Sorrow and Loss (Zero's Domain) // Final Fantasy XIV cover by Pernelle, Clef Heima

(Spotify, Deezer etc. : soon)
Dear voidsents,

This is a piano and vocal cover of ‘Sorrow and Loss’ (Zero’s Domain) also known as ‘Cry In Sorrow’ from Final Fantasy XIV’s expansion Endwalker.
It is originally composed by Nobuo Uematsu for Final Fantasy IV and here arranged by Saya Yasaki for Final Fantasy XIV.

NB: this is a vocal version with fanmade french lyrics. The original being only instrumental.


—⟩ vocals by Pernelle.
—⟩ piano by @ClefHeima (
—⟩ lyrics by Vega Lyrical (

« Zero is one of the most elegant and mysterious characters in this game and we wanted to create a version of this theme that captured their essence even more elegantly. French is my native language and I don’t use it a lot in my videos so it was the perfect match.

Clef-san joined me again, that’s our second released collab (it’s been a while). I’m always so admirative and happy when we get to work together. She is a piece of art alone with her piano!

As for Vega, who also wrote the lyrics for our ‘Neath Dark Waters’ (Amaurot Theme) collab cover: I’m in love with her writing and feel so inspired by her style. Don’t hesitate to check her carrd for more of her works as she isn’t here on YouTube. »




#ffxiv #endwalker #zerodomain #ffxivcover #ffiv #cryinsorrow #sorrowandloss #nobuouematsu #sayayasaki #pianocover #vocalcover #frenchcover #哀しみのテーマ

(On a side note, I know my hat is full of dirt)


42 thoughts on “Sorrow and Loss (Zero's Domain) // Final Fantasy XIV cover by Pernelle, Clef Heima”

  1. This was insanely amazingly goooood Pernelle! For me, I transported myself back in the early 90’s when I was a kid playing FFII (snes) non stop. It reminded me when my mom bought me the console with one joystick only and this was a sales thing that Kmart had back on the day. You could buy the console and a game for like 150$, so I chose FFII to be that game…. Then the magic started. Music is powerful. I love you mom!

  2. 🌑 Lyrics 🌑

    Sous le temps, le ciel ploie
    Millénaires fuyant au creux de mes doigts
    Sans bruit, sans foi

    Dors, Néant sombre et froid
    La douleur s'étiole mais le deuil est là
    Il a vos voix

    Rémanents sont nos choix
    Dans le noir, j'ai rêvé d'un Au-Delà
    D'une autre voie

    Inéluctablement, tout se noie
    Souvenirs, espoir, égards ou éclat
    Mais les braises ne meurent pas

  3. So, that trope with sailors leaning on the railing of the ship, utterly enraptured by the siren song? Those images are what I see when I hear this. Weird way of saying this was magical haha

  4. En fait ma question est simple : quand est-ce que tu fais un feat avec Yoko Kanno ?
    Franchement je serais 20% envieuse, 80% surexcitée et heureuse.

    Ce que tu fais (musicalement et visuellement) me touche de la même façon que sa musique.
    Y a un côté transcendant qui me plaît beaucoup (et ça me permet de voir de belles couleurs/texture dans ma tête).

    Comme si d'un coup la vie avait un sens.

    Voilà c'était mon commentaire ultra deep de l'année.
    À l'année prochaine 😆💜

  5. Id love to hear more final fantasy titles use lyrics in their world themes, i really loved it in FF13-2. This would be crazy beautiful sounding in zero's domain. Amazing performance ❤️

  6. Man the whole vibe here is like an early 1900’s American piano bar complete with low light and haziness from everyone smoking. Your voice sounds incredible as usual. Thank you for this! Also, LOVE the hair in this!


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