@RinBanana –
@WeskAlber –
@Pyromancer –
@PeninaChan –
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Only me can go this long mispronouncing Rinons name -.- but ima embrace it ! And yes new upload time based on my audience analytics having shifted earlier by a few hours x
Wesk Alber might be the GOAT
Im sure a lalafell looking to become the next Cromwell has no bad precedent.
I was skeptical at first, but his last words proved you made the right decision.
I thought Pyro went back to WoW
1) It's Mortica, its completely understandable and acceptable. 2) Die Hard is SO a Christmas movie, at least that's what I tell my little sister when she wants to watch Christmas movies again.
Admit it you love the collar. The ol spicey choker.
As an avid fan.
I want others to know; Myth shock collared himself.
1) Thank you for helping raise awareness for PTSD.
2) Die Hard IS a Christmas Movie
3) Pyro shot himself in the foot (definitely wasn't me.)
4) At the very least, these videos are helping me discover new content creators to watch.
5) Meow….
Love your content Myth, but….. seems like something is holding you back.
Thank you myth for the laughs and massive thank you for the awareness, lost to many friends to it, almost lost myself, but I'm happy I didn't, because I wouldn't be able to see this amazing content!
ah yes miqo'te's the natural compliment and enemy of lalafells
Thank you, Blank. Overthrow the potatoletariat!
I'd never stumbled across Rinon until this video, but your roast(?) of them sound like the kind of person that's right up my alley. I think I'll go check them out. Thanks!
Also Die Hard is absolutely a Christmas movie.
Videos looking better.. ❤
has anyone dropped in Speakers of Hydaelyn?
Pyro is an interesting case. There's just something about him that makes me uncomfortable to watch, and it's probably the anger issues.
I am pretending I am writing something wise, "random comment." My job here is done, I must away.