Beyond mere race and clan, Final Fantasy XIV is filled with options to make some of the prettiest (and ugliest) characters in any modern MMO. Here, I go over some of the common stereotypes associated with those choices and with no credentials whatsoever, psychoanalyze what your character says about you!
It’s hardly an exhaustive list, but it doesn’t need to be—98% of us look the exact same, anyway!
0:00 Intro
0:28 Hyur
1:18 Elezen
1:36 Lalafell
1:52 Miqo’te
2:18 Roegadyn
2:44 Au Ra
3:04 Hrothgar
3:25 Viera
3:40 Customization Choices
3:49 Height
3:57 “The Zoom Test”
4:30 “The Royal Eye of Raiding”
4:51 Hair
5:32 Face Paints
6:02 Outro
Extended eulogy for the old funny link.
I play roegadyn monk and I can honestly say I have never seen another roegadyn monk
"Your subscription is integral to your future, so fork it over bud." I don't know why but that snark ACTUALLY SOLD ME on subscribing.
Hey man I am a raen not a xaely also a war not a dark night ….. did get called out on the mordekaiser main thing though is it that obvious
I'm a lala, almost all 7 of my alts are lala, I'm rich, ruthless, and I love kicking long legged ones in the shins!
I'm just your local samurai/ maid/ Arura who just likes to sweep away my enemies with my katana
I miss your Smallezen form
Currently a Fem!Roe player, but once 7.0 comes out the Fem!Roe (least played race) will be one step closer to extinction as I switch over to the Fem!Hroth
Male Miqo'te player – neither a woman nor a gay man tho :p
I am duskwight elezen, but i use pale skin, checkmate xD
as someone who only got really into FFXIV the second time they tried it because they just really really wanted to play a rabbit femboy, i have never felt so called out by my choices in face paint
woahh….why you calling me out about going back miqo
…. (was viera)
d u s k w i g h t g a n g
as a former xaela au ra that is incredibly accurate.
Would you be open to sharing your Reshade preset?
maybe if i switch to lalafell whisker min height my static will see me as the super tall gigachad mechanics master i know i am and they wont kick me for constantly griefing every week
Looks over at my Duskweight Elezen whom I fantasiad into over a year ago
And I took that personally.
As a roe male with blush, I am disappointed to be so easily read.
Once again, I ask for my chocobo back, I’ve given you my the truth of the lala to share with the world! What more do you want?!
great video! I chose a very small female lalafell because I thought it would be funny to see a silly cute face in the very serious and dramatic cutscenes, despite my general preference to play male characters as a Brotherly Love enthusiast. I regret not choosing a male viera that should be both fashionable and give me double meaning to many many scenes.
It sometimes suck to be too smol, you can't barely see your culinarian super cute little oven. When in housing, the cottage looks pretty much like a mansion. It's also harder to play overall, I guess, if you suck like me, lol ('im in the bad lala group demographics).
BUT, after so many hours playing my adorable lalafell, I can't see the character with a different face and stature.
if these categories and traits dont apply do you, or you find yourself straddling two or more contradictory categories, congratulations! you are transgender
Hetrochromatic, shortest stack, make it rain hair styled, female miqote sun seaker, two toned hair both shades of reddish to give a tapered look to hair styles (iirc bit brighter as it goes to the tips)
Not tall IRL, otherwise kinda fits for me.
Also legacy player, never fantasia'd though NEARLY went female aura when HW dropped. Only thing that has changed on my character since is occationaly hair highlight color (slight diffrent shades) and hairstyle/things the aethetician can change.
One of the few Elezen I've seen was a lancer named Verluigi. Just checked and I realized his last name is an anagram of red mage.
5:15 How dare you describe my play style to a T AND use my hairstyle of choice as an example!
…Is it really that obvious…?
me, a bisexual, looking over at my male miqo'te WoL that has obvious eyeshadow on
Holy shit its actually true.
Great video, really funny and quite accurate from my experience.
I like to be an exception though: I'm a very tall dude, I played the free trial til lvl 30 as a catgirl then bought the game and restarted as a max height Female Viera with white hair and heterochromia and never went back, almost 2000 hours on this one character so far, she's my main.
I do have a few alts that I play on because hats are really nice and RP is fun (some alts are a min height lala, a max height fem roe, min height female Au Ra, and a couple others).
I haven't watched the video yet but I'm sure bun boys are going to come out looking good
Was about to be like bbbbbutt butttt i play male elezen then the obsessed with ishgard comment came up and yeah too accurate
Lala player, I will acknowledge that once you go short, there is no boundary of gender nor clan. All Lalas are we of the small. Though I’m not a high tier raider so I hope to god I’m mid rather than a bumbler who can’t clear anything.
I love your video so funny <333 needed this to destress from studying. Lol, i created a catboi because i love G'raha <333
As a male highlander I must say, I like playing as a big burly dude but I don’t wanna be hulk or a furry lmao
this video makes me want to show off my wol to you and have you judge them
My character is a Mi'qote seeker of the moon with ashen grey skin, and short white hair with black highlights.
There was no deeper thought behind it, I just thought the combo looked good.
She also has blue/green heterochromatic eyes.
My own eyes look like they're both blue/green, in a pattern not dissimilar from Limbal Rings.
She's never been fanta'd, but after several years, I did have had Vaindelyne make the highlights even darker, add a few freckles, and pick a slightly different but still short hairstyle
The idea there was to make it look like she's changed and matured a bit over the whole saga from ARR to EW.
IMO, the perfect callout for players like me is that we basically made our ideal girlfriend.
Look I started out as a duskwight elezen and now I'm a Viera with mods, all the hats hehehehe >:)
"femroes are almost universally played by straight men"
every single femroe i know: is played by a lesbian
I was curious the aura male one, but as one i can tell you, me drk? What's that? Ho i need to heal that (aka I'm aura healer)
"Viera usually don't stay viera" speak for yourself, you can pry my bunny from my cold dead hands. I love playing as a pretty boy twink because it's the closest to my irl self
But I am a Duskwight ;_;
Wow some of what you said is true and others are wayyyyyyy off.
I picked female Hyur because I didn’t want my character being too cutesy, if that makes sense? It’s a shame the only cool looking female options are on highlander and Roe because I also don’t want my character looking too tough. Ugh, the Goldilocks dilemma.
But now I’m contemplating changing to cat girl because I feel so left out as a Hyur. xD
Hyur using face 5….looks at character….SHIT got me.
as a gay man who has been a Viera male since they launched, I must be rare needed XD I am usually playing the rough face and full armor plate. xD
Lol my Au Ra male is the total opposite of the vid,but I can't really disagree considering all other male Au Ra are indeed edgy dark knights
Dude you can make a video after you played 10 hours and have no idea
… play the game for reall and you know how it really works

You missed 1 thing with lalafells, its either max height that towers over all other lalas or min height that gets lost beneath hrothgars, anything between 10 and 95 on the slider is unused except for like 3 people including me.