In this episode of my massive Let’s Play Gameplay Playthrough of Final Fantasy 14: Stormblood, if we’re going to take down the Kojin, we’ll have to learn to fight on their terms.
REMINDER: All videos on this channel are meant for ages 13 and up.
TITLE: Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
DEVELOPER: Square Enix
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is the second expansion pack to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Square Enix for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and PlayStation 4. It was released on June 20, 2017, just under two years after Heavensward, the previous expansion. Like for its predecessor, Naoki Yoshida served as director and producer and Masayoshi Soken composed the soundtrack, with Nobuo Uematsu contributing the theme song. The expansion pack was released as a standalone product for current players; for new players, the “Complete Edition” of Final Fantasy XIV that originally launched with Heavensward was updated to include both expansions. In order to make necessary engine improvements, service for the PlayStation 3 game client was terminated with the expansion’s early access period. A special upgrade campaign allowed affected players to obtain the PlayStation 4 version for free.
Stormblood marks a shift in the ongoing conflict with the Garlean Empire. Players lead rebellions in the imperial provinces of Ala Mhigo, an Eorzean city-state conquered twenty years ago, and Doma, a Far Eastern nation with a proud ninja tradition. These regions are administered by the emperor’s son, Zenos yae Galvus, whose brutal oppression of the conquered imperial subjects impels the player to act. Traveling these diverse lands, players join forces with the Ala Mhigan Resistance and the deposed Crown Prince of Doma. In addition to adding new areas, the expansion pack increases the level cap, adds two new character classes, revamps the battle system for existing combat classes, and introduces swimming gameplay.
Stormblood was well received upon release and earned nominations for “Expansion of the Year”. In August 2017, Square Enix announced that the title had reached a cumulative total of 10 million accounts. As with its predecessors, major content patches were scheduled for every three months. The first one—”The Legend Returns”—was released on October 10, 2017 and premieres a storyline written by Yasumi Matsuno that features his signature Ivalice setting, as well as a special “Ultimate” difficulty battle, designed to be the most challenging content in the game.
So essentially, the Kojin are a group of religiously inclined turtle people that love hoarding? This whole belief that gods/kami seemingly dwell in objects is to no one’s surprise I imagine firmly rooted in Japanese myth. I believe the official number of gods they had was 8 million, though based on the concept they were called Myriad or innumerable. I just hope that concept doesn’t translate into each being inhabited by a Primal. The Warrior of Light is busy enough as is, they don’t need an extra 8 million extra primal to kill. Some real world comparison to the 3 treasures the Kojin spoke of, the Yasakani no Magatama is one of 3 sacred relics called imperial regalia that denote the sovereignty of the emperor of Japan. The Jewel itself embodies benevolence. There is also a Sword called the Kusanagi no Tsurugi (literally Grass cutting sword) representing Valor and a Mirror called the Yata no Kagami representing Wisdom.
Ah the kami… The word "god" doesn't give it justice.