually fixes the issues I had with the expansion in the first place.

  9. long time wow player here, playing ff14 right now and loving it. I tired it before in the past and it was hard to get into it, I think it's because I was trying to play it like wow. this time around I decided to commit to logging some hours in ff14 and take my time and get immersed into this world of FF and I tried to not compare it to wow as I played. something just clicked once I did that, FF and wow are different games both have good and bad systems but I honestly love both now. what I don't get in one I seem to find in the other etc etc. FF14 is now my vacation home away from home (wow). and damn its good to get away for awhile.

  10. Guys if you wanna do people being unhappy with WOW a favor, you should probably do a video on how FFXIV handles progression across expansions.
    The single biggest frustrating element in WOW over the past years for a major part of the community became what is knows as "borrowed power" elements.
    Instead of adding new abilities or other permanent tools to existing classes, they introduce power (progression) systems exclusively for a given expansion.
    Most of them turn out rather underdeveloped and instead of being the icing on the cake for a given class, at times do the heavy lifting to make them enjoyable in the first place.
    Consequently loosing abilities linked to such systems usually hits some classes way harder and the transition to another expansion can be extremely rocky.
    The most frustrating part about it is, that by the time balance patches ironed out the biggest flaws of these temporary systems, they get phased out and replaced by the next new shiny gimmick in the next expansion.

  11. I got the "Full Version" when it was so cheap in the beginning of the month for me and my gf, who were playing WoW before hand. Well my gf never got into anything going over Heroic dungeons (maybe m0) without feeling pressured all the time. I wasnt getting in to any groups for content interesting me (12+). Well in FF14 i do not know every corner of the world and i gotta say im really enjoying the new wind. My gf never feels pressured anymore, since the ppl we hit up in dungeon groups are patient and willing to explain. And i may not have hit the endgame but i got the feeling the community wont change to endgame. FF14 was just a big win for us.

  12. I think the main resistance that a good bit of FF14 players, that haven't played wow or just played it a little bit, have against WoW players coming over is that community tends to have a stigma of being pretty toxic for the most part. Its not about them being negative against the game but coming in and just being toxic players. Weather that is true or not I think they just don't want to risk that happening to their community.

  13. I think it’s sad if Asmongold isn’t really being ‘allowed’ to try the game. Yeah, he seems to trash talk FFXIV compulsively from what little I’ve seen, but people can change their opinions. It’s not really the place for someone who cringes at cat girls/boys, but he should be allowed to give it a shot.

  14. As a ff content creator myself now. I think it is awesome how welcoming the community is to new players or people who want to help others. From the redditbgroupsnto the FC groups. That is usually is usually first thing that stands out when you get into the game… now now there are some sour apples, but what game doesn't have them lol. Always appreciate yall content. Definitely help with he inspiration

  15. Hey I don't mean to be negative here but I have to ask:
    Why do you guys have like 6 channels? – I get really confused on what is what and what's the difference between ginger prime and Work to game or Gaming Kinda or GamingkindaWorktoPodcast, Or Other channels you have I haven't discovered yet. – As a fan of your FFXIV chats feel like all of these channels have almost the exact same content as far as I can tell (Not that it is BAD at All! – I lOVE hearing you guys talk FFXIV – Been listening for over a year or so now.)

    But sometimes it is quite literally the exact same content with you even mentioning that you already did this video on another channel. It's got to the poiunt here i feel compelled to ask what is the reasoning for overlapping your content so much? As a frequent viewer, admittedly it gets really hard to tell if I've already watched a video or if I watched this or that particular video on another channel, Etc etc. —

    If It's simply a "That's how we make our money for a living" – I get it. But I cannot be alone when I say that it's getting a little confusing and misleading. especially lately with several videos on each channel. — Would you guys ever consider consolidating them all somewhere? or making a channel specifically to house all your content? – that would be super awesome.

    – Much love. keep up the hard work. Love your FFXIV convos & sorry for the criticism. I only do so because I care.

  16. Watching Bellular's clips and thoughts on the game gave me a push to come back and try it out again and the algorithm brought me here after watching so many of his clip videos!

  17. I think what some people in the FF14 community don’t want to happen is that a lot of WoW‘s community jump over to FF14. I have been a Wow player for 15 years and know too well how toxic the community over there is. If even some of them would come over to FF14 it would damage the social aspect of FF a lot. And it would be really sad to see that happen

  18. The amount of sprouts these days is INSANE. I'm currently getting a friend through free trial, and yesterday, as we did from Ifrit hard through steps of faith, more than half the players we met during the day were brand new. (We literally 3-manned half of the Titan hard fight). Welcome everyone, hope you enjoy the game!

  19. I started 2 days ago and i saw a lot of lvl 1 players on the Omega Server and it has cues constantly mostly just in the 20-40 people range but over the whole day no matter when i try to log in it has a small cue.

  20. 10+ year WoW raider. Just began FF and already purchased game and subbed to several FF creators (including your channel). All down to the community experiences. People actually talk and help in dungeons. What is this insanity I missed???? Ty FF Fam

  21. for a fun metric, i started ffxiv this weekend after watch bel talk about it, come from wow for 15 years, loving the game so far, seems its taken not much for you guys to start being recomended to me.

  22. I think maybe the way to game the algorithm ethically for a channel like BellularGaming is to create a separate channel for FFXIV content, and then at the end of each main channel video about WoW, include a tease of FFXIV content from the new channel. That way, WoW viewers won't abandon the channel, and the algorithm can judge the incoming traffic on the new channel on its own merits without comparing it to his already established WoW audience.

  23. i made the jump. Downloaded the trial 4 days ago. 2 days ago I bought it. Today I unsubbed from WoW despite 9.1 being announced yesterday. I have fallen more in love with my FF character in 4 days than any of my 9 level 60 characters in WoW, some of whom I have played for years. If it wasn't for the content creators of WoW being so fixed on this for the past few weeks I wouldn't have made the switch. Now to try and get my head around crafting…

  24. that asmon story about him reacting to zepla was literaly my story of how i got here. ive been loving ff14 and still in free trial but im almost certaintly buying complete edition and preorder endwalker. Also enjoying many new ff14 creators content in bulk, including this fantastic channel here!


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