We finally made it. The end of Endwalker, and what an ending it is. Here is mine and wifey’s final reaction to the Hydaelyn MSQ! The best RPG I’ve ever played? Honestly, it’s not even that close…

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41 thoughts on “THE FINAL DAY – SO MANY FEELINGS (Endwalker MSQ ENDING Reaction) – FFXIV Cobrak”

  1. 13:00 I don't think she is talking for herself alone, she absorbs others' emotions as her own, and in this case, i think it's all the civilizations that died, suffered, or wished for death are talking throughout Meteion due to her power. That's why she says lines like "Only when we embraced death" or "Who are you to live" etc.
    EDIT: Also i loved how that cutscene gave hints to so many of her attacks in the trial.
    EDIT2: 24:30 Tbh its the first time i saw people almost wiping on that phase, and i got this duty quite a few times on trial roulette
    EDIT3: 40:00 That teleporter IIRC was very likely summoned by Dynamis, just it isn't clear who wished for it to materialize. There is a theory it was Zenos before he died.
    EDIT4: 1:01:00 You can get Meteion minion in that last MSQ dungeon, i did it on my first try and have never unsummoned it so far.

  2. Ooh. I see what you did there, you guys. 😉

    Sophie: So, quick, off the top of your head… better than Shadowbringers?
    Cob: inhaaaaaaale
    – end scene –
    Clever, guys. Very clever. 😉

    It's been a pleasure watching you two come through on this story that I love, and I hope that some day, maybe we can team up on something! Should be doable once they make inter-cluster travel available. 🙂

    Til then, walk in the Light of the Crystal. 😀

  3. so, obviously just a theory, but i think the teleporter came from zenos. when he died, he unconsciously used his remaining dynamis to call the teleporter to you and activate it, bringing you back to the ship and people that could heal you back from the brink of death. in his own twisted way, he does care and doesn't think you should die alone in the middle of nowhere and his final thoughts were probably a wish for you to live like thancred telling the scions to survive before he disappeared and thus created air and so on and so forth. the teleporter appearing as he dies lines up with the idea of him using dynamis to summon it.

  4. Great Video – the best is the noise effects of Tom – run to the middle, no run to the end oooh oooh aaaaaaah – lol the nervous tension lol love it – cracks me up everytime.

  5. The part of this that made me hype was actually seeing life in Zenos' eyes in 34:30 . He always had dead eyes no matter what expression he had before, but here, he's alive and his soul is ablaze for the first time in his life and i LOVE it

  6. This expansion blew me away in how well it brings the story to a end so well, reminded me of how Lords of the Rings did it, gave me the same feeling as well.
    The fact that we have no idea whats going to happen now is the best thing they could have done, to go forward with a clean slate, gonna be epic!

    I also hope u have alot of fun with the 2 endgame dungeons and the raids, who all are fun and interesting in their own way, especially the raid.
    I loved that final picture u two did together! so cute!
    lets all have plenty of fun in the future 🙂

  7. At last you arrived at the end of this amazing story °w° It's an incredible experience, however if I have to speak the truth (at least, my truth), I still prefer Shadowbringer.
    Shadowbringer was more emotional, more serious, "raw", direct and adult. Shadowbringer was a serious and heavy crescendo, with amazing villains between Emet and Vauthry and a really moving ending. On the other hand, EW is more and more shonen, it gives too much shonen vibes and ok, I know that in Japan they love that style, however something like this after the big ending of Shadowbringer (and I'm speaking about 5.0, not 5.3), it's a bit off. Even the ending of EW is a bit off, because something that should bring a tear to the eyes, like the sacrifice of the Scions, became something repetitive, which lose heaviness with every iteraction while you move through the map. And the worst part is that you know that you have the crystal, so no death is final, definitive. And the ending with Zenos is epic, true, but again too much shonen, and it's something tha would be good if the entire game had those vibes, but again, after Shadowbringer's ending, that's terribly off. With Endwalker they literally jumped on the "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann" train (who knows, knows. And those who don't know, go watching the anime!!!). Don't misunderstand, I love that anime! It's a crescendo of emotions and shonen epicity, but at least it is always consistent with himself, without that excessive differences. The only "masterpiece" part that I consider on the same level of Shadowbringer is the Elpis part, which connect with SHB and has tons of good moments, emotions and heaviness.
    Even the soundtracks are better, with tons of amazing new tracks; instead EW has a lot of remixes of old songs (ok, SHB got new beautiful soundtrack in the following patches, however they knew that this was the end of the story, they should have placed them here in 6.0).

  8. Now that you've completed the MSQ, I hope that you'll go back and enjoy some of the content that you have not yet completed in the game. Oh, and you should definitely go ahead and do the Pandaemonium raids now while they're still current at least in their normal mode so that you're up on the story which you got a glimpse of at the very end of the post-MSQ cut scenes. You'll also want to unlock the other two level 90 dungeons so that you can do the expert roulette for easy casual tomestones.

  9. Everyone after Shadowbringers: "Omg this was so good…I don't think they're ever gonna top that"
    Everyone after Endwalker: "Omg…This was SO GOOD….I don't think they're ever gonna be able to top that"
    Ishikawa Evil Laugh "Oh sweet summer child"

  10. Congrats on making it to the end guys 🙂

    That final scene in the credits with the Scions walking past the Ancients fucking got me, I'd held it together pretty well until that point but that one got me. The artwork of that scene is absolutely gorgeous too, and it may or may not be my PC wallpaper.

    Had a feeling Venat would grow on you pretty quick after that first Elpis video 😉

  11. That pala was MVP!!! damn son that was amazing nice one guys i was bricking it when i was doing this i just followed the tank like a second skin lol, i'd also love to see zenos/sophie fight i have to see that fist fight for sure.

  12. Tsktsk you didnt read the pamphlets 😛

    "I have my book" — Bookslaps hurt ^.^

    Not just two tanks, two paladins XD Clemency is your friend XD

    "My book is ready" – It better be 😛

  13. So a little tidbit, I can't remember where but there's a bit of dialogue that implies that the teleporter that saves you was created by zenos with his dying breath. seeing as you were got knows how far away from Ultima Thule and your own one vanished. Even in death he wished you to carry on as the victor and sole proof of his existence.

  14. I have a feeling Hades already gave us the answers to what comes next, an adventure of discovery… I think the next expac will be incredibly light hearted – sure there'll be a threat to overcome, but it'll be a fresh jumping point and might even have a substantial timeskip so the twins can grow up… I'd wager the first act will reintroduce all the main cast and might even elevate some of the lower ranked Scions to main cast…

    Immediately next though we have our own island to explore…

  15. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I loved reliving this epic tale through your adventures.
    That second phase against the Endsinger was so epic that Rotations just went out of the window. You just wanted to beat her with sheer willpower alone. I loved how it all boiled down to your Paladins in the end. it must have felt so good to be e last ines standing and prevailing.

  16. NICE pose for a close pic! Take your time putting your thoughts together, this expansion was a LOT to unpack mentally. Elidibus btw was the intro for the raid series. I will wait patiently for your review vid.

  17. I have a theory on what's next – and it involves a certain Ishgardian's adventure's in Thavnair.

    The last of the First Brood, Azdaja, is missing, and Vrtra wants Estinien to go find him. That will take him, and us, to either Meracydia, or more likely, the New World, the continent to the west where Blue Magic and the Mamool Ja are from.

    As Eme said, we still havent been to the ruins under the Bounty (this is probably going to be the Relic Weapon zone for EW), Meracydia, the New World, the north of Othard….


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