I main AST so this isn't a big deal for me… but whenever I want to level a DPS I'll hop in the queue and do FATES/GATES or play some Triple Triad for cards or something while I wait.
I do think if new Tank and healer would be released, that could reduce queue times, since Picto and Viper has been added so its bigger dps character pool
This is why I level tanks and healers by leveling and main scenario roulette, and dps by alliiance raid and frontline roulette….im on my last tank/healer now though
Just rolled my first healer job two weeks ago after playing since 2019, was always intimidated by healing but I godda tell you it's the most fun I've had in the game and the Q's are pretty quick if not instant.
Leveling my tanks:

Leveling my healers:
Leveling any DPS:
Healers: what queue?
Mhmm mhmmm. Absolutely.
I just code while I queue for dps
Or study my Spanish lmao
I can't be the only one that flinched when the queue popped and thought their game was open XD
It was at that moment the sudden urge to go to the toilet got stronger
When i DPS queue, i either craft or gather items to craft. Or fate grind. Or just pull up something to read
“A player has withdrawn from the queue. Finding new player.”
I main AST so this isn't a big deal for me… but whenever I want to level a DPS I'll hop in the queue and do FATES/GATES or play some Triple Triad for cards or something while I wait.
Me: Okay, today let's level a DPS!
After 1minute in the queue: Switches to tank or heal.~
In DT: Grinds the Pikto in Aglaia, bc it has instant queue and 10-50% of exp each run.~
whats a queue?
This is why new expansions should release a support job alongside a DPS job so the queues don't hurt as much XD
There are so many DPS jobs now, it’s crazy. I hate leveling them in the duty roulettes, it’s how I became a healer main lol
If the queue is longer than 10 minutes, I'm playing another day or swapping to tank
Sometimes I pick DPS queues, so I can multitask and do some gathering or crafting achieviement progress
I do think if new Tank and healer would be released, that could reduce queue times, since Picto and Viper has been added so its bigger dps character pool
This is why I level tanks and healers by leveling and main scenario roulette, and dps by alliiance raid and frontline roulette….im on my last tank/healer now though
I’m not even playing the game right now and hearing the queue sounds made me jump up to hit accept on the notif which you know wasn’t there lol
As a machinist main, I don’t appreciate you posting a video about me without my consent.
Bahahahahahaha yep, every time I am feeling froggy on my Blackmage and wanna run a dungeon
This is extremely true. I can't even deny it.

so true LOL
Machinist here
This is why I run dungeons and the roulettes with my healer friend because I don't wanna do DPS queue.
You know that was not realistic …he could have sang every song from that album before it queued
Just rolled my first healer job two weeks ago after playing since 2019, was always intimidated by healing but I godda tell you it's the most fun I've had in the game and the Q's are pretty quick if not instant.
That's why i, either queue as a support or find a support to queue with
It's never that quick, it's always a panicked scramble to pause whatever they were doing then switching over before the queue kicks you.