Unwritten rules and etiquette in FFXIV on JP data centre

Every game has its own culture and FFXIV is no different. That culture can even differ from region to region. This video is about the unique culture and customs of a Japanese data, Elemental, where there is a mix of people from many countries for players that may be new to the DC.

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The Hunt:

PF for High-End Duties:

0:00 Intro
1:00 Greetings
1:38 Alliance Raid’s MT
2:17 The Hunt
3:18 /shout
3:58 Cutscenes
4:48 PF for EX trials
5:25 Wiping
5:57 Macro Positions
7:09 Outro

Thanks Iva


7 thoughts on “Unwritten rules and etiquette in FFXIV on JP data centre”

  1. What you describe there is basically also EU. On EU we also greet in dungeons, wait for players to watch their cutscenes. Wait for them to arrive in Eureka or for Hunts. And there is no shout/yell chat in hubs, not even for FC recruitment. EU is really quiet when it comes to shout chats. It's interesting how close JP culture is to EU culture.

  2. Thanks for sharing. Have switched from EU and JP and the first few weeks were very hard as I tried to understand how to use translate function and stuff. I didn’t know Alliance B need to Tank,. Thanks for telling me, I had no idea. By the way, a couple of things i thought are pretty unique but not listed here. You don’t shout LFG for hunt, you go look at party finder; and they use “o/“ instead of LFG when they need to; eg in Eureka and Bozjan.

  3. I've been playing on Tonberry for a few months now, and there's a lot of stuff here I noticed too! Although there's definitely some good things I didn't know about raiding and hunts which will be very useful! Thanks for the video!

  4. i think you can use duty finder for extreme trials. people in elemental are patient as they can get so long as you learn even you're a sprout. Sometimes it is faster to queue in duty finder than in party finder. and the win rate in duty finder extreme trials are high. my experience is almost first try win or 1 wipe.

  5. I am slowly making my way through your guides!
    It's helpful to pick up new knowledge, especially as I progress closer to the harder content where all of this is clearly going to come in handy to know.

  6. The B alliance MT thing is kinda hilarious now when a lot of sprouts try their best to steal aggro from the MT.
    I actually take sometime to address and explain this common etiquette, it usually works.

    If that didnt work and im the MT, i will just change to ST and let the sprout handles the boss. The results are varied from success to hilariously wiped. Worst result so far is when the sprout MT keeps running all over the place, spins the boss around while alliance members are falling left-and-right to tank busters and cleaves.


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