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This is great because I just started this game so I can play alongside the series.
I think you've created a whole new kind of Let's Play, and I love it
Minfillia: "The masked woman is Yda" Us: [X]
I’m a little late to the party. But great video! Can’t wait for the next one!
"me seeing arr content years later" fk I feel OLD…..
i wish they have a sale on this game right now… kinda itching to play another ff game atm, thanks to this and ff7r.
Narration: The horror of Primals draining the life essence of a region.
Video: Ridiculously cute Mogglesguard.
Well done, good sir.
This is fantastic. Loving this new series!
No one talking about Mutsmix bubly pot… The best god damm goblin name ever
Seriously, despite the viewcounts, keep doing these videos! I love Final Fantasy but can't get anyone to play through FFXIV with me and can't get myself to go solo in an MMO. Thusly I am unable to enjoy this story without this series.
Me, every time a new character is named: ok, no no- this one is the back stabber who repents toward the end 🤔
Edda has a dark side-story you might want to dig into sometime when you're done with the main story.
Here's a piece of trivia: the Aetherial gear you (used to?) get in dungeons (the purple/pink gear with random stat bonuses) were naturalized melded gear. How did they get that way? Another adventurer died wearing them and some piece of their essence merged with it.
They were effectively High Quality, too.
Love this series
Keep up the great work
This games story seems interesting but at the same time other elements of the game feel like total cringe. lol
I really needed a refresher on the story for the new update coming out, thanks for this series!
I'll never forget Mutamix Bubblypots. She taught me the word "Tongueflaps"
Great content my friend! Keep up the good work!
0:00 – 1:22 Last time on the Story of Final Fantasy XIV…
god tier video<3