#anniefuchsia #ff14 #heavensward
In this video AnnieFuchsia reacts to Final Fantasy XIV Online Heavensward 3.5 w/ Twitch chat! Quest “The Far Edge of Fate”.
► Annie’s Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anniefuchsia
⯈ Annie’s Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/anniefuchsia
⯈ Annie’s Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/anniefuchsia
Edited by: https://twitter.com/mooshkek
► Become a streamer like me: https://go.corsair.com/M5AbM
AnnieFuchsia mainly streams World of Warcraft & Final Fantasy XIV Online, collects more mounts than Asmongold, and often finds herself doing variety with Crewfu (Hafu, 5up, Dakotaz, Stevesuptic, xChocobars, and more!) Annie also enjoys content from FFXIV content creators such as Zepla, MrHappy, Arthars and Meoni.
00:00 – Intro
01:05 – The Griffin on the Wall
09:49 – Papalymo’s moment
18:17 – Omega vs the Primal
28:27 – Yda’s secret
37:39 – Heavensward Credits
Don’t worry Annie, being tall sucks! Average height is great, right? Oh, oops..
I just noticed this recently but you made your Warrior of light look like lightning
Oh yes the end of the Skyrim tale
You should've dodge that annie… why didnt you dodge it D: poor papalymo D:
She protecc
She attac
But most importantly
She is small af😁😁😁
in b4:
MSQ in 5 minutes guys
NOCOPIUMThe best detail for me is that casting the same spell, and dying with the same smile, actually the best pupil. Not only the strength but also spirit l
Papalymo is a big hero (but still small)
Now you'll get to enjoy Stormblood and Shadowbringers.. and eventually Endwalker!
Illberd the real mastermind of the game — one of the only characters whose plans actually completely worked out; summoned his primal, got Ala Migho free…the whole shebang.
Losing [redacted] was so much more of a blow than I ever expected it to be, at the time.
congratulations! Stormblood bound!
grats annie! its been so much fun watching you go through it and even get side tracked a lil. heh.
I feel you will regret not including Goetestsu’s intro.
You must be at least 5'2 to enter Ala Mhigo. Sorry Annie, I dont make the rules.
Oh will you ever learn to hate Lyse with a passion! Trust me!
Not sure if you missed this part but when you met Yda and Papalymo at the Griffin's rally, they had mentioned that they sent a letter explaining where they were but it must've been intercepted.
That's why you hadn't heard from them.
Is Annie Irish?
Glad your having fun was my fave exp pack besides shadowbringers
Papalymo smiled just like Louisouix when he gave his life. That's what makes it sad.
Something you wouldn't catch your during initial playthrough but maybe you caught when editing was Papalymo saying "I bid thee farewell again, my dear Yda". Saying "again" because he had to say goodbye to the real Yda before, and now he's saying goodbye to our "Yda".
Annie, will you upload your vod to youtube?
And Just today we got to know who the girl Yda stayed back to save happens to be
Thank you for the highlights!
Knowing what i know now about 1.0's ending, that summoning along with Answers playing must have been chilling for legacy players.
Yes, Annie just chased up Asmon secretly while he was taking rest.
HOW HAVE YOU NOT FINISHED HEAVENSWARD?!!! Months in and just now, jesus.
papalymoooo :'(
watch the Flames of Truth cinematic, you'll see similar runes in the sky when Louisoix tried to bind bahamut. brilliant trailer, was released the moment the players on 1.0 had the servers shut down, still sends shivers down my spine after watching it so many times
lol, I didn't realize Alisaie misquotes her grandpa
where to get this hairstyle
HW was absolutely stunning finished it today then came here and watched this 🙂 GG