The Third Fall & Rise of FFXIV | Grinding Gear Reacts

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16 thoughts on “The Third Fall & Rise of FFXIV | Grinding Gear Reacts”

  1. I'd love for them to bring back bazaars from XI. I always enjoyed checking what people were selling when I was out in the world. Maybe they wouldn't be as useful seeing as you're always a teleport away from a market board or your retainer in XIV.

  2. There's a video on YouTube, "Day in the Life of a Japanese Game Illustrator" which shows the Square Enix JP offices (including a short segment on the mocap studio) if you're interested.

  3. They really wanted to emulate FF11 1.0, where you had to physically move between locations unless you were a white mage or black mage with teleport spells.

    On a side note, there is no requirement to use Aetheryte in current ffxiv until Endwalker. Unless you count the 2.x primals.

  4. the markets were the most retarded shit in 1.0 by far, worse than any of the other shit features. it was awful. this video doesnt even do justice how shit it actually was lol

    and nobody understood why cause ff11 had an good auction house system

  5. @5:07 an old game i still go back to in private servers is Ragnarok Online taht does this. I could spend hours literally just window shopping even when we have a @ command for searching for specific items.

  6. The video didn't mention but the road from Gridanian out of the black shroud to Thanalan/Ul'dah was basically sprinkled with average level 30-40 monsters, a couple of higher 60+ ones and two NM spawn points (basically named field bosses). This was in addition to the fact that several of them also inflicted poision. So you had to run through narrow tunnels/ramp chokepoints with enemies sitting on them and no way to go around or wait for an opening where you couldn't afford to get hit even once.

    It also didn't help that the Girdania region had a slower leveling curve due to its environment and a couple of fiascos. The good low/medium level (15-40) spots were near Uldah and Limsa. While one of the beginning enemies(level 2 fungars) had a poison attack that was strong enough to take out level 10s without curative assistance, and given the grindy/BETA START nature of the time it took a small bit of time before characters started getting healing/esuna abilities. (There was a period of time where it was suggested to buy the relatively expensive potions/antidotes as soon as possible just to avoid this problem)

    During the early beta, there would be convoys/suicide runs of 30+ players running in a herd to try to maximize survivors who could make it out. Higher level players/friends from the other city states would come to help body block the enemies to protect the convoy. I still remember running into Sirrocco and the Faerie Queen NMs on my first convoy, each one took out a dozen runners with a single attack, the handful of survivors that made it out dropped even further because some people got really curious if the Cactaur de Sols right outside the Black Shroud were grindable and got wiped out from Thousand Needles.

  7. Kyle, if you liked the idea of those awful retainer vendors, you'd probably quite like the way Elder Scrolls Online does their player marketplace! Guilds can bid on trader NPCs to act as guild-specific marketboards in different areas of the world. It's actually quite fun to "go shopping" for stuff, though there's obviously fan-made tools to make it easier for you. It also means that if you're part of a small guild that can only afford a trader in some obscure small town, you have a reason to go to that location outside of questing or just passing through.

  8. i really hate the word Fetch quest. as any thing in a game can be melted down in to a fetch quest of some sort.. what it really means is that the story/lore/explanation is bad according to the person saying it, yet without getting a feel for his idea of what the person thinks is good or bad about it.


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