Viper Made EASY! Viper Guide! [FFXIV 7.0 Dawntrail]

Viper explained simply and clearly. No tooltip nonsense no frills just clear explanations and practical advice for the new melee DPS job Viper. Viper guide for the brand new Viper job added in FFXIV’s Dawntrail expansion!

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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV

0:00 Viper Dawntrail Media Tour Guide
0:10: User Interface
0:50 Essential Viper Buffs and Debuffs
2:00 Off GCD Death Rattle ability
2:45 Viper Positionals
5:00 Deadwinder combo
8:13 Reawakened Burst Phase of AWESOMENESS


22 thoughts on “Viper Made EASY! Viper Guide! [FFXIV 7.0 Dawntrail]”

  1. Finally got past the queue, many people asked for a clean straight forward viper guide with no frills/gimmiskc/ in depth explanation they just wanted to get in and play ivper with as few "what the heck is a flanksbane sting?" as possible. Enjoy!

  2. I'm so upset about what my ex fiance did to me that I'm still unable to even bring myself to enjoy the MSQ. I'm so freaking hurt. I just can't see a path forward where I am loved or held or wanted again. At this point I'm doing eveyrthing OTHER THAN the MSQ… gosh I really am a ruined person. There's no escaping it is there? My life is ruined. It's all over I'll never be loved or held again.

  3. There are a few comprehensive guides on this job already on YouTube, but to be honest it really helps seeing someone slowly go over each of the abilities and show them in real time instead of just talking over pre recorded gameplay of them doing the combos perfectly. This has helped the class really click with me, thanks man!

  4. my only issue with the job gauge is it's inflexibility. . . . steel fangs is the most used ability, which for me means it's on the right side. However the job gauge shows it as the left side, making it basically unusable for me. AT least until they let us customize it a little bit (if they even do). Until then I just put an icon for steel/dread fangs around where I'd normally have the job gauge. Which is fine.

    Monk however isn't so fine, it's the same limitation but takes 6 icons on screen to handle what the job gauge does purely because I can't change the order. . . making monk basically unplayable for me until they change that. Most job gauges are fine, but when something starts correlating with a very specific skill sets in the core rotation . . then it needs customizability for people with hotkey setups that don't align with the order you got the skills in. It's probably equally as problematic for anyone who is left handed.

  5. So … I actually have a macro for the single target rotation … where you don't have to hit all these different buttons … you can spam 2 or 3 buttons and the rotation magically works out just fine …


    /micon Twinblood

    /ac Twinblood

    /ac Swiftskin's Coil

    /ac Hunter's Den

    I'm always spamming the rotation anyway on the keyboard… but now it's only FOUR buttons… if you combine 3 of the abilities together that you'd use for AoE and ST combo's after the initial 1st GCD, it just works itself out … I don't notice any delay either…

  6. If you like Reaper it’s pretty much the same opener wise and combat wise it’s awesome and fast. Mostly keeping up buffs and making sure they are up and won’t fall before you burst with two reawakening

  7. the viper rotation is so intuitive i got that rotation just by playing and trying without really melee experience etc. Its fun. Only 1 thing feels weird as if i need an ogcd in between. When i press dreadwinder and wanna go into hunters coil or the other, there is a moment of gcd where i cant do anything and the char just stands there till coil is rdy to press. Is there anything for in between? Same of course on the aoe versions. Also, is it a major difference to start with the swiftskin instead of hunter dmg wise? For some reason in my brain it feels wrong to start flank. xD I dont know why, triggers me! xD

  8. Viper Made Easy tldr: Press the blinking button. Your positionals are color coded.(thats pretty much the only good thing coming out of this job)

    They somehow made the new hyped up job into the most boring thing to ever exist in any mmorpg. Sprinkles of MNK without that many positionals. Sprinkles of RPR because lets just go copy enshrouded and make it blue. Viper has 0 identity to it. No flavour. The sword gauge is utterly useless, it shows you nothing the skill icon doesnt tell you in a more clear way. And the anti button bloat mechanic is a big part of the problem i feel like. – No its not the most complex thing because u suddenly bind 6 keys instead of 2. But now youve ended up on a job pressing just the same button over and over again.

  9. Easy Viper tips:

    – combo stage 1: only reapply the buff at 20 seconds or less, otherwise go for the damage

    – combo stage 2: just alternate these to keep both buffs up

    – combo stage 3: press the glowing one. Always alternates from flank to rear and vice versa. As the video states a "1" leads to a flank and a "2" leads to a rear. If you're unsure, red button = rear, green button = flank.

    – always keep a charge of dreadwinder available. If your debuff falls off or you start a fight mid combo this gets your debuff rolling again. Also use this if you can't hit positionals but can get melee range.

  10. The easiest way to go about Flanks and Hinds is that you can see what buff you have from the previous 1-2-3 combo. If it's green = flank, if it's red = rear. And that's pretty much it. I think that's much simplier than looking at the sword bar.

  11. I'm sorry for coming in with a negative comment(not about your video) I HATE positionals… they feel like artificial unnecessary complexity… we have enough to worry about in a fight than to remember if we are flank or behind… and many fights(thank the twelve) you can't do positionals anyway cuz the boss is a giant mass that takes up one whole side of the stage.
    Anyway, thanks for this video…
    positionals make me sad… feels like a barrier to me enjoying melee classes.

  12. I don't use the sword job gauge at all myself. The abilities highlighting on the bar does the same job telling you which ability to use. As for positionals, I just look at the skills. Green is flank, red is rear. I have not once looked at the sword gauge when playing Viper. It's nice to have options though, some people may like the gauge, others such as myself will just look at the highlighted skills and their colour.

  13. As a lot of people seem to be saying, I've been going off the color because I just couldn't make sense of the sword gauge. Thanks for explaining it clearly and concisely! Hopefully it will help me to not just stare at my buttons trying to figure out which color I'm on.


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