The State of FFXIV and its Lore, feat. Stout Helm, FFXIV Fun Facts, The Essalim Collate

Stout Helm’s Channel:
FFXIV Fun Facts:
Essalim Collate’s Channel:

I speak to people like them about the lore rather often, and even fact check myself against them sometimes whenever I’m not entirely sure about something! I’m glad we’re able to share our conversation with you this time!
Sorry if the audio is a bit weird, this was a spur of the moment kind of thing, and if you all enjoyed this we’ll make sure to be better prepared next time!

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35 thoughts on “The State of FFXIV and its Lore, feat. Stout Helm, FFXIV Fun Facts, The Essalim Collate”

  1. Spoilers

    My argument for not liking G'raha is his weird fanboy attitude towards the WoL. I feel like he would do anything WoL said to him and that kind of unconditioned friendship puts me off. I dont hate him, for the most part he is a nice responsibible guy who has your back but I will never like him unless he stops acting like WoL is some "God amongst men" type of figure.

  2. Speaking of the Echo.
    I remember in ARR how it shown to grant you an immortal soul like an ascian.
    in shadowbringers we were shown that there are other ways of Echo's usage.
    such as entering litteral memories and even showing versions of said memories reflected by ones desire.

    Not to mention future sight all though never showing the full picture.

    So, the Echo was not exactly ignore nor never explored again.
    it was just not put too much into the Main Story to make room for other stuff.

    Let's not forget the WoL's ability to literally create shields against temperaments.

  3. |spoilers| i dont think endwalker is that well written, introducing the meteia in the next to last zone is a trope called the Hidden Villain. it's a negative trope usually done by low budget movies in the 70s and 80s. and it's not even the first time FF games fall into this cheap trope. Final Fantasy 4 falls into this trope too and it's the main reason why no one likes the end to that game. For anyone who doesnt know, when you defeat golbez in ff4 it turns out he was actually being controlled by another big bad that was behind him the whole time, a boss we had absolutely no clue even existed (which btw, hope no one liked Zero too much because the last big bad behind Golbez in ff4 is called Zeromus).

    It's not all bad but i cant look past the hidden villain trope. i think the writers simply wrote themselves into a corner and decided to tie as many threads as possible with endwalker, even if that meant subpar plot. the gates are open and the writers are free to do anything they want now, no more ascians, no more cataclysms, no more garlean wars. no more tired reused plots. We can only hope they go all out with new stuff

  4. Unpopular opinion. The stakes narratively have basically dropped for ever expansion, other than EW since ARR. ARR had the fate of effectively the rest of the free world at steak, and a super weapon that was able to eat and absorb primals. We know after the fact it would have caused a calamity. HW involves the fate of one nation, killing a single big dragon, and a primal. SB was just a bit of rebellion and a primal with the only steaks of failure being loss of forward momentum. ShB did not take place on the source. You can argue it would have resulted in a calamity but so would ARR and HW. ShB is stoping a post apocalypse from getting worse on another planet effectively.

    The "bigger steaks better story" argument means nothing for XIV

  5. They wouldn't even need to go too far in order to find characters. We have like a bunch of C tier Scions that are just waiting to be used. Riol is the most prominent one I'd say but there is also Coultenet, Hoary and Ochre Boulder. They even wander around during the EW patches so I'm kinda 🤔😒.

  6. Iirc there are two forms of planar travel in XIV. Your soul can be dragged from one bit to the other, and be placed in a conduit, or your body can travel over. Basically this is the difference between the scions and the WoL going to the first.

    Basically the archfiends managed to plow through to the source, where as Diabolos was merely possessed a vessel… At least the first time hard to say what happened the second time.

  7. I'm at the clouded map rant right now, the areas we've been to in game, on top of being clouded in the map, the region when you load to them is still "???" And at this point I don't think they'll ever be changed.

  8. I'm not sure why people don't like Meteion, "She wasn't established." But she was though. Unless you want to completely ignore when ShB story of the Ancients was, "Our planet was falling apart and we don't know what caused it. So we summoned a guardian to keep it together." What more does the story need to hold the audience hand on with, "Something is aiming to destroying the planet and we don't know who or what it is." that was established in mid base Shadowbringers? That trigger could of been anything at all. The Planet had too many souls. The planet was just deciding to rot away like a Dragon Ball GT plot line. Maybe they learned that the planet itself had a lifespan they were not aware of. Cathulu himself touched the planet inappropriately. By stating in Shadowbringers that the ancients had no idea why their planet was dying, anything and everything was a viable option for the cause. Just the story here decided on Meteion. I enjoyed Meteion because she herself fit the overall story that Endwalker was trying to tell. If you want to use the lazy criticism excuse of, "It was rushed". Well, so was Star Wars: Episode 4. The ending was literally a rushed job. As far as I am aware, no one is complaining about the ending of A New Hope being rushed. I need details on why the writing is bad, not "trope, trope, trope, trope trope" as some people do. Tropes are a basic description of something in a story. A trope in of itself is neither bad or good.
    Want to know a "Negative Trope" being used very well in a way no one notices? In a comedy movie, the Protagonist tends to be a Mary Sue. The Naked Gun movies have the plot revolved completely around the MC, Frank. The universe tends to bend around him. Does that mean comedys should never have a Mary Sue character? No. Used whatever story method you want to tell a good story.

  9. My hatred for Zenos stems only from the phrase being angrily said “WHY WON’T YOU DIE?!”

    Zenos was a bastard, and his one-note mentality made it work. He was meant to be hated.

  10. I don't really mind having the main scions around, but it would be nice to have new characters. It's kind of hard to justify from a story perspective though. I mean, they're basically worldwide problem solvers and the WoL's personal friends. Obviously some of they have gone off and started doing their own thing following 6.0, but dropping all of them has the potential to come off like a post-avengers marvel movie where none of the other heroes show up.

  11. The difference with Cag and Ruby from other Voidsent is that they’re there in totality, both body and souls, after Alzadaal we talk about how smaller Voidsent and other just send their souls through into vessels prepared for them, so that’s why they can go back

  12. I like Zero, but listening to this makes me think I must have a different conception of what edgy means and when it becomes a problem. Cuz for me, edgy has always been "I'm so angry and dangerous and I hurt those around me whether I like it or not and I deserve to be alone".

    To my understanding, Zero doesn't exhibit any of those. It's not that she's opposed to the ideas of companionship or altruism, it's that she's forgotten about them over the millennia and now they're completely foreign. I wouldn't really call that edgy. It's fun seeing her learn about them again and grow as a character.

  13. I dont think protection from tempering was fully handed over to the blessing. I think its both? Because a huge part of the plot revolves around Arenvald and Fordola being primal-proof and im 99% sure neither have the blessing?

    Maybe the echo grants individual protection, but the blessing is what let us create that protective barrier in stormblood or push back the darkness in the fight with Hades. That's where my head is at anyway with it.

  14. I don’t really get any of the criticism of Zero. I found her immediately likable and effective at humanizing the voidsent. She’s not really edgy in any way, she’s just very numb from being in this cold purgatory for so long. I’m excited to learn her backstory and see how she grows. Oh well. Great podcast guys, thanks for assembling!

  15. Finished it. Very enjoyable video, I do have one take on "How come Rubicante and water voidsent are able to die on the source" take, and I always viewed it as their ENTIRE body was currently on the source vs previous voidsent using vessels/ leaving small parts of themselves in the void. Since Rubicante, Cagnazzo and their voidsent armry entered the source with their entire "selv" they soul had nowhere to go and it ends up going to the source aetherical sea vs When a small part of them are in the 13th, and they die, their soul works like WOL teleporting to first from the source. kinda hard to explain + a lot of headcanoning, but hopefully they will explain it clearly in 6.4.

    A entire voidsent being on the source = death
    a voidsend essence/vessel they use on the source = them being teleported back.

  16. As someone that not only hates the Scions coin counter but doesn't understand her fans I pray every patch she gets fired…..into Nero and the two explode never to darken my screen again. But enough about how you can't please everyone this round table vid is amazing.
    I'm loving the void stuff but FF4 is my fav rpg ever so I'm aware I am being spoiled what with Golbez being a character I have loved for almost my whole life. But I just hope when we go to the new world it is FF9 based and not as many people say 10 based. 10 nearly killed the franchise for me.

  17. The redeemable quality I'm hoping to see from Zero is that she's actually a WoL and maybe we'll have an expansion focus on supporting a main character rather than being the focus of it. I'd love to see them spin the story in a way that makes our WoL look like we're on a minor retirement/vacation but we still know what we're capable of when we aid someone.


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