Welcome to my Stream! The stream starts at 3:00 PM (MDT/UTC-6) on Saturday, May 6th. We will finally be taking our first steps into ShadowBringers, FFXIV’s 3rd expansion.
If you haven’t joined our Discord server… Join it!
Try reducing your ping with ExitLag 👉 https://exitl.ag/csaw
^This link is Sponsored and using it supports the channel.
*Try ExitLag using their 3-day free trial or use discount code: CSAW for 20% off your ExitLag order.*
👀 What should we do on stream next?
✌ Please be sure to Like and Subscribe if you want more MMORPG content!
🎧 Music:
Starting Soon/BRB/Ending: Flecks_of_light
Gameplay Background: StreamBeats (At The Planetarium)
Follow Me!
✔Twitter: https://twitter.com/tinybluegames
✔Discord: https://discord.gg/QmYGEJp
Wow, you made it to the bottom… thank you so much 🙂
I just need to state that, even though it was hardware lag and not internet lag… the fact that as Csaw is troubleshooting his computer lagging, his ExitLag add comes up got to me.