Why Determination & Direct Hit are NOT the Best stats in FFXIV!

I explain why Determination and Direct Hit are kind of the middle of the pack stats, not the best, not bad either, alongside the relation they have with each other as well.

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Music Used:
FFXIV Endwalker โ€“ Cradle of Hope

#ffxiv #endwalker

00:00 Introduction
00:40 What is Determination
01:10 What is Direct Hit
02:19 Stats do not exist in a Vacuum
03:08 Why DPS jobs prioritize Determination
04:12 Why Tanks and Healers prioritize Direct Hit
04:52 Why Tenacity and Piety are worse
05:41 Speed versus Determination and Direct Hit
06:46 Summarizing the weaker stats
07:08 Critical Hits Double Dipping Power Gains
08:04 Relative Power Gains explained
09:00 Summary and Conclusion
10:31 Fun Fact


14 thoughts on “Why Determination & Direct Hit are NOT the Best stats in FFXIV!”

  1. Correction about Determination explained in this video:
    While the tooltip itself literally says it only affects healing spells, I've been doing some more testing for a future video (that I might just link here when it is made), and it is very very very likely that Determination affects all healing effects, and that the stipulation that it only affects spells is completely incorrect!
    Sorry for the confusion! Nonetheless, it isn't like people were choosing Determination much over Direct Hit for the healing it did anyway right?

  2. I think biggest qualm with the current Materia system and I hope to see addressed in 7.0 is the unimportance of some Materia types like Piety and Tenacity outside of Progging. I feel like role materia like those should have some more benefit to the role to incentivive use compared to most BiS going Crit, DH, Det/SkSpeed for Tanks which is the role I mainly play which stinks because I think Tenacity could be a great Defensive Materia for jobs that lack healing tools like DRK that only has Abyss Drain and Soul Eater. I don't know much about game design I do admit, but I always wondered what the point of Tenacity is when I never seen it being used despite being the Tank Materia. I think it also increasing Block/Parry Chance would be interesting.

    I guess my point is that I want to see more diverse Materia use for tanks like how there is for BLM.

  3. hey! love your videos

    quick question: if i have 2600 crit which is above the threshold where you say crit is better than both dh and det, would it be worth sacrificing them to get more crit?

    for example, i have room for 16 more crit materia points in my helmet. would it be worth it to sacrifice that 36 dh or det for 16 crit?

  4. The imbalance of the substats doesn't bother me too much. Even if they buffed det again, buffed direct hit to try to make them more equal, something is inevitably going to be more valuable than the others. Crit is overwhelmingly valuable, but even if it was only very slightly better, melds would probably still look much the same.

    And ultimately outside of sps and sks materia, they don't change how the job plays, so I see materia as just the necessary requirement for doing enough damage in high end content. If determination was buffed to be better than crit, then you'd just meld more determination, and nothing about how you actually play the game would change. Though there is an argument to be made that critical being as valuable as it is makes damage output immensely variable, so I do think it'd be for the best if crit was reigned in, or det was buffed more, or some such.

  5. seems like secondary offensive stats are fundamentally fucked to their very core. devs tried so hard to not be overpowered, that they barely do anything instead.

    Even primary offensive stats do same thing, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Mind all are base damage stat. They equal to "attack power" for said class/job so just call it that. Giving different names to what is essentially the same thing is hollow depth. Same for spell speed/skill speed, just call it attack speed for all instead. Of GCDs, should be fixed amount no matter the level, and this amount differentiates based off said class/job i.e. puglist/monk GCD will be small, while black mage big. Varites from 1.4 all way to 2.0, cuz 2.5 default is still too damn slow period. GCD how it is now always gets scaled back when new level cap happens, so level syncing older content our GCDs are super fast like roughly 1.5 doing ARR content its insane, its an accidental haste buff when "rebalancing" for new level cap. So having fixed GCDs across the board which remedy this.

    I often wish for a massive overhaul of games stat systems entirely, may come 7.0 if be

  6. The funny thing is that all theory aside, the actual best meld choice between det/dh at any given point is going to boil down to, "Which results in better tiering/less substat waste?"

    The values of each substat are so close all the way down the line that you're generally better off just ensuring you don't waste substats.

  7. I just wish some of these stats were easier to understand from the names alone. I guess it makes sense since stats like determination do multiple things but Iโ€™ve gotten it confused with determination since the meanings of the words are similar lol.

  8. Fun fact, I only learned what Direct Hit did this year and it replaced hit chance. I get the logic (replace chance to miss for chance for a harder hit.) But Crit already does that.

    With your various stat videos, itโ€™s gotten me thinking about a question. What do we actually want from stats? Do we want to dump points into a single stat to create specific builds (Crit builds, Speed builds, etc)? Do we want break points where we have to spread points to different stats to maximize damage? Itโ€™s one thing to want stats to be more impactful, but itโ€™s good to have a vision of what that means.


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