Unused FFXIV 1.0 Dungeon | Wyrmking's Rest | Secrets of a Realm

Hidden in the mountains of Coerthas Western Highlands lies a dungeon that has eluded me for years. It’s finally time to explore Wyrmking’s Rest – and close the FFXIV 1.0 chapter of Secrets of a Realm. Hope you enjoy!

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25 thoughts on “Unused FFXIV 1.0 Dungeon | Wyrmking's Rest | Secrets of a Realm”

  1. I'll miss this series, digital archaeology is always fascinating, and the open world nature of the dungeons in 1.0 means you really get to take in a space that exists amongst all the other in-game locations in a significant way. Even when it's an unfinished series of cave tunnels, it's a delight to see someone's work and intentions examined. We may never get an answer, but the time and effort put into assembling what we have here does not go unappreciated.

    To try and figure out what was the intended story for this dungeon is difficult with little knowledge of 1.0 dragon lore and with the dungeon in such an early state, but the doors seem small for a dragon, and potentially man-made, so perhaps it was the site of a great battle between man and dragon to destroy and old hatchery, which is why all of the eggs seem old, and perhaps the webbing connecting the stalagmites in the hatchery rooms was part of a greater nest that has since withered away after being destroyed. Either way, to be born in such a dark and cold place must have been either important for dragons or very strange for them at the time, a necessity born of war in hiding away your children.

  2. Thats one thing i would like current ffxiv did a bit more. more places to explore in the open world, like caves that have multiple paths, even if they only have like a special fate at the end or a B rank, or whatever. current ffxiv map design is beautiful to look at, but feels way too linear. theres no discovery. Guess we cant have it all, hehe

  3. I think the ground unloading was because the rooms below were placed a little too close to the hallways you were exploring so the game thought you were in them and culled out the above hallways

  4. I honestly wish these types of dungeons existed in the game now. Not as MQS dunegons (their design is slave to the trusts) but i'd love to just stumble across something like this and have to explore, killing bosses to get unique loot. That's the only thing I dislike about FFXIV is that the zones, while generally looking great and having life of some sort – it's basically once you've been there there's no reason to go back. Give us these secrets to find and give us reason to be in zones long after the MSQ has finished and isn't the product of "maps" and instanced areas. Le sigh.


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