Streaming Final Fantasy 14 Chill time! Dungwon and slapping a boss or 2, then:Sunless Skies! Fightin

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1 thought on “Streaming Final Fantasy 14 Chill time! Dungwon and slapping a boss or 2, then:Sunless Skies! Fightin”

  1. 1: Oooh, Achlys looks pretty exotic, almost Middle-Eastern. It's almost as if Eleutheria is analogous to the Orient.
    2: A tea ceremony, eh? [Bloodsport – Finals intensifies]
    3: I guess we've been HAD by a mean green motha from the High Wilderness.
    4: …welp. That was one hell of a tea ceremony.
    5: And now straight into an opium den!
    6: So it was Old Tom all along! And he's got an especially exciting adventure for us! But we'll have to find the Relay back to the Reach, first.
    7: …the Forge of Souls. I have heard of such a place.
    8: To be fair, statues DO stay harder longer. It's an attribute that shouldn't be taken for granite.
    9: Yup. That's really dark. Anything could loom large and menacing out of that inky void… This is why deep sea horror is so effective. You cannot see what lurks in the gloom, so anything could.
    10: WELP things just got frightening. Undeparted in a Stygian Expanse.
    11: And finally we emerge from the dark near the Eagle's Empyrean, looking a lot like the Space Orient.
    12: Whenever I hear the phrase "port report", I'm reminded of TotalBiscuit's Port Report videos. And also that one Vine he did regarding his chemo port. "Ladies and gentlemen: here is my chemo port report. Fuckin' hurts." Those good spirits of his probably helped him carry on as long as he did.
    13: So the Khanate was formed from the Fourth City in Mongolia?
    14: I thought Piranesi was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon for a moment, but turns out it's an Escher prison.
    15: Coming upon that Undeparted AND that burly Scrive Spinster was like "YOU PICKED THE WRONG HOUSE, FOOL!"
    16: That "sigiled nightmare" looks like it came from the Third City. I've been reading up on my Fallen London lore, and I know that the Third City was Mayan in origin.


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