Unobtainable Items in FFXIV

this items are kinda crazy and is it good that theyre good to be unobtainable anymore? YES KEEP THEM RARE AND COOL


21 thoughts on “Unobtainable Items in FFXIV”

  1. Thats what I'm saying I want tattoos too! When they do update the customization I hope they can add that and many others we asked for. More facial hair, longer hairstyles….I wish for at least a seperate category for makeup, muscles sliders because I want to be more slimmer and if not a slider how about implementing the ability to select a body type then!?

  2. There's about a dozen pieces of unique gear models that have a tattoo/tattoos are part of them. If tattoos were options in character creation, the armor would overwrite them.

  3. If you dont care TOO much about showing off to people, theres always the dark arts đŸ„Č so you can pretend to show off to people instead 😂😂

  4. I still want the round sunglasses that Godbert and that one npc in Ul'dah have. I heard those sunglasses exist but only to those who play 1.0 and made that item

  5. I can't remember the name off the top of my head but I have the items that were needed to reallocate your stats from 2.x days. I also still have the aether compass as a key item in my inventory.


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