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Wooo! So glad you are continuing.
The first few minutes of this video really put the events of patch 5.4 into perspective.
I remember playing through the story and not having a single clue what was going on.
This series is great
This series made me start playing FFXIV about a week ago, and I'm already level 47. Thank you for making these and introducing me to my new obsession for a while!
who is the best city-state and why? I like Gridania cause Kan-E Senna is the best leader and the overall aesthetic is pleasing
The fact Explora's Chocobo is named Boko speaks to my inner FF5 fanboy, I'm loving what you've been doing so far and look forward to how Explora's going to develop.
These ones like Exploring ones videos
The dungeon battle music was an improvement. Maybe add that kind of emphasis for the bosses? Or for other important aspects (i.e the ramu scenes) I was expecting the battle music to build up louder and or crescendo. Only for it to go flat into an overly narrated battle.
I guess its just your style,. In regards to the action fantasy subject you are covering, getting more bold with your style; at least in this instance would be a good way to experiment.
It’s fitting you uploaded this the day before the new expansion is announced that ends the ARR to now conflict, lol. Love these videos!
Ooooh old voices hurt. Although nostalgia helps…the twins used to sound whiney and cocky respectively which is very different
15:25 – LOL, Biggs and Wedge.
I dont. Give af about this lore but your just so damn good about exlaining stuff…dude you should do eso next i cant finish it cuz its too boring but i seen endgame raids and they involve mannimarco and shit which i really wanna see but i dont want to spend 60 hours killing boars to get to lol
You should do a video on SCP 1461 “House of the Worm.” It’s very interesting SCP.
Shoot, so few views. This worries me greatly. 🙁
Dont worry depending on how far you take this views will shoot up during hw and shb!
yo are you going to do shadow bringers and etc.
I think we're on different data centers, but if you're ever on Goblin, come say hi to my Lalafell, Therlanis.
Cam someone pin down the track that starts playing around the 7-8 min mark? I cant remember which ost it's from >_< Great work as always on the vid, been enjoying the series as I haven't played either MMOFF
These are amazing please continue them! Well continue everything you do because I cant get enough…
Hope you're able to get to HW. That's where the story becomes really Good.Subbed.
“Biggs & Wedge”. Huh. Do they have a fellow pilot named “Luke “, by any chance?
I don't know about this serie man…
'Searching for Friends' is a timeless piece from in my opinion from the best title in the franchise. Good call my dude!
Hehe Bigs and Wedge. Nice Star Wars reference
There is nothing wrong with the videos. Its just that your channel is most known for scp and such (or at least thats what i know it for). Just give it a bit for final fantasy people to catch on
I just want you to know, I bought this game after the second episode and created a lancer named Aizen Taumerah. I'm now a lvl 56 dragoon on my way into heavensward and I'm emotionally attached to the character. This game is amazing, and I just wanted to personally thank you for introducing me to it, and for all the wonderful content you have created
I'm sincerely enjoying this series, as I haven't been able to get further than the first three Primals. Please continue, I've always been curious of what lies beyond Titan.
I'd really like to see you address the story of some other Final Fantasy games; hearing the lesser known tales of Firion and company or of Exdeath and his thwarting by Bartz would be nice.
Alternatively I'd love to hear more about the stories of D&D like the Curse of Stradh or the recently released Winterhaven. In the same vein, the stories of games like Baldur's Gate and Divinity: Original Sin are interesting but I just don't have the time nor friends with the same interests to play them.
I'm so glad you're doing this series. I somewhat miss the simpler times from ARR and this is a great walk down memory lane.
Im really digging this dnd inspired final fantasy!!! Wish the other games were this intriguing
The voices for this are actually painful to listen to. And the writers should be shot for crimes against humanity.
Oh god, ARR Alisaie voice. Thank god her screentime was nearly non-existent then.
Just out of curiosity, how low do the views have to get before you consider stopping these? It'd be a real shame for the series to end before the story even gets interesting.
I appreciate these little mini series, thank you for making them and keep them up! I know the views aren't like SCP vids but dont let that discourage you
thanks for making these. ffxiv is my favorite game and it’s my first mmo. it means so much to me that you’re making these and showcasing the story of this incredible game to people. i know the views are not the same as your SCP videos but the people who are here really love them. i’m so glad you’re continuing with this series. keep going!!!
edit: when i started playing you could skip the cutscenes so i never got to watch a lot of the important stuff cause my party would leave me behind. thankfully they patched that out of main story dungeons. actually getting to experience the story again is really nostalgic and fills in some plot gaps for me.
Given how well you are representing this portion of the plot, I am super looking forward to some of the expansions- definitely keep up the series!
Omg the Balamb Garden music at 4:50 is perfect
Oops I read it as trouble with syphilus
holy shit i forgot Sam Regal voiced Alphinoe
Glad this series exists. Now I don't have to play the game OR watch a let's play. The lore is all right here 🙂
27:05 Being mocked by an *snicker* an "ASS – ian?" Sorry, but if there was a dude talking smack to me and introduced themselves as "Lahabrea of the ASS-ians" I would have lost my shit laughing at him nonstop, and for every other encounter for the rest of his existance, begin laughing again. There would be no dialogue. Just pointing and laughing.
OMG the twins sound hilarious. ROTFL!!!
it took me 3 videos to realize that his PC's name is his channel name. 3!