LPDU | Finally all 17 totems
RDM PoV here: https://youtu.be/khTWxKTTjs0
another reclear WHM PoV: https://youtu.be/qsLgU3-Gn4M?si=G9kB4AkfpicO7Uc2
LPDU | Finally all 17 totems
RDM PoV here: https://youtu.be/khTWxKTTjs0
another reclear WHM PoV: https://youtu.be/qsLgU3-Gn4M?si=G9kB4AkfpicO7Uc2
gonna try white mage for TEA, thank you for this PoV! gonna use this as reference guide 😀
love the cheeky dance during the hold before PA 😛
Just want to leave a comment because this POV actually helped me get my clear last night. With the guides out there, i needed a WHM POV for heal timing what heals were enough. So thank you so much!
How did the DNC die at @11:54? Thanks in advance