Tower at Paradigms Breach | FFXIV: Shadowbringers

Here it is šŸ˜€

I think I was kind of like brain dead;;; not doing rotations right, looking at mechs and everything around me, so I apologize in advance if you noticed. I was just having a good time. XD

Then again Iā€™m such a casual I probably forgot how to play my main class, and Iā€™m melee too. O-O;;

I promise I did better doing this 24-man now. Itā€™s a lot of fun especially being ranged player.

This is a little longer than I expected, and mainly its because I really wanted to find out what happened to Anogg and Konogg, and in the end they were just goneā€¦ Until I do more quests. Iā€™ve been doing them for a while. If you wanted to see my ending reaction for it, feel free to let me know.

Next video will definitely be all of Edenā€™s Gate, so please look forward to them!

Hope you enjoy this!


#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Shadowbringers #Nier


16 thoughts on “Tower at Paradigms Breach | FFXIV: Shadowbringers”

  1. That thing you see, the strange orb with the angelic alphabet on it, is a bit of Drakengard Lore. It is called a 'Seed of Resurrection' and is a piece of a larger plot from the first game. It usually brings things back to life that are hell-bent on killing their own. Usually also if you see them around it means the end of the world! Though you would like to know that!

  2. The raids themselves were great but man the story was a disappointment in the end
    They had enough and set up enough to do something big but just. . .threw stuff at you and expected you to pay attention or make some sense of it yourself
    They did nothing with the potentiality of siding against 2B and 9S for longer, they did nothing with the cloning stuff from bunker, they did nothing with the Seed, they did nothing that gave reason for the Red Girl to be present, the list goes on and on and all you get at the very very end is a title and the question of ā€œwhyā€
    BOZJA was a better alliance raid series than nier was! Change my goddamn mind!

  3. I remember doing this on the first day. There was so much yeeting on the first and last bosses.

    59:00 Let the light in? Lady, we've just put the Light out!

    Depending on when this was recorded the one-piece-per-week gear restriction is no longer the case. You can get as much as you can Need/Greed for.

  4. Like the fights in this raid the most out of the three. Music is also pretty baller! Remember that my friends lost there mind on the third boss, they hated the hacking minigame in automata, was hilarious to here them rage during it. Awesome vid as always and excited to see what's next!

  5. Iā€™ll forever be disappointed they didnā€™t give tanks the Heavy Assault YorHa Armor from part C and D or healers Operator outfits.

    Personal rant:
    Not sure how to feel about the story since with everything major it usually fits into the world of FFXIV pretty neatly but with this it just feels so out of place and it can really just be summed up by what 2B says ā€œWhere just here to kill the enemy, donā€™t think about it to hard.ā€

    You could argue some of the other cross over quests can feel that way but those are usually short one offs but this was a major part of patches and the Ivalice raids fit in really nicely by making a FFXIV version of Dalmasca. The Omega raids could be a little iffy though.

    This just feels ā€œwelp that happened I guess.ā€ Especially to people who never played either NieR or Drakengard III (Iā€™ve only played Automato)

    And what Really sucks is that there where some very intriguing plot points (like the twins maybe not being from the first at all but machine simulacra) but barely any of it goes anywhere or gets resolved and saying ā€œthatā€™s just how it is in Yoko games.ā€ Feels kinda cheap.

    And one last thing those archives didnā€™t do a damn thing in the end so why even add them.

  6. Also lil Trivia, though im sure someone already posted this. But on the final boss fight, the Buildings she fires up at you to kock you off as "SQE" on them, as a lil easteregg that its the Square Enix Building being thrown at you XD

  7. When was this recorded? Because I unlocked Tower recently as well and got the help text for the gear lockout, but it wasn't true anymore. I got 2 items with need and at least one more with greed.


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