Using AOE Skills Is "Elitism" Apparently.. | FFXIV Drama Alninio Reacts

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38 thoughts on “Using AOE Skills Is "Elitism" Apparently.. | FFXIV Drama Alninio Reacts”

  1. As a SAM main? Beyond relatable where a Tank doesn't hold aggro of mobs. Tanking Tankbusters as a SAM in Savage is just another Thursday for me now. My personal opinion is that this is the result of babying the playerbase to such a degree that there's no incentive to do anything right or improve cause you don't need to. Which is ironic? since the EW story advocates the opposite, to overcome hardships and prepare mankind (the players) for the possible worst. Reading tooltips to understand their own Jobs is nowadays a burden to heavy to bare… its sad mhm

    Any player may play however they please within the Terms of Service, which I believe? is about " doing your best ". Although this is subjective because player skills varies. As long as you don't willfully are AFK for example. But doing your best? at least boils down to pressing some buttons and playing the game… You don't play the game to not play… the Game… and we also want to respect each others time. Yes you don't need to foodbuff / pot / align raidbuffs / optimal comps for roulettes… but the bare minimum of pressing buttons? is kinda just… it be like if I were to play my Samurai in roulette and all I do is Enpi's and Shinten's….

  2. I'm amazed to see that he responded to Xeno and other player reactions. Personally, I think he was just already annoyed at Mane for pulling ahead of the tank, so he probably took what Mane said way worse and immediately sided with the tank out of annoyance. When you're already annoyed at someone it's easy to just take any opportunity to express that annoyance, even if it's on a different subject. They both could've reacted way better. They ended up just stacking comebacks at each other until it became toxic. I hope the tank improves and doesn't let this deter him from trying. Could've been a much nicer dungeon run if one or both of them had just been more helpful to the tank instead of defensive.

  3. This has always been a issue I've had with the community nobody can take tips without getting butthurt. It doesn't matter if you're a sprout or a veteran at some point you should know the basics of playing when you Q into group content.

  4. Using the Twitter tactic of weaponizing being a victim to attack. Calling the guy criticising the tank reasonably names and shit and thinks he's the good one in this interaction. The guy wasn't even being mean, he simply wanted the tank to do the bare minimum. I don't like it when some players rush even when we're going at a good pace through the dungeon, but the fact that the tank wasn't AOEing means they were likely going super slow, so it's understandable to want to pick up the pace here. Generally, people are nice and patient with newer players in this game, but that doesn't excuse them from meaninglessly wasting people's time by simply not trying. If the tank was clearly trying and was being shat on, then I would be on the SAM's side, but this is just refusing to, again, do the bare minimum, so the tank and the SAM are the villains here. SMN literally just wanted the guy to press his two to three buttons… Plus like the guy said, he's in really late into the game, meaning tank should already know what to do (unless bought a boost D:), so it's hard to side with anyone but the SMN here. And his response was peak villain response. He sounded so condescending. I hate people like that.

  5. There are a lot of factors here. The tank should have absolutely used aoe. I guess people find different things elitist the same way no one knows what exactly separates casual, midcore and hardcore. Personally I think all of them handled the situation poorly. SMN was fine when they said: Please, use aoe skills. That is polite and normal. I think at that point if the SMN was pulling ahead the others should have just been like: Hey man, the tank is new, please don't pull ahead and let them pull as many packs as they like. (Provided the tank started actually using aoe). Speaking from personal experience when I play a tank I also don't like when someone pulls ahead especially in a first time dungeon but I still use aoe. I play a healer main and I do savage and ultimate content (I'm far from the best player but I'm fine I think) but still haven't finished the post EW msq so whenever I unlock a new dungeon I always say it's my first time in it and I do feel stressed if the tank starts running ahead pulling everything in a dungeon that I'm not familiar with. There are some awesome tanks who actually ask if they should take it slower and I usually say let's try the normal w2w thing and if we wipe we can take it slower. It's just nice to know that the tank has got your back and has asked. I don't care if we finish the dungeon 5 minutes earlier or later. In high end content you're expected to perform not perfectly but at least competently and you die there from one hit anyway in most cases. But sometimes first time dungeons can be more stressful than ultimates because the expectation there is that you're not really allowed to F up and if you do you're bad. There is this expectation that dungeons being casual content have to take the least amount of time possible and no one is allowed to die because that will take more time. Where as in high end content you are expected to die… a lot. Even on your first time in a dungeon it's like you can't do that. At least that's my experience. I think people should act a bit more like normal human beings towards each other. It's fine to be forgiving to a newer player even in an end game dungeon, but they should have used the aoe basics. I just think it was handled badly and the tank probably knew what they were doing but had a bad day or something (which does not excuse not using aoe really). The SAM started with aggression right out of the gate which was bad where as the SMN started with "Please, …" but pulled ahead. When the SMN said: I want people to improve, to me personally that statement means nothing. It doesn't matter what you want. You are not them and in this case, in a normal roulette, the "you do not pay their sub" works specifically for that statement alone (only for the statement of "I want you to improve", not the fact that they were not using aoe, that's fine to call out politely). You can want people to improve in your static, but in roulettes the most you can want is the bare minimum in order to finish the dungeon in a normal non toxic way and in a normal time. That includes using aoe skills. So long text for nothing really. I think they could have handled the conversation like adults and it didn't need to get blown out of proportions, posted on twitter, made videos of or whatever. The tank could have used aoe, the SAM shouldn't have been aggressive, the SMN could have stopped pulling ahead. Compromise is a word the world has forgotten and basically all relationships even the briefest ones are mostly based on it. People need to remember that at the end of the day we are playing a game and having fun and not ruining it for others is the most important thing.

  6. I’ve encountered these types before in roulette. Whoooole different kind of toxicity than what I am used to in PF savage. Basically just gets mad at anyone that doesn’t coddle new players. But Goddamit they were running the dungeon that is the polar fcking opposite of satasha lol

  7. Apparently this tank got Outed in another video. He did the same thing on dark knight.

    Im just going to be honest. If youre going to waste peoples time. Use the trust system or DPS. Its far far far easier to deal with a bad dps in an Expert Dungeon than a Tank.

    Was the summoner in the wrong for running ahead…sure…but why wasnt the tank popping sprint in the first place.

    Also another gripe…why are tanks using Provoke to pull the boss or a mob when you have a RANGED damaging skin or….a gap closer.

    Bad tanks boil my blood. If you want to waste time, do it on your own. Dont hostage 3 other people.

  8. Being at the end dungeon of the last expansion and still not understanding the class basics is definitely a problem, as well as not using AoEs in trash packs.

    I've encountered this many times, I've also encountered tanks not using their defensives during trash packs, but only in boss fights, and well, most boss fights in dungeons aren't exactly as threatening as trash packs, there's also healers who would use the most basic healing during trash packs.. even healing that you wouldn't touch in that kind of content anymore.. "cure 1"

    And while yes if it's someone first dungeon, I like to respect that and allow them to soak it in and such, but this wasn't what Mane Tank had an issue with, it was just how bad the tank was actually playing..

    And nothing Mane Tank said was toxic, if anything it was providing useful information, on the other hand the toxicity was coming entirely from that SAM.

  9. “He’s new to this dungeon” Gee, it’s almost like he would do the same thing for this dungeon that he did for EVERY single dungeon before this. But, let’s be honest. This wasn’t about the tank being new to the dungeon. This was ypyt bs with a whiny dps enabler.

  10. wow – that tank was NOT doing thier job. I've had a few roulettes in this flavor. I remember a lancer picking up aggro in Tam-Tara Deepcroft and a healer insisting that I use the LB on a pack as MCH to shave a few seconds off an expert dungeon. Even running a Duty Support or Trust dungeon, I use ALL the AOEs at my disposal.

  11. the funny thing is, he mentions how he literally hard encourages his friends shitty gameplay.
    if it's in a 4 man party and everyone is fine with it, it's fine, whatever, everyone knows their time is about to be wasted.

    but if you queue in DF, 99% of the players in expert have beaten those 2 dungeons atleast 40-50 times each, you're actively wasting my time by doing this, I don't wan to spend another 30 minutes in the lunar subtarane, it's not a bad dungeon, but everything becomes obnoxious once you've done them 30-40 times.

    If it's the boss he's talking about then how did the tank even lose Agro? did he turn his stance off? makes no sense.
    if it's during a trash pull, then yeah, switching between 5-6 mobs all 1 GCD is going to take a while, ranged players generally will then start kiting to keep themselves alive because the tank is suppose to grab agro, I generally let the DPS that yoinked agro mid pull come to me so i can re-grab them in 1 AOE attack and be done with it.

    this is literally why I just tank expert even if i just want to be a braindead dps and chill, I don't want some braindead tank taking 30-40 minutes because he's "new" (specifically i'll play WAR as having an healer becomes optional, so I eliminate everything instantly)

    this guy is likely going to get a shitstorm thrown at him, he should've kept quiet and let the storm blow over, nobody knew who he was till now, now everyone knows who he is, they got proof of him calling Mane an asshole INGAME, people can quite easily start mass reporting the guy now (especially since Xenos was like "i would've reported the guy")
    not saying Xenos was sicking his fanbase at him, but that's generally how some few extremists in any community tends to opperate, his name is out there now, the screenshot alive and well (in multiple formats)

  12. Sorry but if I que for a roulette I am not queuing to mess around and run out a timer. I will be an idiot in savage with my friends but in a roulette i just want shit done quickly. You wanna mess around? Do it with your friends not with randoms because you won't exactly find anyone willing to mess around.

  13. Everyone’s being a crybaby bitch.
    Tank should listen to actual advice and just AoE it’s not that hard, and is part of the role- get over it.
    The samurai should be able to say something but then also realize it’s a roulette and if they receive negative reactions just shut up move on with their day and blacklist them so they don’t have to deal with them.
    And the guy who made the video who apparently stepped in the middle of shit because who knows why should’ve said “let’s just get this done” and then not gotten em involved in an idiot squabble between someone who doesn’t know how to play, and someone in a rush- in a fucking roulette queued with randos.
    People need to just act like normal fucking people instead of fucking crying.

  14. Just recently, while doing my mentor roulettes, I got The Dead Ends, the final dungeon of 6.0. There were a lot of issues with our healer, one being not knowing the mechanics(which is okay since it was their first time, as a mentor I did everything in my power to help them about the mechanics and letting them know when to move and where to go, etc), the other being them not knowing how to heal. Me being a healer main, I wanted to help them by letting them know that "casting Medica II on really low HP will not save anyone, so they should use Cure III/Afflatus Rapture when needed and use Medica II as a 'booster'/something that can help with other heals". I got told(and I quote this word by word) "let me heal how I know how to heal lol" and as a cherry on top, I did not receive any type of healing until the end of the dungeon. We have wiped multiple times on that dungeon.

    People in this game, *most of the time*, are not your enemies, they are there in your parties(especially in mentor roulettes) to help you learn about the mechanics and, time to time, help you with your jobs and how to do stuff efficiently. Just say "thanks, I'll keep that in mind" and move on, there's no need to be toxic.

  15. I mean there is NOTHING more agravating then DPS Pulling ahead of the tank and the healer and NOT bringing those packs TO the Tank then Bitching about not getting enough heals, Like my guy you where 2 to 3 packs ahead of the tank what did you expect? healer is going to STAY with the Tank and go at the Tanks pace, not the hotshot lone wolf who is a lot of the time a dam Ninja

  16. A summoner saying "do better and be better", what a joke.

    Guy is literally playing the easiest class and role in the game(except Tank) 🤣

    FFXIV has a 100 hour slow and boring tutorial that is leveling with lots of RP bullshit,

    It teaches you almost nothing of value for Endgame, it is not the new players fault.

  17. It is almost impossible at that stage in the game to do single target on your full basic combos for most classes. Everything is an aoe. The only thing that whole exchange told me is that this guy knows diddlysquat about playing anything else and is probably playing his own class incorrectly. I have pulled multiple targets in a lot of dungeon runs, even on what is considered low dps (dancer), because the tank didn't aoe the mobs. You learn this shit at like level 20. There is no excuse to not be hitting relevant buttons on your hotbar. The days of being told to target of target are over. Tanks get aggro on a silver platter now. If you don't want to press the buttons to get aggro, then maybe you should play something else.

  18. I'll be honest from what I can see neither players have acted well and it's kinda concerning ppl aren't picking it up, it's easy to get swept into the bubble that the fault is only one way but from what is written there it was both ways and quite frankly I hope ppl have something better to do with their life than malding with randos in roulettes but that's just me


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