When new players see FFXIV community
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Love ffxiv
Famfrit:D lol the weebpolice?
Yeah… ive been here for 2 years and THAT would have given me pause too.
Now I want to see what a WoW refugee sprout thinks of the FFXIV community
What happens in Limsa stays in Limsa…

This, but in wow, walking into goldshire inn, then turning to walk away into The Stockade in stormwind.
Classic Limsa.
Looks like Famfrit…
I've seen them at Sargatanas Limsa
Understandable, have a nice day
Now that's paradise
Sargatanas limsa lominsa be like:
he'll join them in time just wait.
This is on Sarg lol
I think I play on that server!
All these people going "Classic Limsa" type of wording in the comments. If only you knew.