The End of A Realm Reborn Broke Me 🌱 WoW to FFXIV: Sprout Reacts

A New Players First time experiencing The Grand finale and shocking ending of FFXIV A Realm Reborn.

So far on my Journey of an Eorzean Lifetime I ‘ve gone from humble beginnings as a fresh sprout logging in for the first time to Eorzea, beginning the MSQ of A Realm Reborn, rolling credits on Final Fantasy XIV 2.0 MSQ and continuing the journey through all of the post ARR MSQ Patch content.

I’ve completed every raid and story contained within 2.1A Realm Awoken, 2.2 Through the Maelstrom, 2.3 Defenders of Eorzea, 2.4 Dreams of Ice and 2.5 Before the Fall. I’ve completed the epic story of The Binding Coils of Bahamut and every episode of Hildibrand to finally arrive at the SHOCKING end of A Realm Reborn, still a Sprout, still a new player of FFXIV but with a greater investment in the story… I am not ready for the shocking end to A Realm Reborn!

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29 thoughts on “The End of A Realm Reborn Broke Me 🌱 WoW to FFXIV: Sprout Reacts”

  1. Congrats again on finally making it to Heavensward! It’s been such a pleasure following your journey, Redzy, and we’re just getting started! 🙃 P.S. I can't wait to watch what happens after this in the stream as a video! 😁

  2. ayyyyy grats Redzy!!!! looking forward to the trailer reaction, and your first steps into Ishgard. you think this has been emotional so far, you better fasten your seatbaelt and keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times cuz this train has no breaks!!!
    here's to emotional vampirism!!!

  3. 55:20 "It is bitterly cold up here." Followed immediately by a camera pan, revealing a shirtless guy doing squats in the background. ^^

    When I first started the game as an Au Ra, I was so confused why Yugiri was walking around with this giant sack over hear head, when the silhouette so clearly marks her out as an Au Ra. At the time, I didn't know, they were only added in in Heaven's Ward and thus either her head wasn't finished yet, or they wanted to keep the new playable race a secret a little longer, before making the reveal in the final post-ARR patch, right here.

    This is why you should never play FF14 MSQ without a box of tissues in reach. They are just too good at make those tears flow… and they'll get even better from here on out.

    What's the saying? You either drop FF14 in ARR, or become a walking, talking advertisment for the game. By the way, did I mention that you can play the game and it's award winning expansion for free, or how did that line go again? 😛

  4. Your friends hyping you up because you're the chosen one: "hell yeah, this is awesome"
    Your friends falling on their swords so you can escape, because you're the chosen one: "(ugly crying) wtf, this sucks"

  5. Oh my my, the journeys you've yet to take. I say that as a sprout in Endwalker who is just in awe of this game. I don't want it to end. Treasure every scene you can and good luck for the rest.

  6. He's crying at Answers and he's only just left ARR? Consider me watching from now on!

    Congrats on making it to Heavensward. You're in for one of the best emotional rollercoasters in video games from here on out.

  7. Teledji Adeleji has a chance to appear as a rare undead mob in Palace of the Dead, and you can kill him for yourself! He's called 'Mortifying Magnate', and when you kill him he says “No… Stay back! Not again!”


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