Too Many Good Dungeons – Ranking Every 5.0 Shadowbringers Dungeon | FFXIV

Shadowbrought a bunch a good ones.

0:00 – Wall of Dungeons
1:46 – Holminster Switch
6:08 – Dohn Mheg
11:14 – Quitana Ravel
16:31 – Melikah’s Well
20:14 – Mt. Gulg
24:38 – Amaurot
27:26 – The Twinning
33:35 – Akadaemia Anyder

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21 thoughts on “Too Many Good Dungeons – Ranking Every 5.0 Shadowbringers Dungeon | FFXIV”

  1. The Dohn Mheg dungeon is thematically over-bright because the fuath and the pixies are supposedly the souls of dead children, and in the case of the fuath, drowned children, so it makes sense for it to be too brightly-coloured, and the mechanics of bosses difficult to understand.

  2. Someone has likely mentioned it already, but Mithradates is an optional boss from FF13; a chunk of the enemy models in The Twinning, including the Flanborgs, the Zaghnal, and Mithradates, are taken straight from FF13, and many of the Allagan robotic enemies, such as the Dreadnaught, are originally from FF13, as well

  3. Quetzalcoatl is a mini-Zodiark. It's a created being made from a single Amaurotine giving their life (who definitely wasn't Lahabrea). If one Amaurotine giving their life to create a concept to defend others made a level 80 dungeon boss, think of what half the population of the world giving their life to make Zodiark made.

    That's the point of it in lore, at the point in time of this dungeon, the Amaurotines were figuring out how they were going to do their ultimate summoning. So here's a micro example of what a single person summoning is like.

  4. @31:00 Fun fact! Mithridates is actually a superboss from Final Fantasy XIII ! If memory serves, you have to beat every single Cieth Stone mission (which is a kind of side quest subcategory in that game) and this boss is the very last one. I… never had the patience to get through FFXIII start to finish, nevermind all the Cieth Stone missions (that's strictly personal preference). It was fitting since a lot of the dungeon borrows elements from FFXIII, like the Alpha Zaghnol is actually what a Behemoth in FFXIII looks like, then there's the Flanborgs and the machina, and the kind of industrial cyberpunk architecture throughout!

    So Kyle is technically correct that it is, indeed, a Final Fantasy boss! XD

  5. the Twinning does both show and tell you… through song! The song is the beat of Alexander, the guitar and vocals of Omega, and the melody of Syrcus Tower. The way they use musical memory to reinforce the lore they're trying to convey is why I love that dungeon so much.

  6. Mostly agree, though I'd swap Dohn Mheg with Malikah's Well.
    I find the underground utterly drab and boring. The mobs aren't interesting, and I only find the last boss engaging.
    Dohn Mheg aesthetically floats my boat, though I would have liked for there to be a full run to the castle and have a mob pack on the way, with fewer mobs inside. The mobs themselves however hit a little too hard, which makes it less favored to get on roulette.

  7. I appreciate the levels of genuine reactions you guys have to the twinning. I'm finally not alone in the "the twinning is REALLY good but not the best thing since sliced bread" camp. Felt really bad when I just seemed like I couldn't see what all the hype was about with that dungeon other than the banger music and lore details.

  8. I'd love to see, once you're current, you cramming every single dungeon onto the same Wall of Dungeons. It'd be fun to see which of the older dungeons hold their own against the newer dungeons.

  9. As a big ff8 fan seeing Quetzalcoatl come out of nowhere was extremely hype, big nostalgia hit but I completely understand how odd it is without context, it was never a good looking…smooth noodle bird thing, but it brought back a lot of great memories.

  10. I'm surprised to learn Kyle apparently didn't like the inclusion of the recorded message from Biggs III to G'raha tbh… that's about it, nothing else unexpected in this whole vid to comment on lol.


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