The 5 LEAST Played Jobs In FFXIV

In this video I briefly talk about the 5 least played jobs in the game, and some possible reason on why that is.

▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

00:00 – Intro
00:02 – Astrologian
01:17 – Bard
02:36 – Black Mage
04:03 – Red Mage
04:55 – Monk
05:55 – Outro

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21 thoughts on “The 5 LEAST Played Jobs In FFXIV”

  1. AST: you have an rng-element on top of an rng-element, this was handled better in ShB when Divination was tied to your seals and you had sleevedraw

    BRD: Make Mages Ballad and Wanderers into stances that are permanently active like the shield/regen-aspect AST had in ShB, give Armys Peon a 60 sec cd and make it so that the dots are no attacks themselfs but augment your next weaponskill to affect all targets hit with that debuff so you could actually aoe-dot like SMN in again ShB

    BLM: give a small version of Umbral Soul at early levels (like 15 or so) that only refreshes the timer of the ice-stance that gets upgraded to Umbral Soul later, so you wouldn`t have to transpose all the time and give Xenoglot-stacks earlier that can be used on a augmented Scathe for no MP-cost apart from that it`s pretty much the perfect dps-job

    RDM: make it so Verraise can only be instant by using Swiftcast yet not by Dualcast and make Scourge a auto-crit and Resolution a auto-direct-crit. Nothing in this job sucks more ass than having a highroll Verthunder deal about as much damage as your lowroll Resolution.
    As a former-RDM-main I demand the old Scourge-Animation back!

    MNK: Make Six-Sided-Star an ogcd-backflip like Elusive Jump on DRG that doesn`t interfere with your gcd and gives like 10secs of movement-speed instead of 5.
    And give me back positionals on Bootshine and Dragonkick. I understand we won`t have positionals anymore in 7.0 but come on, we went from having 6 to a measly 2.
    And the usual with big buildup-finishers: Tornadokick auto-crit/Phantom-Rush auto-direct-crit
    Apart from that, best melee-dps-job to learn dps with same for SMN for the ranged/casters because both jobs get their core-gameplay super early MNK (lvl30) / SMN (lvl26)

    I personally hope that we will see a shiftback to a more basic gameplay with less buttons where the combos are within one button like in PVP or SMN in PVE and more demanding fightdesigns like Barbariccia

  2. As someone who has been a Monk main since the ARR beta I've never understood why Monk is unpopular in spite of being the class with the best 'flow', which is super satisfying once you get into the groove.

  3. Whenever RDM comes into the mix, people complain about its lack of personal dmg… And I agree -.- On the other hand, its the go-to job for progging: being able to raise half the group within seconds is a very useful trait.

    When EW started, BRD seemed to be in a very good spot, a lot of raiders used it and it seemed very viable… Then apparently it got nerfed to the ground again. Cant have a consistant job in this game >.<

    Astro. Probably the reason why it gets a rework in 7.0…

    BLM: its in a good spot. The only reason it and MNK arent played often is, yeah, its hard to play. But both do high dmg which is why they are considered to be valid. The problem is, as you already said, RDM, BRD and AST have abyssmal dmg, so why bother learning them?

    On the other hand, lets have a look at those charts: MCH only has 2k more personal dps than BRD. And in a raid environment of a group focused game, thats supposed to matter?? I think these dps charts are missleading: the differences between jobs of the same role is negligible and it still comes down to "if you play properly, it doesnt matter what you pick".

  4. I play all casters, and I did rdm for the current savage tier bc it’s a middle ground of difficulty between smn and blm. Smn is such a snooze fest, I don’t want to play it outside of super casual content. It just feels really empty to play, no gratification from it. Playing rdm or blm well feels really nice in comparison. Plus, the extra support on rdm is suuuupppper nice. People sleep on magic barrier

  5. FF14 is def. a weird game. It aims toward casual players and RP/ERP exp but the classes and raids are designed to be so complicated and hard but the rewards isnt matchup with the difficulty, time and effort you have to spend x)

  6. I was an astro main for a few years, but do not like EW astro at all, so stopped playing it. Lightspeed is by default a part of your buff window, so you have no movement abilities outside of it, constant retargetting, minor arcana being horrible, and the fact that most shield healers do not know how to play with an astro as a co-healer is frustrating. I got tired of asking co-healers to stop healing when star is about to go off.

  7. Drks personal dps is low, but when alligned with raid buffs it's alright, but not always going to get that in some parties, say if you end up with a mch and sam and blm etc, jobs not bringing anything except pure damage.
    So Drk actually needs raid buffs to be useful, but honestly Pld & War is the best pairing, using a Drk would be just for personal taste.
    Hopefully War gets some damage nerf and if not, massive kit nerf.
    I know a lot of War mains won't like it, but for there to be some sort of balance between tanks, it needs some nerfs, I'm being reasonable by saying some, as it wasn't even that bad.
    It's dps difference back when it did less than Drk was around 150, that's nothing considering how much kit War has on top of that.
    But unfortulately because Xenosys mains War he doesn't like doing less damage, he wants to be on top, so his ranting and such on streams made SE buff War yet again, it's the best tank at everything, if doubles didn't affect lb, double War would be the best pairing.


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