Hrothgar is based.
Also thanks for 200 subs. I read every comment and I’m glad to make you laugh! As Tucker says, leave anything you’d like to see below – thanks again.
All characters and events in this video, even those based on real people, are entirely fictional and AI generated. All celebrity voices are Impersonated by AI…..Poorly. The following meme contains coarse language and due to its niche content it should not be viewed by anyone
Fake news. I simp for tataru only
Hrothgar gang!!!
>everyone simps for y'shtola
>meanwhile me who hates her so much
I'm not too sure why people like y'shtola she looks like a blind old lady and her attitude is always negative.
Yshtola my wife
what kind of tool / website is this from where donald shows the Resplendent Carpenters item with the specific steps
Where is the housing area shown in the video? Looks like Thanalan but I don't know of any place that looks like that
I wonder how the presidents would discuss wintrading in PVP.
Oh wow they said her name right. Wow that AI voice is quite hauntingly accurate.
For once I gotta agree with sleepy joe. Those buff cats arent even cool. We already had cat people. We didnt ask for more.
I'm a fan of the trend in those AI voice memes that Biden and Trump can actually agree on a handful of things, such as bangers OSTs and best girls/boy.
One of them trying to do eden shiva savage would be funny
I will just take gil from the D….FC bank

i actually dont like y'shtola honestly i find her annoying just cat girls are just so lame to me they're everywhere. shivers
this is hilarious, what AI are you using for the voices?
I'd be down to see them have to fight Cruise Chaser and either love or hate Exponential Entropy.
I wonder what they would get up to at the gold saucer
This is the bipartisanship America needs.
Youtube dropped me this vid on the recommended feed, and hot damn its good. i haven't laughed this much on youtube videos in a long time
LoL Trump is going to GM prison.