What to Expect from NA's Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival

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43 thoughts on “What to Expect from NA's Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival”

  1. Super excited just got into the game recently but it's nice to be here for the excitement!! How long after announcements do the expansions come out? Still haven't finished story, I'm on stormblood and wondering how much time I have ๐Ÿ˜…

  2. I think this is the last double-job expansion. A casting left side/right side Magical DPS, and a scouting left side/aiming right side Physical ranged DPS. Then, every role has 4 jobs, and melee has 5. Then I would expect us to move to 1 job per expansion from 8.0 onwards. My bet is Time Mage and Corsair.

  3. I am pretty sure we are getting a new job that will share gear with ninja also, it's the only job that uses scouting gear. I really hope they announce a new caster since I want to play that in 7.0 xD

  4. I know the chances of adding any new races are slim to probably none, but if they did decide to make, say, the Loporrits a playable race, a good t-shirt teaser would be Buster and Babs Bunny from Tiny Toons. Doubt itโ€™d ever happen but a man can dream.

  5. as a 1.0 player i say that together with the graphic restyle this is a perfect opportunity to give a change to the ffxiv formula because at the moment only casual players are happy! and i add times have changed too after all these years we should get something else besides raids! let's hope well!

  6. I'm excited to hear and see some of the graphical upgrades. The best surprise would be that they reveal that the FF16 engine is actually an upgraded version of the FF14 engine like i believe it is and they are going to implement them into FF14. Not that FF14 will look as good as FF16 because no shot, but just knowing how much better the engine is and what it's capable if is exciting to me.

  7. It will likely be more of a focus on the graphical update showing existing content and a showcase of Hrothgals. Since it falls before 6.5, I don't expect much 7.0 story info at all.

  8. My question is whether Female Hrothgar will still look feline and beast like similar to their male counterparts or if they'll be just FemRoes with cat ears, tails and much less hair and hat options.

  9. I want it to be wild west themed, in the New World and bring a Gunslinger/Revolver Job. Or go the Monster hunter way with a completely uncharted new world that makes the players build the new hub city out of nothing, kinda like ishgard restoration was and come with the adventurer/explorer job that uses a whip.

  10. Honestly instead of bringing new jobs, they could "upgrade" current. Same way you upgrade your job when you obtain soulstone, core of the job remains, but its expanded with completely new job mechanics. But that brings many challenges for both sides.
    Oldest Scion job is Estinien. Drg since HW(Alisae too, technically). Everyone else changed their original job(Thancred even twice) which gave them more strength. So im looking at Estinien as posible job change, if we are going to the "southern continent". If we get new magical dps, Alisae could potentionaly change jobs too.
    But thats just speculation.

  11. The NA fanfest is always such a tease, frustrating but also exciting because they leave us with just some groundwork without showing it, but as you said with how we have been told certain things are coming long in advance (graphics update/female hrothgar) I think we maaaybe can get a deeper look at those specifically on the NAfest

  12. I know they said they dont plan on adding any more races after female hrothgar but I wonder if they know just how excited we get when they do new races. The female Viera are the only reason I even started playing the game in the first place

  13. I donโ€™t blame ya for sitting out this one, after doing every NA fan fest and one EU itโ€™s always the same format. There is no Q&A on the agenda this go around either.


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