Usually, Wall-to-Wall pulls are considered easy enough that they are the norm. But sometimes, common Wall-to-Wall pulls are actually hard to deal with or even perform, despite being the norm. This video goes over ten of the hardest ones!
6 Great Tips for Mastering Tanking in FFXIV:
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FFXIV Endwalker โ Cradle of Hope
#ffxiv #endwalker
00:00 Introduction
00:45 (10) Vanaspati
01:24 (9) Dohm Mheg
04:13 (8) Stone Vigil
05:40 (7) Snow Cloak
06:25 (6) Aurum Vale
08:25 (5) Holminster Switch
08:52 (4) Tower of Zot
09:27 (3) Paglthโan
10:20 (2) Mt. Gulg
11:05 Honorable Mention: Amaurot
12:03 (1) Bardamโs Mettle
13:06 Conclusions
14:03 Fun Fact
Mt Gulg Last Pull the Entire pull, in this video you did not show the entire wall to wall pull. Most tanks and healers donโt even attempt the entire wall to wall because its difficulty to both heal and tank is far more significant. Even the dps are required moderate skill in this pull as to long before the mobs start to drop and the healer and tank resources cannot keep up. Its the only wall to wall in my experience that i canโt just brute force heal through indefinitely without tank coordination. It is my favorite pull too heal in the entire game.
(Aurumn Vale full first room is just impossible synced but fun to try.)
If i'm the tank i never pull everything in duty finder as you have no idea of quality of the teammates, some are outstanding gigachads some feel worse than bots. Sometimes at the end you might have a feel of the team to pull more, but def never before 1st boss.
Stone Vigil used to be so much worse for just about every pull for exactly the reason you mentioned — tool kits for healers at this level lag behind the increased difficulty of dungeons. Those ice sprites in the upper hallways also hit surprisingly hard.
Favorite w2w ARR pulls have to be Tam-Tara tho. Literally pull everything until you hit the wall forcing you to fight the boss. Then do it again. And then … well, you need to kill the adds before you can unlock that last boss room.
Not seeing anyone mention doing the wall to wall in dzemael darkhold after the first boss all the way to stopping just before the 2nd boss room i have only ever had one group do it successfully with me as a drk tank with a legendary sage healer
The video remembered me my first time being healer in ffxiv, was testing sage, done the tutorial and doing the msq. Next dungeon : Bardam's Mettle. What a bad decision ^^
God, Bardamโs mettle makes me so uncomfortable as a healer. ๐
I absolutely LOVE tanking dungeons. I don't do savage or extreme things at level though. My personal biggest mechanic as a tank is to watch for my healer when I go around walls. As a multi-job-person, I understand that a lot of healers aren't used to full sprinting alongside their tank. But being considerate of your party will almost always prevent a wipe when you're tanking, wall-to-wall or not, or at least it does for me.
I'd like to throw Dzemael Darkhold into the ring, specifically right after the first boss. Every single tank that tries to pull everything there dies, no matter their proficiency or the healers.
I appreciate this list. All of these pulls are doable, but you need to be ready for them. Gearwise, awareness, technique, mitigation, and one MAJOR thing that people don't appreciate… DPS skill level. If your DPS aren't killing things quickly, that can and will wipe a large pull. You're running on a timer for those pulls before the tank and healer run out of juice. If the DPS aren't pulling their weight, you're going to croak. And what's worse, if they're not pulling they're weight, they're also probably not good enough at the game to realize it's their fault, either, and will just blame the tank/healer in their head.
Good commentary on why these packs are dangerous though. People underestimate the damage of untelegraphed tankbusters that cause enemies to double attack, and in the case of Stone Vigil, people greatly underestimate just how lacking healers and tanks are in their defensive kits, paired with the sharp corners to LoS your healer, and the magical enemies that hit decently hard AND while running. It's not purely quantity of enemies and damage per hit that makes for a difficult pull. Almost all of the dangerous pulls in this game have some kind of ranged or magical enemy that throws a wrench into things. These enemies need to be respected, or they'll cause trouble.
If l see a crown healer in my party, l will pull all 5 packs in stone vigil straight into the boss fight,lol
And Yes, the game doesn't really teach about interrupting. The only reason l know it is from playing warcraft Long ago. I think there was a boss where you had to do the mechanic correctly to remove his shield So his Long casting can be interrupted, otherwise it just on shot your tank. It Is a big deal in warcraft because l think you only get like 2 or 3 rest in combat.
Aurum Vale is forever my bane as Tank, i've experienced random's who can't survive anything over a single group pull, especially in the area with all the 'lovely' pools.
I have to add, that due to Vanaspati also being a leveling-dungeon, the first encounter – due to the transforming of the first two – can cause heavy chaos and also damage for often the healer, if the tank does not notice they missed 2 mobs among the 'wolves' that are on Vrtra…! And due to the ones afterwards hitting so hard, Tank and Healer probably hold back too. It is a bit chaotic at the start (which also fits the setting, though!)
Imo you missed a few of the level 50 dungeons with really nasty pulls, namely amdapor keep and Brayfolxes longstop hard, For brayfox the first pull is so big that the tank must use their invuln for it to be possible. And for amdapor keep the first pull is the largest in the entire game if you grab the optional mobs, and the run is so incredibly long that even if you get a full 20 second sprint you will only be around 1/3d of the way through the pull. But what put's amdapor above every other dungeon is that ALL of the pulls are huge if you wall to wall them
On pull that I particularly hate is Anamnesis Anyder after I think the second boss when you run down into that weird half circle thing with the mobs that spawn other mobs once theyโve been aggroed.
The diffuculty comes from the fact that the mobs are rather large making it more and more difficult to actually hit all of them. And the fact that there are mobs that come come in with a delay forcing the party to either bring those mobs to the tank or the mobs taking those mobs away.
Honorable mention:
Anamnesis Anyder final pull before the final boss
You could pull the entire room, the problematic bit was the mobs casting the pods and having more mobs spawn, the problem wasn't the fact that more mobs spawned, but their spawn is so late and their positions are very spread out, while the tank is pulling the free mobs, usually led to aggro disaster and the wrong people being targetted, taking heals off from the tank that is already pulling 10+ mobs.
Nowdays it can easily be pulled with invuln and mits, but on release day a caster lb2 was necessary to clear it out in time.
10:10 — Okay, really? I've ran Pagl'than on a daily basis back in 5.5 and I have never seen a pull like that. Ever.
I think that "hardest" dungeons for wall-to-wall pulls are all dungeons below lvl50, and kinda even below lvl60 since both tanks and healers dont even have half their kit.
As someone who leveled most jobs to 80 doing dungeon runs, I still get that feeling of dread whenever I get Bardams mettle when doing roulettes.
If it helps anyone on the pull before the second "boss", the Zu looking bird puts a cleansable dot on the tank and it likes to do it often. But if you esuna whenever you see it pop it makes that pull a lot more manageable (depending on the tank's gear.)
There are some more crazy pulls you can do in certain dungeons:
– Qitana Ravel: After the first miniboss, you can wall2wall pull all the mobs into the second minibosses arena, fighting all the mobs + the miniboss simultanously.
– Ampador Keep: actually every pull here you can go crazy with around 30 mobs per pull
– Kugane Castle: The pull between the 2nd and 3rd Boss. It's a huge pull with Bomb Carriers that AoE Burst the group if not killed quickly.
As someone who often frequents the support jobs, id have to also include the first pull, and the big middle pulls in Ktisis Hyperboreia. as well as the Big Middle Pull in Shisui of the Violet Tides. maybe also some of Anamnesis Anyder's Weird Pulls
I feel so validated for you mentioning Bardam Mettle. I hate tanking that dungeon..
The timing on this video lmao. As a Free Trial member newly into Stormblood, my party got wiped today in my first attempt at Berdam's Mettle since the tank did the W2W lol. They did shorter pulls next attempt tho, so they were gg!
There is a pretty nasty pull about midway through the shisui palace dungeon at level 63 in stormblood that is one of the scary pulls for me, right after the lobster boss, with like the palace guards and the guard captain
Been leveling my WAR recently and just got passed the levels where I was at level to do Bardamโs Mantle. I had to use Holmgang in probably half of the runs on that first pull alone.
5:28 i had just picked up my first tank class so with alt leveling bonuses i just kinda skipped 5 levels at a time it felt like. by the time i did stone vigil i think i had done like 5 dungeons in total as a tank so i was unaware how difficult this giga pull would be. i just remember my healer panicking like crazy and when we killed everything one of the dps just goes "bro that pull was ungodly…. awesome" it made me chuckle
Stone vigil gigapulls are fun! Ive pulled them off a few times
I would say baelsars wall first pull is hardest for me its annoying
I find every wall-to-wall pull scary/unmanageable, which is why I don't queue as tank/healer anymore, lol.
I have only seen the enrirety of the mobs between the second and third boss of Mt Gulg being pulled succesfully without deaths. But hotdamn is it satisfying!!!!
I remember my first time running Amdapor Keep and the healer kept pulling all of the mobs in that winding area. I'm like "bruh how many more mobs are there I've already picked up like 5 groups"
anything past 5.0 is walled off by 2 packs. you have so much mitigation it's braindead.
An important part of this for tanks is also what I'd call "healer awareness". I adore big pulls, and as a white mage, regen+holy spam clears out a lot of these problems! But yaknow… if I typed something at the start and you ran off around a corner… or my robe got caught on a corner, or I paused because I thought you were ending the pull. I might get just out of range. Just keeep an eye out, my tank brethren and sistren. ๐ If there's no regen on you, and you don't see your healer, stopping for a couple seconds can save you a lot of seconds! Thank you for this thoughtful video! It's "unfashionable" to call anything hard in this game, so I appreciate you putting the time into this content.
Im glad both of the first two ShB dungeons made the list because ive been saying for a while, even when done perfectly and synced down, those mobs HURT like the dickens.
It seems like Don Mheg hits relatively harder than any other ShB dungeon even Heroes' Gauntlet … although Relict has a spicy first pull too.
So I suppose in general, Shadowbringers dungeons are extremely painful ๐
There is one pull in one of the Ankadymer's or however you spell it. The one with the minotaur boss as the second boss. You can wall to wall while ignoring stopping the summoning to have a good 6 to 8 or more additional mobs join in the pull.
Another one is Cutters Cry, the area between the second and final boss. You can pull the entire thing if you really want to. Bonus points are awarded if you pull the boss as well. It's definitely doable, but requires the tank and the healer to be on top of their game and is a bit harder if the dps is only melee. Still, quite the rush when you manage to pull it off. Same with Mt. Gulg. That final pull is 100% a suicide pull, which is why I love it so much. I really hope they give us more opportunities to do suicide pulls in the future. They add so much potential for a group to test the limits in a unique way outside of something like savage.
People often forget about the pull after the first boss of Neverreap, probably cuz itโs an optional dungeon and one of the least popular ones. There are multiple bees that will use final sting if theyโre not killed quickly enough and while they can be stunned, they all do it close to the same time and if you have a WHM spamming holy, theyโll be immune to stun by then. The only viable choice is to invuln when you see final sting but your tank needs to be aware of whatโs going on. On top of that if you target the bee while holmganging, you lose the effect of holmgang because your target died.
Fun fact that i discovered while healing amarot, if you stay behind and have the dark sprite latch onto another player first before going on yourself, it makes healing the pulls manageable.
For long running pulls, some healers dont heal the tank in between them grabbing more mobs. Often their HP is by half before completing the W2W.
is cuz healer is too far way, out of heal range etc. Healers stay close to your tank always for dungeon pulls, you see them sprint, you sprint to keep up.
I completely agree with all of these, as both a DRK and WHM. If I ever get Bardam's Mettle on leveling roulette I give a silent prayer that we clear the mob pulls before the final boss with out a single death.
Surprised Doma Castle (LV67) and Castrum Albania (LV69) arent here.
Doma Castle the W2W after the first boss. Has tank moving out of sight of healer many times if they arent close. Avoiding aoes from mobs while still pulling and aoes from then stationed cannons too.
Honorable mention, first W2W before the first boss mainly cuz or the iron knight does aoe cone tank buster that can hit entire party while still putting if they're infront of it which makes it harder on the healer still mid pull.
Albania, the W2W before the first boss. Idk but this dungeon first mobs hit as hard as LV65 dungeon first mobs mentioned.
I'd like to give an honorable mention to the groups between the first and second bosses of The Twinning (or maybe just the second group, since I think there's a wall in between them). For some reason that always seems to be a place where I find myself suddenly playing a DPS tank to varying degrees of success for one reason or another.