As I haven’t mentioned, why Timegating is beneficial to Square Enix.
Timegating has the advantage to keep players subscribed, by providing rewards over a longer period, so the developer team can utilize that time to create more content and the players have something “to do” to not realize lack of Content or Updates.
Not a bad thing in a certain framework, but once they can reduce manpower, or just “milk the cow” for a while, this will become problem, as the lack of that said quality is recognized sooner or later and people might hop off, leading to worse income and further decrease in quality and a general downward-spiralling experience for every party.
We had quite a popular example for this situation, names don’t need to be mentioned, I guess.
But let’s have faith in Yoshida and his team,
they are better than this, I hope !
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#FFXIV #Endwalker #Timegating
rework gear system please
Why is a tombstone cap even a thing when one of the games selling points is play any job you want on one character? It makes no sense to limit how much gear you can get on one character when you can have when you could like to play at least 3 or 4 different jobs, that all require a different gear set. Limiting how much gear you can get from a current raid to 1 per clear is fine. But 1 per week? Why does that exist?+
So basically you want what makes those that do the work and clear savage for essentailly free? No thanks i put weeks maybe months of work into raiding i deserve to be better geared. Do the work, get the reward. There is no welfare in eorzea.
You try to reason with the a company that promoted NFT as a new year greeting and sold 2 IPs to fund the NFT project
Im sorry but the only way to make changes in FFXIV is to make a deal with the DEVIL
What i mean by that is for every idea that makes the community happy, there is also MUST be an scummy idea to please the executives, shareholders and CEO
They are never going to hand out gear but I do think they should lower the tomes needed to buy a piece of gear after you get that piece on your main job and reduce the books needed as well after you get that piece
Well… From my personal view time gate is not a bad thing. Actually for me it's one of the best things this game may offer me. It's really nice to spend one evening to reach the weekly cap and just go do everything else. I've played a lot of mmo's in my life and can say that gear time gate is a healthy thing, it just stops you and others from insane grinding 24/7, missing all other content the game has to offer (which btw leads to burn out. Trust me, I've played a lot of korean mmo's without time gate and in comparison to FF14 gear system korean ones sucks)
Also absence of time gate may lead to problems for people who doesn't have much time to grind, for example in pf where people will open parties for highest gear score available. It will force everyone to grind and may ruin savage/ultimate raiding.
The gearing in this game is so boring because the gear drops are guaranteed most of the time and you never have a "OMG a 1% rare item dropped" moment. Your BiS can be planned out in advance and it feels like a job rather than a fun game. Diadem was trash content, but the idea of having a super rare item reward with a higher item level than the savage gear was good.
Time gating is not just to prevent people from getting gear too quickly or to keep your subscription blah blah blah. It also guarantees that more higher skilled players will always be available to help out with daily and weekly contact I see them all the time. And if they could all grind out their gear in 2 to 3 weeks then all those players are probably not logging on too often. And that's just one point there's actually many many more like that that have to do with gameplay itself time gating in itself allows a healthier player base.
Square's most profitable games are still mobile games iirc
When I started doing my other jobs I used the Grand Company gear a bit and it's pretty neat. You can craft, you can just get from instances, you can buy generic leveling gear from vendors or through instances, fates and alike get the GC gear which sometimes looks nice or fun and has some extra minor bonus. When they launched the alliance raid in EW I was like running between vendors to see what weird exchange gives me which token to then upgrade what gear. At that point why bother, just wait for next crafted and it will be easier I guess.
I don't understand what you wanted by the end of this… Lol 🤣 to not grind for armor sets that'll be obsolete later? Yeah… I'm doing that too by just skipping the whole rest of the patches 🤣🤣🤣 fuck this games grind I got other games to play
What would u thing about the following design: U buy allowance with stones to buy specific geartype. And buy items with stones (cheap items) to buy the specific gear then.
Talk with your wallet 😉
Everything is just fine dont see why are you complaining ? P6s loots costs 4 codex instead of 6 no belt anymore… and if you want to clmplete with tomestone just do your roulettes (expert or 90) and you will have your stuff… even a casul like me can do it so why not you ? You want other jobs? Well that is another problem (i respect the opinion but if you want to go another job / role you will have to start again prog or at least not skip the first stages of tier ^^) sry for my bad english ^-^
Ffxiv devs don’t want people to play their game lol
These "You should look at X game" or "That X game had it harder" type bitches could go fuck themselves.
Just because the others game had it worse doesn't mean it an excuse for XIV to not improve or thrive to be better.
Boy look at all the Babies comment in the section about time gating……doubt any of them played pso2 where stuff is locked behind major rng XD and its the same content over an over no event is unique. They think they know time gating….. play pso2 ngs and come back tell me if u got a rugged in 1 day vs tome gear.
They did it in ARR too during coils. Difference coils dropped raw items.
In the words of saint Filthy Frank: "It's time to stop!"
Be careful what you wish for. In FFXI to play 1 job takes over 200 pieces of gear, There is so many situational gear pieces that you need for each job class that you need a program running to change it every action you take. Not even a 1 size fits all set works for weaponskills or job abilities, You usually have 5 separate sets of gear just auto attacking mobs depending on the situation.
Weekly lockouts should be on a per job basis, not a per character.
Ffxiv has stagnated. They are afraid to take risks and I understand don't fix it if it's not broken mentality. However they need to take risks and make things more interesting.
I like the way Destiny 2 does gear rewards where you can get similar item level. So if you wanted, you could gear from PVP, raid, or dungeons, though having at least one randomized stat would keep people playing to get that perfect roll. I think in FFXI you have il119, but it's weak where you do the endgame content you get stronger il119 gear with beefier stats. Then every other patch you raise the max ilevel by 10. So there would be an incentive, but not a crazy FOMO log in for hours a day incentive.
As a solo player, on my server (Excalibur), it's difficult to even get into the Savage content because none of the Party Finder entries are for completion or even prog when I'm on, and I can't get anyone to join my parties for prog/completion. If they lowered costs or raised the caps, I feel like it would open doors by encouraging more replayability for new and experienced savagers. I couldn't get into a group for anything Eden Savage until I finished Endwalker 😅 And now the Abyssos Savage is all but locked for me until the next expansion release
Everybody just always wants things right away. Sometimes you /don't/ get something when you clear something – and its okay. Its okay to appreciate the journey of getting gear instead of no-lifing it for however long.
About as flexible id be is allowing you to re-clear content per week, per Role, for loot. So at least you're completing savage/extreme/unreal in a different role. But expecting to farm something for a week, clear the content, gear up quick, then complain when there isn't content for 8 months… i know how THAT goes in a game.
While I think the timegating is a little harsh, I also feel like if they didn't timegate it *at all*, we would quite quickly run out of reasons to do the content too. But I agree 100% Criterion dungeons should have alternate sets or a way to purchase high iLvl gear for doing them. Just materia? Bruh I can get 10 for doing a hunt train with way less effort.
hmm… I kinda disagree with the whole time gate thing, I like that you kinda have to choose a "main" job when going into high end content that's new, and I feel like the all jobs one character thing just let's you switch out your main job whenever a new tier drops, which is still kind of free, but I do agree that the Criterion dungeon should have way better rewards than what we got… at least cool glam or something, anything else…