Title & Thumbnail by: Chelsea Schneider
Recorded: May 21, 2022
Platform: PC
STREAM SCHEDULE: http://bit.ly/lawstream
I stream at http://www.twitch.tv/sirlarr
I’m partnered with Good ol’ Games, here’s my referral link: https://bit.ly/3qsvbWk
Patreon: http://patreon.com/lawrencesonntag
All times are approximate! Follow me on Twitter @SirLarr (http://www.twitter.com/sirlarr) for updates and notices.
2:12:10 Oh man, did you see that Aetherial Manipulation? That BLM must be a pro ༼⌐■ل͜■༽
Nald'Thals theme has become one of my top 5 themes of the game. Its just aaaaawesome. 1001 FFXIV Nights
Could you please do a FFIX playthrough? (Best game of the series, fight me)