Ash’s deep analysis of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – after playing through most of the content the base game has to offer [ NO STORY SPOILERS ].
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© SQUARE ENIX – 2021
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn and all content therein is the sole intellectual property of SQUARE ENIX. I claim no ownership.
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#FinalFantasy #gamereview #FFXIV
00:00 Call to Action
00:00:18 Introduction
00:02:36 The MSQ
00:06:56 MSQ Response
00:08:09 Character Progression
00:09:49 World Building
00:12:08 Zone examples
00:15:10 Music
00:16:41 Locus example
00:18:02 The Community
00:22:58 Roulette system
00:25:28 Job Swapping
00:28:11 Ingame Tutorial System
00:29:56 Trial Program
00:32:14 Raiding Scene
00:35:03 Raid Clear Reaction
00:35:47 Content For Everyone
00:44:06 Attention To Details
00:46:01 Map Readability
00:51:19 Inventory & Marketboard
00:59:44 Early Combat
01:02:47 Character Customization Limits
01:07:07 Voice Acting
01:09:20 Why The Review
01:09:47 Deciding Factors
01:17:08 Closing Thoughts
Playing WoW taught me to hate grouping for dungeons. Playing FFXIV taught me to love them.
Such Evaluation, This was Definitely My Intention. 🤺
The watchening begins!
If it helps, the Realm Reborn maps are a HUGE step up from the original 1.0 maps:
Glad to see you've had a good time! Here's to much much more!
Very thorough! It's really good to see so many new people enjoying the game!
You're not alone on the facial hair and market board thing
There's tons of players complaining about it all the time
Hey Ash, nice analysis! I agree with all the positive things u said, and also couple of things I really enjoyed back when I leaved WoW for FF:
(1) The auto-loot system. Was so refreshing not to have to click on every mob killed! Also the fact that there are no gray-items dropping from mobs. You rarely end up with the inventory full of trash! Also the item required for the quests are never super high number, just a bunch usually.
(2) The quests icons to discriminate between msq, unlocking quests and side quests. I know that WoW implemented them too in the last expansions, I'm glad they did cause is such an incredible system.
(3) The fact that the gear/clothes aren't just a texture but a physical separate items. I really enjoy the use of textures and the interation with the weather (like wet clothes when it rains). They feels *real*. I love that touch! Moreover, different materials makes different sounds while walking, and in general all the piece are very detailed.
(4) The crafters/gatherers (I know you didn't tried them properly, but I did…A LOT Kek). Is nice have a proper endgame for them, and feel useful in general. They have dedicated rotations, and every profession has is deep questline to follow (and they get better and better during the expansions).
For the downsides, I agree on customizations. Would be nice match different feature without being locked to a certain type of face; but I'm pretty confident that with the new cycle of story (so, after Endwalker) we will see some graphic improvement in general, and hopefully some new customizations too. For the beard issue, I can tell you that I did read a Yoshi-P interview where he said that they are aware of the "poor occidental feature problems" (aka: the lacking of facial hair) and they are working to fix that soon. Hope you will have your beard in game asap! 😀
Also would be nice have more filters on the MB too!
Thank you again for your time, was a really well done and enjoyable video ♥