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28:03 – ASCIANS and Garleans
44:41 – A massacre + Seeing Matoya
58:33 – Any news of Alphinaud?
1:28:44 – A long EMPEROR meeting
2:12:28 – The Chimlyt Dark DUNGEON
2:49:31 – The voice is CALLING!
3:02:01 – The End of Stormblood
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21 thoughts on “Sprout Plays Final Fantasy XIV – AM I THE BAD GUY? WHAT IS GOING ON! [END OF STORMBLOOD]”

  1. The timestamps are in the video loading bar itself if you wish to jump to your favourite parts and so THERE IT IS! THE END OF STORMBLOOD!
    No spoilers as always in the comments please, SHADOWBRINGERS IS AWESOME SO FAR BY THE WAY!

  2. Varis is right you know it to be true! Going down the path of Light or Dark ends up the same, mankind forever be pawns to greater powers.

  3. Wasn't a priority to fight for alah mihgo?, you did watch the opening cinematic from ARR, right?

    After a primal the size of the empire state building craps all over your city, no, i dont think ala mihgo was a priority…

  4. I can feel and appreciate the Thancred love! Some people only see him as "Ugngfff, take me, Daddy!". I mean, I do too, heh. But he is super smart and skilled. He may be overcompensating for losing his ability to manipulate aether, but he is a real force. And also a hunk of yum!

  5. Alah Mihgo was behind the walls the entire time and it’s relationship with the Alliance wasn’t always as great as it is now. There was a big war that happened and Alah Mihgo was the invaders who took over some parts of the forest from Gridania. If I were a member of the alliance who already have to deal with my own shit with primals and the empire, no, I wouldn’t want to help liberate Alah Mihgo unless I absolute have to.

  6. Good points about Ilberd and the inaction of the city states of Eorzea, but there are some caveats:

    Gridania was only just recovering from the "Autumn War", a conflict started by Ala Mhigo in it's bid to create an Eorzean-based Empire (basically, they took a look at Solus zos Galvus, saw themselves next in line to be 'incorporated'). That conflict saw massive amounts of Gridanian casualties, and Ala Mhigo technically 'won' based on that, but didn't want to tangle with Ishgard as well, which came and backed Gridania up towards the end. Lots of bad blood there, and the 3.0 Bard questline goes into it.

    Ishgard went 'hermit-kingdom' after that.

    Ul'Dah, on the other hand, did not have the Immortal Flames at the time (a big part of 1.0 was re-instating the Grand Companies to unify Eorzea). The military forces were separately in the hands of various monetarists: Lolorito – Brass Blades, Ul'Dah's 'police' force (and he had trade deals with Garlean merchants); Amajina and Sons Mineral Concern (miners) – Stone Torches, basically private security at their mines.

    Limsa Lominsa – Merlwyb had not yet come into power at that time, if I recall the encyclopedia entry correctly. So, Limsa had a somewhat hands-off approach to it's pirates. Yeah….getting pirates to fight a land war?

    Sharleyan (the colony city-state) – tried a diplomatic approach with Garlemald, failed, then went "Barbarians! We're going back to Old Sharlayan and keeping all our knowledge and research for ourselves! Sure Garlemald fears what we could do, but we don't want to dirty our hands."

    So, basically, when Garlemald took over, there was no Eorzean Alliance, Gridanian forces were still pretty gutted, Ishgard had disengaged entirely, Limsa was an Anarchy pretending it was a Thalassocracy, and Ul'Dah leadership was disorganized or Garlean-sympathetic, and Nanamo's parents had just had an 'unfortunate accident'. Illberd was right to be angry, but there truly was no unified force that could have helped at the time, and the Ala Mhigan refugees basically wanted to use Ul'dah as their headquarters to launch attacks across the borders.

  7. It's not about what Lahabrea did to Gaius, but by trusting Lahabrea, the Ascian had led to death of Gaius's people. He is not a bad person, just a soldier.

  8. 1:26:46 This was a moment where I, too, thought "yeah lets do this and let the past rest" … aaaaand then I remembered the massaker in the Waking Sands and I was like… "nnnnnope… I might not kill you today, Black Wolf, but you're still on my list." This I like about FF14: villians actually are villians and convinced that they are right, and only when they start to see other points of view (or in this case, that they had been mere puppets) do they start to change their mind – or not.

  9. He's not the only GoT actor by the way, in fact you've already met two others:
    Joe Dempsie (Gendry Baratheon AKA the Warrior of Darkness)
    Gemma Whelan (Yara Greyjoy AKA Igeyorhm (one of the two Ascians that dies to Thordan))

  10. The Warrior of Light is nowhere to be seen.
    The Warrior of Light doesn't feel like doing the MSQ right now.
    The Warrior of Light is playing Triple Triad at the Gold Saucer.
    The Warrior of Light is leveling his crafter and gatherer jobs.
    (8 hours later)
    The Warrior of Light has finally arrived… finally.


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