The FFXIV A Realm Reborn FFXIV Hildibrand quests come to an explosive finish! The Hildibrand questline is hands down one of my favorite stories in Final Fantasy XIV. I’m looking forward to the Heavensward ones!
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This is a highlight of the episode 5 finale. If you want to watch the entire questline in its entirety you can find it here:
I really really should get around to continue this questline
Enkidu is the sussy baka
Its very wise to do what Missus Manderville says… Canocally she is the only character inGame our Warrior of Light fears XD At least thats what I've heard – and I have no reason to doubt the statement XD
No visions but "leads". Theoretically its possible 
Another speculation: Hildibrand has the Echo. It allows him to find and solve cases
Also, if you finish Heavensward, there will be another sidequest, this time however with… another character from the Hildibrand story ^^° Very funny yet semi-serious since its about the future of Ishgard and the Clergy.
"we fight like men, and ladies, and ladies that dress like men"
It's actually a quote from another Final Fantasy game where you fight Gilgagreg, and your party is composed of men, ladies, and a woman dressed in man's clothes.
ah yes, the hero that fought god n demon, and doomsday weapon for breakfast, but we met our match.
so Chad n chat which ultimate would fight all the ARR primals n Bahamut in one arena or~ slap/punch hilde in front of his parents kappa
So in case you didn't know this Chad – Gilgamesh is canonically the same person in every Final Fantasy game he's shown up in. He was tossed into the Void between worlds and learned how to travel between them. This was known from his previous game encounters.
He's shown up as hero, villain, side character – I have a personal opinion that he's FF's version of Deadpool. He KNOWS he's in stories and no longer cares about anything but having fun, and collecting the greatest weapons in creation.
Puissance = Pwi-saw-nce
I really like the editing in this one! Absolutely crispy clean
No one messes with HildyMom