Thank you for your patience… ; v ;
I wanted to show some timestamps for you to see while I went through MSQ in this part. There are parts where I was going through the game, but I stopped with msq just to get the level 80 gear from Grenoldt and show my personal reaction, so if you’re wondering why there’s no subs for that section, that’s why.
at 42:36, That’s actually future me trying on the WHM lvl 80 set
I mentioned I finished 5.0 while I was still working on leveling my WHM so I was happy that I was able to get my healer to lvl 80 to do the Healer role quests 🙂
Going back to MSQ there are probably some things I may be confused about or you may notice I should’ve known some facts by now; I am probably still confused xD
But I’m trying to understand nonetheless, so please excuse my ignorance.
So close to the end, hopefully you won’t have to wait long to see the finale of 5.0!
I can’t wait for you guys to see my reactions to the other content I’ve experienced. 😀 Please look forward to it.
Enjoy the video!
#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Shadowbringers #MSQ
0:00 Going to the Tempest!
40:34 My Current Lvl 80 Artifact Gear Sets & Reaction
43:01 Back to MSQ!
Hopefully you won’t have to wait long for the next video! Please look forward to it! (⌒▽⌒ゞ
Your voice work is very good!
Oh boy. My faviroute weekly tv show is back. And we're almost at the season finale
ohohohohoooooo so excited
Waiting for youtube to give me that sweet 1080p juice
Regarding Grenoldt: he is The First's version of Gerolt, a character from the Source who can normally be seen on the Northern Shroud in the little settlement at the…north. He is a very important character in the relic quest for ARR and HW(don't know for StB and ShB as I haven't done them)
And here we are, my favorite area in all of ShB, and my favorite part of the story. A quote from Shakespeare's The Tempest: "Full fathom five thy father lies; Of his bones are coral made; Thoes are pearls that were his eyes: nothing of him that doth fade. but doth suffer a sea change into something rich and strange." That was what went thru my head when I first got to The Tempest and Ammuarot. Next up is my second favorite dungeon and the end of this tale. One trial yet remains Warrior of Darkness, hold fast neath the dark waters, for the fate of this star, and the fate of The Source are soon to be decided. Can't wait for the next vid! SO EXCITED!
"We're with you – 'til the end of the line."
On the back of a surprising ally do we dive into the depths of the Tempest to find Emet's lair. But instead of a foreboding fortress we instead find a lost city made of memories long gone. For what purpose has he recreated this forgotten city?
We're in the Engame now boyos! I eagerly await the next part and hope you had enough tissues for the finale!
Somethings in case you still haven't found out yet:
– Much like how The First reflects the lands of the Source, there are also some people that have counterparts. If you've ever done any of the Relic quests you'll recognize Grenholdt as the First's version of the legendary weaponmaker Geroldt (who share the same exact model except Grenholdt has hair XD)
– You can get dyed versions of all the Artifact Gear but it requires getting totems from the Memoria Misera EX Trial. Unlocking it also puts you on the path of doing your Shadowbringers Relic Weapon and the Bozja storyline.
The conversation with Hythlodaeus is both my favourite and probably the most important conversation in the whole game.
You probably never met because you likely haven't gone down the road of getting any of the relic weapons… but Grenoldt is essentially identical to Gerolt, the craftsman who's been involved in the creation of every relic weapon since ARR.
Amaurot blew my mind. The game had been consistently high fantasy the rest of the expansion. So when I saw what was basically a different take on Rapture from Bioshock… the reflections alone blew me away. This took it to a whole other level.
Nemu upgraded her drip game.
That moment when you realize Emet-Selch is also a person.
Hythlodaeus is only there for a brief time but he's one of my favorite characters in the game. The convo with him is both so warm and so chilling. The implication at the end of the speech is that the WOL and Ardbert are shards of the same unsundered soul that was shattered (just like the rest of Amaurot) when Hyadelon defeated Zodiark, and moreover that Hythlodaeus and Emet-Selch used to be friends with your unsundered self
I sure hope some of that 'Other Content' you mention in the description includes Side-Dungeons and Eden perhaps!
We're almost there. We're close to the end of a long journey. Thank you so, so much for this incredible series!
Oh jesus christ, people do that ALL the damn time, and I do NOT understand WHY.
That running around shit.
02:09 I am a rock… I am an IIIIIIIiiiiIIISLANNNNND!
05:45 Time for some SERIOUS name dropping.
You know, thinking about it, it's probably a good thing we can't summon primals in this game, otherwise people would be summinging Bismark whenever Asmongold goes out and about.
09:47 Pop sprint and RUN like you just got targeted by Cloud of Darkness in WoD (which usually means they just stand there like stupid shits and get blasted to death)
10:45 Ascian after party.
12:30 oddly, it greatly reminded me of the Maelstrom in WoW.
18:27 When I was first doing this on my character, when Thancred said "…I smell chores." I immediately imagined my character butting in to say "Really? I only smell fish! :3" Cue annoyed glare from Thancred, Y'shtola rolling her eyes, Urianger and Alphinaud chuckling, and Ryne and Alisaie giggling.
Not to spoil anything but he just gets better and from there
so good!!
OOOOOOOHHHHH! We're getting to the really REALLY good part! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Just to be clear, about Ardbert and you having the "same hue of the soul", remember the Sundering. That time when all life was separated into 14 parts. Including your original soul from long ago. Your soul corresponds to several Rejoinings of the same soul in the Source. Ardbert's soul corresponds to the part of the soul from the First that has yet to be Rejoined. So you really are the same person from different worlds. If, should you fail, the Rejoining with the First happened, you would be reborn again later except with Ardbert's soul back with yours just like with all the previous Rejoinings.
Is this a borrowed account or something? Multiple 80 jobs, but doesn't know what the 80 armor looks like and doesn't know the story? In that context NG+ doesn't make sense either. Just curious.
Don't worry about whether you completely understand everything at this moment! Just enjoy the ride! 😁 So many of us have had up to 2 years to think and dive deep into the lore. We were just as blown away and full of questions as you when we were at this point! I love your videos. Thank you for the effort you put in! 😁
Also, i also had difficulty with that lil' jackass when i was also try'na talk to the Ondo, too. Lovely to see i'm not alone 🤓🤣
Just found your channel and been watching your other vids. I love your reactions and how much you are enjoying the journey. Really made me smile.
A strange feeling caught me at the first time I saw Amaurot,. It is almost unexpectedly……nostalgic.
Geez, Feo Ul is the fucking best, isn't she? XD
Amaurot – beautiful place, wish they gave us someplace there that we could use for housing – that would be insane!
You're in for…well…there's a lot coming that emotionally ruined many of us, be prepared.
I'm here just wondering if you'll show your reactions to the role quests or not. Though my hopes aren't high now that this part came and went I rarely see anyone make videos on them despite being such a great addition towards the story itself.
I like Hythlodaeus’ unbiased description of the events that led to the Sundering. Zodiark and Hydaelyn were summoned to pretty much do the same thing: save and protect lives.
Zodiark was summoned to stop an apocalypse and revitalize the planet so that life could flourish again.
Hydaelyn was summoned to stop the cycle of sacrifice and death that Zodiark required to perform its objectives.
Hythlodaeus doesn’t try to make either side look evil, but rather reveals the whole thing to be a tragic sequence of events.
Amaurot = Art Deco Zanarkand